2022-03-21 02:26:10 +01:00
/* Automatically generated file; DO NOT EDIT */
/* Espressif IoT Development Framework Linker Script */
/* Generated from: esp-idf/components/esp_system/ld/esp32c3/sections.ld.in */
* SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2021 Espressif Systems (Shanghai) CO LTD
* SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
/* Default entry point */
* RTC fast memory holds RTC wake stub code,
* including from any source file named rtc_wake_stub*.c
.rtc.text :
. = ALIGN(4);
_rtc_fast_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc.literal .rtc.text .rtc.text.*)
*rtc_wake_stub*.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*)
/* 16B padding for possible CPU prefetch and 4B alignment for PMS split lines */
. += _esp_memprot_prefetch_pad_size;
. = ALIGN(4);
_rtc_text_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > rtc_iram_seg
* This section located in RTC FAST Memory area.
* It holds data marked with RTC_FAST_ATTR attribute.
* See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information.
.rtc.force_fast :
. = ALIGN(4);
_rtc_force_fast_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
_coredump_rtc_fast_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc.fast.coredump .rtc.fast.coredump.*)
_coredump_rtc_fast_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc.force_fast .rtc.force_fast.*)
. = ALIGN(4) ;
_rtc_force_fast_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > rtc_data_seg
* RTC data section holds RTC wake stub
* data/rodata, including from any source file
* named rtc_wake_stub*.c and the data marked with
.rtc.data :
_rtc_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
_coredump_rtc_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc.coredump .rtc.coredump.*)
_coredump_rtc_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc.data .rtc.data.*)
*(.rtc.rodata .rtc.rodata.*)
*rtc_wake_stub*.*(.data .rodata .data.* .rodata.* .bss .bss.*)
_rtc_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > rtc_data_location
/* RTC bss, from any source file named rtc_wake_stub*.c */
.rtc.bss (NOLOAD) :
/* part that is initialized if not waking up from deep sleep */
_rtc_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*rtc_wake_stub*.*(.bss .bss.*)
_rtc_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
/* part that saves some data for rtc periph module, this part is
only initialized at power on reset */
_rtc_bss_rtc_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc.bss .rtc.bss.*)
_rtc_bss_rtc_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > rtc_data_location
* This section holds data that should not be initialized at power up
* and will be retained during deep sleep.
* User data marked with RTC_NOINIT_ATTR will be placed
* into this section. See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information.
.rtc_noinit (NOLOAD):
. = ALIGN(4);
_rtc_noinit_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc_noinit .rtc_noinit.*)
. = ALIGN(4) ;
_rtc_noinit_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > rtc_data_location
* This section located in RTC SLOW Memory area.
* It holds data marked with RTC_SLOW_ATTR attribute.
* See the file "esp_attr.h" for more information.
.rtc.force_slow :
. = ALIGN(4);
_rtc_force_slow_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rtc.force_slow .rtc.force_slow.*)
. = ALIGN(4) ;
_rtc_force_slow_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > rtc_slow_seg
/* Get size of rtc slow data based on rtc_data_location alias */
_rtc_slow_length = (ORIGIN(rtc_slow_seg) == ORIGIN(rtc_data_location))
? (_rtc_force_slow_end - _rtc_data_start)
: (_rtc_force_slow_end - _rtc_force_slow_start);
_rtc_fast_length = (ORIGIN(rtc_slow_seg) == ORIGIN(rtc_data_location))
? (_rtc_force_fast_end - _rtc_fast_start)
: (_rtc_noinit_end - _rtc_fast_start);
ASSERT((_rtc_slow_length <= LENGTH(rtc_slow_seg)),
"RTC_SLOW segment data does not fit.")
ASSERT((_rtc_fast_length <= LENGTH(rtc_data_seg)),
"RTC_FAST segment data does not fit.")
.iram0.text :
_iram_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
/* Vectors go to start of IRAM */
ASSERT(ABSOLUTE(.) % 0x100 == 0, "vector address must be 256 byte aligned");
. = ALIGN(4);
_invalid_pc_placeholder = ABSOLUTE(.);
/* Code marked as running out of IRAM */
_iram_text_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.iram1 .iram1.*)
/* parts of RIOT that should run in IRAM */
*core/*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*)
*esp_common_periph/flash.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*)
*esp_common/thread_arch.*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*)
*esp_freertos_common/*(.literal .text .literal.* .text.*)
/* parts of ESP-IDF that should run in IRAM */
/* find components/ -type f -name linker.lf -exec grep "(noflash)" {} \; -print */
/* find components/ -type f -name linker.lf -exec grep "(noflash_text)" {} \; -print */
*components/app_trace/app_trace.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/app_trace/app_trace_util.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_event/default_event_loop.*(.literal.esp_event_isr_post .text.esp_event_isr_post)
*components/esp_event/esp_event.*(.literal.esp_event_isr_post_to .text.esp_event_isr_post_to)
*components/esp_hw_support/cpu_util.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_hw_support/*/rtc_clk.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_hw_support/*/rtc_init.*(.literal.rtc_vddsdio_set_config .text.rtc_vddsdio_set_config)
*components/esp_hw_support/*/rtc_pm.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_hw_support/*/rtc_sleep.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_hw_support/*/rtc_time.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_hw_support/*/rtc_wdt.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_ringbuf/*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_rom/esp_rom_spiflash.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_system/esp_err.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/esp_system/esp_system.*(.literal.esp_system_abort .text.esp_system_abort)
*components/esp_system/ubsan.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*libgcc.a:_divsf3.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*libgcc.a:lib2funcs.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*libgcc.a:save-restore.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*libgcov.a:(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/cpu_hal.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/i2c_hal_iram.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/ledc_hal_iram.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/soc_hal.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/spi_flash_encrypt_hal_iram.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/spi_flash_hal_gpspi.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/spi_flash_hal_iram.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/spi_hal_iram.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/spi_slave_hal_iram.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/systimer_hal.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/twai_hal.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/uart_hal.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/hal/wdt_hal_iram.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/heap/heap_tlsf.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/heap/multi_heap.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*esp-idf/esp_idf_support.*(.literal.esp_log_write .text.esp_log_write)
*libnet80211.a:(.wifi0iram .wifi0iram.*)
*libnet80211.a:(.wifirxiram .wifirxiram.*)
*libnet80211.a:(.wifislprxiram .wifislprxiram.*)
*components/newlib/abort.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/newlib/assert.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/newlib/heap.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/newlib/stdatomic.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*libpp.a:(.wifi0iram .wifi0iram.*)
*libpp.a:(.wifiorslpiram .wifiorslpiram.*)
*libpp.a:(.wifirxiram .wifirxiram.*)
*libpp.a:(.wifislprxiram .wifislprxiram.*)
*librtc.a:(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/soc/lldesc.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/memspi_host_driver.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_boya.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_gd.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_generic.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_issi.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_mxic.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_mxic_opi.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_th.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_winbond.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/*/spi_flash_rom_patch.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_timing_tuning.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
2022-06-09 14:13:14 +02:00
*components/spi_flash/*/spi_timing_config.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
2022-03-21 02:26:10 +01:00
*components/riscv/interrupt.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*components/riscv/vectors.*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
} > iram0_0_seg
* This section is required to skip .iram0.text area because iram0_0_seg and
* dram0_0_seg reflect the same address space on different buses.
.dram0.dummy (NOLOAD):
. = ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg) + _iram_end - _iram_start;
} > dram0_0_seg
.dram0.data :
_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
__global_pointer$ = . + 0x800;
KEEP (*(SORT(.xfa.*)))
_esp_system_init_fn_array_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
KEEP (*(SORT(.esp_system_init_fn) SORT(.esp_system_init_fn.*)))
_esp_system_init_fn_array_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
2022-08-11 16:34:58 +02:00
*(EXCLUDE_FILE(*components/bt/* *libbtdm_app.a) .data EXCLUDE_FILE(*components/bt/* *libbtdm_app.a) .data.*)
2022-03-21 02:26:10 +01:00
*(.dram1 .dram1.*)
_coredump_dram_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.dram1.coredump .dram1.coredump.*)
_coredump_dram_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
*components/app_trace/app_trace.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/app_trace/app_trace_util.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
_bt_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
2022-08-11 16:34:58 +02:00
*components/bt/*(.data .data.*)
2022-03-21 02:26:10 +01:00
. = ALIGN(4);
_bt_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_btdm_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*libbtdm_app.a:(.data .data.*)
. = ALIGN(4);
_btdm_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
/* find components/ -type f -name linker.lf -exec grep "(noflash)" {} \; -print */
*components/esp_hw_support/port/*/rtc_clk.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/esp_rom/esp_rom_spiflash.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/esp_system/esp_err.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/esp_system/ubsan.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*libgcc.a:_divsf3.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*libgcc.a:save-restore.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*libgcov.a:(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/cpu_hal.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/i2c_hal_iram.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/ledc_hal_iram.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/soc_hal.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/spi_flash_encrypt_hal_iram.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/spi_flash_hal_gpspi.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/spi_flash_hal_iram.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/spi_hal_iram.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/spi_slave_hal_iram.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/systimer_hal.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/twai_hal.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/uart_hal.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/hal/wdt_hal_iram.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/heap/heap_tlsf.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/heap/multi_heap.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/newlib/abort.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/newlib/assert.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/newlib/heap.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/newlib/stdatomic.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
_nimble_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*libnimble.a:(.data .data.*)
. = ALIGN(4);
_nimble_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
*libphy.a:(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/soc/lldesc.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/memspi_host_driver.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_boya.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_gd.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_generic.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_issi.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_mxic.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_mxic_opi.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_th.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_chip_winbond.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/*/spi_flash_rom_patch.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*components/spi_flash/spi_flash_timing_tuning.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
2022-06-09 14:13:14 +02:00
*components/spi_flash/*/spi_timing_config.*(.rodata .rodata.*)
2022-03-21 02:26:10 +01:00
_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
. = ALIGN(4);
} > dram0_0_seg
* This section holds data that should not be initialized at power up.
* The section located in Internal SRAM memory region. The macro _NOINIT
* can be used as attribute to place data into this section.
* See the "esp_attr.h" file for more information.
.noinit (NOLOAD):
. = ALIGN(4);
_noinit_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.noinit .noinit.*)
. = ALIGN(4) ;
_noinit_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > dram0_0_seg
/* Shared RAM */
.dram0.bss (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN (8);
_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.bss .bss.*)
*(.ext_ram.bss .ext_ram.bss.*)
*(.dynbss .dynsbss .gnu.linkonce.b .gnu.linkonce.b.* .gnu.linkonce.sb .gnu.linkonce.sb.* .gnu.linkonce.sb2 .gnu.linkonce.sb2.* .sbss .sbss.* .sbss2 .sbss2.* .scommon .share.mem)
_bt_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
2022-08-11 16:34:58 +02:00
*components/bt/*(.bss .bss.* COMMON)
2022-03-21 02:26:10 +01:00
. = ALIGN(4);
_bt_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_btdm_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*libbtdm_app.a:(.bss .bss.* COMMON)
. = ALIGN(4);
_btdm_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_nimble_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*libnimble.a:(.bss .bss.* COMMON)
. = ALIGN(4);
_nimble_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
. = ALIGN (8);
_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > dram0_0_seg
ASSERT(((_bss_end - ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(dram0_0_seg)), "DRAM segment data does not fit.")
.flash.text :
_stext = .;
_instruction_reserved_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
_text_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.literal .literal.* .text .text.*)
*(.wifi0iram .wifi0iram.*)
*(.wifiorslpiram .wifiorslpiram.*)
*(.wifirxiram .wifirxiram.*)
*(.wifislpiram .wifislpiram.*)
*(.wifislprxiram .wifislprxiram.*)
*(.stub .gnu.warning .gnu.linkonce.literal.* .gnu.linkonce.t.*.literal .gnu.linkonce.t.*)
*(.irom0.text) /* catch stray ICACHE_RODATA_ATTR */
/** CPU will try to prefetch up to 16 bytes of
* of instructions. This means that any configuration (e.g. MMU, PMS) must allow
* safe access to up to 16 bytes after the last real instruction, add
* dummy bytes to ensure this
. += _esp_flash_mmap_prefetch_pad_size;
_text_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_instruction_reserved_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_etext = .;
* Similar to _iram_start, this symbol goes here so it is
* resolved by addr2line in preference to the first symbol in
* the flash.text segment.
_flash_cache_start = ABSOLUTE(0);
} > default_code_seg
* This dummy section represents the .flash.text section but in default_rodata_seg.
* Thus, it must have its alignement and (at least) its size.
.flash_rodata_dummy (NOLOAD):
_flash_rodata_dummy_start = .;
/* Start at the same alignement constraint than .flash.text */
. = ALIGN(ALIGNOF(.flash.text));
/* Create an empty gap as big as .flash.text section */
. = . + SIZEOF(.flash.text);
/* Prepare the alignement of the section above. Few bytes (0x20) must be
* added for the mapping header. */
. = ALIGN(0x10000) + 0x20;
_rodata_reserved_start = .;
} > default_rodata_seg
.flash.appdesc : ALIGN(0x10)
_rodata_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rodata_desc .rodata_desc.*) /* Should be the first. App version info. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING BEFORE IT! */
*(.rodata_custom_desc .rodata_custom_desc.*) /* Should be the second. Custom app version info. DO NOT PUT ANYTHING BEFORE IT! */
/* Create an empty gap within this section. Thanks to this, the end of this
* section will match .flash.rodata's begin address. Thus, both sections
* will be merged when creating the final bin image. */
. = ALIGN(ALIGNOF(.flash.rodata));
} >default_rodata_seg
.flash.rodata : ALIGN(0x10)
_flash_rodata_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.rodata .rodata.*)
*(.rodata_wlog_error .rodata_wlog_error.*)
*(.rodata_wlog_info .rodata_wlog_info.*)
*(.rodata_wlog_warning .rodata_wlog_warning.*)
KEEP (*(SORT(.roxfa.*)))
*(.irom1.text) /* catch stray ICACHE_RODATA_ATTR */
*(.gcc_except_table .gcc_except_table.*)
. = (. + 7) & ~ 3;
* C++ constructor and destructor tables
* Don't include anything from crtbegin.o or crtend.o, as IDF doesn't use toolchain crt.
* RISC-V gcc is configured with --enable-initfini-array so it emits an .init_array section instead.
* But the init_priority sections will be sorted for iteration in ascending order during startup.
* The rest of the init_array sections is sorted for iteration in descending order during startup, however.
* Hence a different section is generated for the init_priority functions which is iterated in
* ascending order during startup. The corresponding code can be found in startup.c.
__init_priority_array_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.* *crtbegin.*) .init_array.*))
__init_priority_array_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
__init_array_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.* *crtbegin.*) .init_array))
__init_array_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
KEEP (*crtbegin.*(.dtors))
KEEP (*(EXCLUDE_FILE (*crtend.*) .dtors))
KEEP (*(SORT(.dtors.*)))
KEEP (*(.dtors))
/* C++ exception handlers table: */
/* Addresses of memory regions reserved via SOC_RESERVE_MEMORY_REGION() */
soc_reserved_memory_region_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
KEEP (*(.reserved_memory_address))
soc_reserved_memory_region_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_rodata_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
/* Literals are also RO data. */
_lit4_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
_lit4_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
. = ALIGN(4);
_thread_local_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
_thread_local_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_rodata_reserved_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
. = ALIGN(ALIGNOF(.eh_frame));
} > default_rodata_seg
/* Keep this section shall be at least aligned on 4 */
.eh_frame : ALIGN(8)
__eh_frame = ABSOLUTE(.);
KEEP (*(.eh_frame))
__eh_frame_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
/* Guarantee that this section and the next one will be merged by making
* them adjacent. */
. = ALIGN(ALIGNOF(.eh_frame_hdr));
} > default_rodata_seg
/* To avoid any exception in C++ exception frame unwinding code, this section
* shall be aligned on 8. */
.eh_frame_hdr : ALIGN(8)
__eh_frame_hdr = ABSOLUTE(.);
KEEP (*(.eh_frame_hdr))
__eh_frame_hdr_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > default_rodata_seg
.flash.rodata_noload (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN (4);
*(.rodata_wlog_debug .rodata_wlog_debug.*)
*(.rodata_wlog_verbose .rodata_wlog_verbose.*)
} > default_rodata_seg
/* Marks the end of IRAM code segment */
.iram0.text_end (NOLOAD) :
/* iram_end_test section exists for use by Memprot unit tests only */
/* ESP32-C3 memprot requires 16B padding for possible CPU prefetch and 512B alignment for PMS split lines */
. += _esp_memprot_prefetch_pad_size;
. = ALIGN(_esp_memprot_align_size);
_iram_text_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > iram0_0_seg
.iram0.data :
. = ALIGN(16);
_iram_data_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.iram.data .iram.data.*)
_coredump_iram_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.iram.data.coredump .iram.data.coredump.*)
_coredump_iram_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
_iram_data_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > iram0_0_seg
.iram0.bss (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN(16);
_iram_bss_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
*(.iram.bss .iram.bss.*)
_iram_bss_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
. = ALIGN(16);
_iram_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > iram0_0_seg
/* Marks the end of data, bss and possibly rodata */
.dram0.heap_start (NOLOAD) :
. = ALIGN (16);
_heap_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
_sheap = ABSOLUTE(.);
} > dram0_0_seg
_eheap = phy_param_rom;
2022-12-31 13:20:16 +01:00
.flash_writable (NOLOAD) : ALIGN(65536)
_fp_mem_start = . ;
_fp_mem_end = . ;
. = ALIGN(4096);
_end_fw = . ;
} > drom0_1_seg
2022-03-21 02:26:10 +01:00
ASSERT(((_iram_end - ORIGIN(iram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(iram0_0_seg)),
"IRAM0 segment data does not fit.")
ASSERT(((_heap_start - ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg)) <= LENGTH(dram0_0_seg)),
"DRAM segment data does not fit.")
2023-06-25 18:12:49 +02:00
. = ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg);
_cpu_ram_start = ABSOLUTE(.);
. = ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg) + LENGTH(dram0_0_seg);
_cpu_ram_end = ABSOLUTE(.);
/* ensure that RAM_START_ADDR and RAM_LEN as defined in RIOT's makefile
* match the parameters used in linker script */
ASSERT((ORIGIN(dram0_0_seg) == CPU_RAM_BASE),
"RAM_START_ADDR does not match DRAM start address")
ASSERT((LENGTH(dram0_0_seg) == CPU_RAM_SIZE),
"RAM_LEN does not match DRAM size")