make: fix various compile errors with Wextra
pkg, nordic_softdevice_ble: disable CFLAGS to omit compiler error
sys, pm_layered: fix casting nonscalar to the same type
cpu, stm32_common: fix type-limits, remove always true assert
cpu, stm32f4: fix pointer arithmetic in periph/i2c
drivers, at86rf2xx: fix type-limits where condition always true
saul, gpio: fix if no gpio configured for saul
cpu, saml21: add frequency check to periph/timer
driver, cc110x: fix unused param and type-limts errors
boards, wsn430-common: fix old-style-declaration
make: fix old style definition
drivers, sdcard_spi: fix old style typedef
driver, at30tse: remove unnecessary check
driver, nrf24: fix type-limit
driver, pn532: change buffer from char to uint8_t
tests/driver_sdcard: fix type limits
boards, feather-m0: add missing field inits
driver, tcs37727: fix type limits
pkg, emb6: disable some compiler warnings
tests/emb6: disable some compiler warings
pkg, openthread: fix sign compare and unused params
tests/trickle: fix struct init
tests/pthread_cooperation: fix type limits
board, mips-malta: remove feature periph_uart
shell: fix var size for netif command
gnrc, netif: fix sign-compare
gnrc, nib: fix sign-compare
shell: fix output in netif command
posix: fix type-limits in pthread_cond
2017-11-28 18:31:43 +01:00 |