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* Copyright (C) 2017 HAW Hamburg
* This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
* General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
* directory for more details.
* @ingroup drivers_hd44780
* @{
* @file
* @brief Driver for the HD44780 LCD
* @note The display is also known as LCM1602C from Arduino kits
* @author Sebastian Meiling <s@mlng.net>
* @}
#include <string.h>
#include "log.h"
#ifdef MODULE_PCF857X
#include "pcf857x.h"
#include "pcf857x_params.h"
#include "periph/gpio.h"
#include "xtimer.h"
#include "hd44780.h"
#include "hd44780_internal.h"
#ifdef MODULE_PCF857X
static pcf857x_t _pcf857x_dev;
static inline void _command(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t value);
static void _pulse(const hd44780_t *dev);
static void _send(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t value, hd44780_state_t state);
static void _write_bits(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t bits, uint8_t value);
static inline void _gpio_set(gpio_t pin);
static inline void _gpio_clear(gpio_t pin);
static inline int _gpio_init(gpio_t pin, gpio_mode_t mode);
* @brief Send a command to the display
* @param[in] dev device descriptor of display to initialize
* @param[in] value the command
static inline void _command(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t value)
_send(dev, value, HD44780_OFF);
* @brief Send a pulse to the display to enable new state
* @param[in] dev device descriptor of display to initialize
static void _pulse(const hd44780_t *dev)
* @brief Send a data value to the display
* @param[in] dev device descriptor of display to initialize
* @param[in] value the data value, either char or command
* @param[in] state send state, to distinguish chars and commands
static void _send(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t value, hd44780_state_t state)
(state == HD44780_ON) ? _gpio_set(dev->p.rs) : _gpio_clear(dev->p.rs);
/* if RW pin is available, set it to LOW */
if (gpio_is_valid(dev->p.rw)) {
/* write data in 8Bit or 4Bit mode */
if (dev->flag & HD44780_8BITMODE) {
_write_bits(dev, 8, value);
else {
_write_bits(dev, 4, value>>4);
_write_bits(dev, 4, value);
static void _write_bits(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t bits, uint8_t value)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < bits; ++i) {
if ((value >> i) & 0x01) {
else {
static inline int _gpio_init(gpio_t pin, gpio_mode_t mode)
#ifdef MODULE_PCF857X
return pcf857x_gpio_init(&_pcf857x_dev, pin, mode);
return gpio_init(pin, mode);
static inline void _gpio_set(gpio_t pin)
#ifdef MODULE_PCF857X
pcf857x_gpio_set(&_pcf857x_dev, pin);
static inline void _gpio_clear(gpio_t pin)
#ifdef MODULE_PCF857X
pcf857x_gpio_clear(&_pcf857x_dev, pin);
int hd44780_init(hd44780_t *dev, const hd44780_params_t *params)
/* write config params to device descriptor */
dev->p = *params;
/* verify cols and rows */
if ((dev->p.cols > HD44780_MAX_COLS) || (dev->p.rows > HD44780_MAX_ROWS)
|| (dev->p.rows * dev->p.cols > 80)) {
LOG_ERROR("hd44780_init: invalid LCD size!\n");
return -1;
dev->flag = 0;
/* set mode depending on configured pins */
if (gpio_is_valid(dev->p.data[4])) {
dev->flag |= HD44780_8BITMODE;
else {
dev->flag |= HD44780_4BITMODE;
/* set flag for 1 or 2 row mode, 4 rows are 2 rows split half */
if (dev->p.rows > 1) {
dev->flag |= HD44780_2LINE;
else {
dev->flag |= HD44780_1LINE;
/* set char size to 5x8 as default, 5x10 is hardly used by LCDs anyway */
dev->flag |= HD44780_5x8DOTS;
/* calc and set row offsets, depending on number of columns */
dev->roff[0] = 0x00;
dev->roff[1] = 0x40;
dev->roff[2] = 0x00 + dev->p.cols;
dev->roff[3] = 0x40 + dev->p.cols;
#ifdef MODULE_PCF857X
* TODO: We need an approach for defining and initializing the PCF8574.
* With this approach, only one PCF8574 could exist in the system
pcf857x_init(&_pcf857x_dev, &pcf857x_params[0]);
_gpio_init(dev->p.rs, GPIO_OUT);
/* RW (read/write) of LCD not required, set it to GPIO_UNDEF */
if (gpio_is_valid(dev->p.rw)) {
_gpio_init(dev->p.rw, GPIO_OUT);
_gpio_init(dev->p.enable, GPIO_OUT);
/* configure all data pins as output */
for (int i = 0; i < ((dev->flag & HD44780_8BITMODE) ? 8 : 4); ++i) {
_gpio_init(dev->p.data[i], GPIO_OUT);
/* see hitachi HD44780 datasheet pages 45/46 for init specs */
if (gpio_is_valid(dev->p.rw)) {
/* put the LCD into 4 bit or 8 bit mode */
if (!(dev->flag & HD44780_8BITMODE)) {
/* see hitachi HD44780 datasheet figure 24, pg 46 */
_write_bits(dev, 4, 0x03);
_write_bits(dev, 4, 0x03);
_write_bits(dev, 4, 0x03);
_write_bits(dev, 4, 0x02);
} else {
/* see hitachi HD44780 datasheet page 45 figure 23 */
_command(dev, HD44780_FUNCTIONSET | dev->flag);
xtimer_usleep(HD44780_INIT_WAIT_LONG); /* wait more than 4.1ms */
_command(dev, HD44780_FUNCTIONSET | dev->flag);
_command(dev, HD44780_FUNCTIONSET | dev->flag);
_command(dev, HD44780_FUNCTIONSET | dev->flag);
/* turn the display on with no cursor or blinking default, and clear */
dev->ctrl = HD44780_DISPLAYON | HD44780_CURSOROFF | HD44780_BLINKOFF;
hd44780_display(dev, HD44780_ON);
/* Initialize to default text direction for western languages */
_command(dev, HD44780_ENTRYMODESET | dev->mode);
return 0;
void hd44780_clear(const hd44780_t *dev)
_command(dev, HD44780_CLEARDISPLAY);
void hd44780_home(const hd44780_t *dev)
_command(dev, HD44780_RETURNHOME);
void hd44780_set_cursor(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t col, uint8_t row)
if (row >= dev->p.rows) {
row = dev->p.rows - 1;
_command(dev, HD44780_SETDDRAMADDR | (col + dev->roff[row]));
void hd44780_display(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
if (state == HD44780_ON) {
dev->ctrl |= HD44780_DISPLAYON;
else {
dev->ctrl &= ~HD44780_DISPLAYON;
_command(dev, HD44780_DISPLAYCONTROL | dev->ctrl);
void hd44780_cursor(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
if (state == HD44780_ON) {
dev->ctrl |= HD44780_CURSORON;
else {
dev->ctrl &= ~HD44780_CURSORON;
_command(dev, HD44780_DISPLAYCONTROL | dev->ctrl);
void hd44780_blink(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
if (state == HD44780_ON) {
dev->ctrl |= HD44780_BLINKON;
else {
dev->ctrl &= ~HD44780_BLINKON;
_command(dev, HD44780_DISPLAYCONTROL | dev->ctrl);
void hd44780_scroll_left(const hd44780_t *dev)
_command(dev, HD44780_CURSORSHIFT | HD44780_DISPLAYMOVE | HD44780_MOVELEFT);
void hd44780_scroll_right(const hd44780_t *dev) {
_command(dev, HD44780_CURSORSHIFT | HD44780_DISPLAYMOVE | HD44780_MOVERIGHT);
void hd44780_left2right(hd44780_t *dev)
dev->mode |= HD44780_ENTRYLEFT;
_command(dev, HD44780_ENTRYMODESET | dev->mode);
void hd44780_right2left(hd44780_t *dev)
dev->mode &= ~HD44780_ENTRYLEFT;
_command(dev, HD44780_ENTRYMODESET | dev->mode);
void hd44780_autoscroll(hd44780_t *dev, hd44780_state_t state)
if (state == HD44780_ON) {
else {
dev->mode &= ~HD44780_ENTRYSHIFTINCREMENT;
_command(dev, HD44780_ENTRYMODESET | dev->mode);
void hd44780_create_char(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t location, uint8_t charmap[])
location &= 0x7; /* 8 locations (0-7) possible */
_command(dev, HD44780_SETCGRAMADDR | (location << 3));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < HD44780_CGRAM_SIZE; ++i) {
hd44780_write(dev, charmap[i]);
void hd44780_write(const hd44780_t *dev, uint8_t value)
_send(dev, value, HD44780_ON);
void hd44780_print(const hd44780_t *dev, const char *data )
while (*data != '\0') {
hd44780_write(dev, *data++);