include # Timestamp in nanoseconds (to be an integer) # OSx 'date' does not support 'date +%s%N' so rely on python instead # It could be OSx specific but we do not have 'OS' defined here to differentiate date_nanoseconds = $(shell python -c 'import time; print(int(time.time() * 1000000000))') EXPORTED_VARIABLES = MY_VARIABLE CURRENT_TIME MY_VARIABLE = my_variable # Defered evaluation to the test CURRENT_TIME = $(call date_nanoseconds) $(call target-export-variables,test-exported-variables,$(EXPORTED_VARIABLES)) test-exported-variables: $(Q)bash -c 'test "$(MY_VARIABLE)" = "$${MY_VARIABLE}" || { echo ERROR: "$(MY_VARIABLE)" != "$${MY_VARIABLE}"; exit 1; }' $(Q)bash -c 'test $(PARSE_TIME) -lt $${CURRENT_TIME} || { echo ERROR: $(PARSE_TIME) \>= $${CURRENT_TIME} >&2; exit 1; }' MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME = $(call memoized,MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME,$(call date_nanoseconds)) MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME_2 = $(call memoized,MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME_2,$(call date_nanoseconds)) PRE_MEMOIZED_TIME := $(call date_nanoseconds) # Two separate evaluations REF_CURRENT_TIME_1 := $(MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME) # Strip to detect added whitespaces by function REF_CURRENT_TIME_2 := $(strip $(MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME)) test-memoized-variables: @# The value was only evaluated on first use $(Q)test $(PRE_MEMOIZED_TIME) -lt $(REF_CURRENT_TIME_1) || { echo ERROR: $(PRE_MEMOIZED_TIME) \>= $(REF_CURRENT_TIME_1) >&2; exit 1; } @# Both evaluation return the same time and without added whitespace $(Q)test "$(REF_CURRENT_TIME_1)" = "$(REF_CURRENT_TIME_2)" || { echo ERROR: "$(REF_CURRENT_TIME_1)" != "$(REF_CURRENT_TIME_2)" >&2; exit 1; } @# The second memoized value was only evaluated when calling the target $(Q)test $(PARSE_TIME) -lt $(MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME_2) || { echo ERROR: $(PARSE_TIME) \>= $(MEMOIZED_CURRENT_TIME_2) >&2; exit 1; } # Immediate evaluation for comparing PARSE_TIME := $(call date_nanoseconds)