/* * Copyright (C) 2020 HAW Hamburg * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup sys_uri_parser * @{ * * @file * @brief A minimal, non-destructive URI parser. * @see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986 * * @author Cenk Gündoğan * * @} */ #include #include "uri_parser.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG 0 #include "debug.h" /* strchr for non-Null-terminated strings (buffers) */ static char *_strchrb(char *start, char *stop, char c) { for (; start < stop; start++) { if (*start == c) { return start; } } return NULL; } static char *_consume_scheme(uri_parser_result_t *result, char *uri, char *uri_end, bool *has_authority) { assert(uri); /* assume no authority section first */ *has_authority = false; /* cannot have empty scheme */ if (uri[0] == ':') { return NULL; } char *p = _strchrb(uri, uri_end, ':'); result->scheme = uri; result->scheme_len = p - uri; /* check if authority part exists '://' */ if (((uri_end - p) > 2) && (p[1] == '/') && (p[2] == '/')) { *has_authority = true; /* skip '://' */ return p + 3; } /* skip ':' */ return p + 1; } void _consume_userinfo(uri_parser_result_t *result, char *uri, char *authority_end) { /* check for userinfo within authority */ char *userinfo_end = _strchrb(uri, authority_end, '@'); /* check if match */ if (userinfo_end) { result->userinfo = uri; result->userinfo_len = userinfo_end - uri; /* shift host part beyond userinfo and '@', but only if possible */ unsigned offset = result->userinfo_len + 1; if ((result->host + offset) > authority_end) { result->host_len = 0; return; } result->host_len -= offset; result->host += offset; } } bool _consume_port(uri_parser_result_t *result, char *ipv6_end, char *authority_end) { /* check for port after host part */ char *port_begin = NULL; /* repeat until last ':' in authority section */ /* if ipv6 address, check after ipv6 end marker */ char *p = (ipv6_end ? ipv6_end : result->host); while (p != NULL && (p < authority_end)) { port_begin = p; p = _strchrb(p + 1, authority_end, ':'); } /* check if match */ if (port_begin && (port_begin[0] == ':')) { /* port should be at least one character, => + 1 */ if (port_begin + 1 == authority_end) { return false; } result->port = port_begin + 1; result->port_len = authority_end - result->port; /* cut host part before port and ':' */ result->host_len -= result->port_len + 1; } return true; } static char *_consume_authority(uri_parser_result_t *result, char *uri, char *uri_end) { assert(uri); /* search until first '/' */ char *authority_end = _strchrb(uri, uri_end, '/'); if (!authority_end) { authority_end = uri_end; } result->host = uri; result->host_len = authority_end - uri; /* consume userinfo, if available */ _consume_userinfo(result, uri, authority_end); /* host is empty */ if (result->host_len == 0) { return authority_end; } char *ipv6_end = NULL; /* validate IPv6 form */ if (result->host[0] == '[') { ipv6_end = _strchrb(result->host, uri_end, ']'); /* found end marker of IPv6 form beyond authority part */ if (ipv6_end >= authority_end) { return NULL; } char *zoneid_start = _strchrb(result->host, ipv6_end, '%'); if (zoneid_start) { /* skip % */ result->zoneid = zoneid_start + 1; result->zoneid_len = ipv6_end - result->zoneid; /* zoneid cannot be empty */ if (result->zoneid_len == 0) { return NULL; } } /* remove '[', ']', and '%' zoneid from ipv6addr */ result->ipv6addr = result->host + 1; result->ipv6addr_len = ipv6_end - result->ipv6addr; if (result->zoneid) { result->ipv6addr_len -= result->zoneid_len + 1; } } /* consume port, if available */ if (!_consume_port(result, ipv6_end, authority_end)) { return NULL; } /* do not allow empty host if userinfo or port are set */ if ((result->host_len == 0) && (result->userinfo || result->port)) { return NULL; } /* this includes the '/' */ return authority_end; } static char *_consume_path(uri_parser_result_t *result, char *uri, char *uri_end) { assert(uri); result->path = uri; result->path_len = (uri_end - uri); /* check for query start '?' */ char *path_end = _strchrb(uri, uri_end, '?'); /* no query string found, return! */ if (!path_end) { return (result->path + result->path_len); } /* there is a query string */ result->query = path_end + 1; /* do not count '?' */ result->query_len = result->path_len - (path_end - uri) - 1; /* cut path part before query and '?' */ result->path_len -= result->query_len + 1; return (result->query + result->query_len); } static int _parse_relative(uri_parser_result_t *result, char *uri, char *uri_end) { uri = _consume_path(result, uri, uri_end); /* uri should point to uri_end, otherwise there's something left * to consume ... */ if (uri != uri_end) { return -1; } return 0; } static int _parse_absolute(uri_parser_result_t *result, char *uri, char *uri_end) { bool has_authority; uri = _consume_scheme(result, uri, uri_end, &has_authority); if (uri == NULL) { return -1; } if (has_authority) { uri = _consume_authority(result, uri, uri_end); if (uri == NULL) { return -1; } } /* parsing the path, starting with '/' */ return _parse_relative(result, uri, uri_end); } bool uri_parser_is_absolute(const char *uri, size_t uri_len) { char *colon = _strchrb((char *)uri, (char *)(uri + uri_len), ':'); /* potentially absolute, if ':' exists */ if (colon) { /* first character should be ALPHA */ if (!(((uri[0] >= 'A') && (uri[0] <= 'Z')) || ((uri[0] >= 'a') && (uri[0] <= 'z')))) { /* relative */ return false; } for (int i = 0; &uri[i] < colon; ++i) { if (!(((uri[i] >= 'A') && (uri[i] <= 'Z')) || ((uri[i] >= 'a') && (uri[i] <= 'z')) || ((uri[i] >= '0') && (uri[i] <= '9')) || (uri[i] == '+') || (uri[i] == '-') || (uri[i] == '.'))) { /* relative */ return false; } } /* absolute */ return true; } /* relative */ return false; } bool uri_parser_is_absolute_string(const char *uri) { return uri_parser_is_absolute(uri, strlen(uri)); } int uri_parser_process(uri_parser_result_t *result, const char *uri, size_t uri_len) { /* uri cannot be empty */ if ((NULL == uri) || (uri[0] == '\0')) { return -1; } memset(result, 0, sizeof(*result)); if (uri_parser_is_absolute(uri, uri_len)) { return _parse_absolute(result, (char *)uri, (char *)(uri + uri_len)); } else { return _parse_relative(result, (char *)uri, (char *)(uri + uri_len)); } return 0; } int uri_parser_process_string(uri_parser_result_t *result, const char *uri) { return uri_parser_process(result, uri, strlen(uri)); }