/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Freie Universität Berlin * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup examples * @{ * * @file * @brief Example application for demonstrating RIOT's MQTT-SN library * Asymcute * * @author Hauke Petersen * * @} */ #include #include #include #include #include "shell.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "thread.h" #include "net/asymcute.h" #include "net/ipv6/addr.h" #include "net/sock/udp.h" #include "net/sock/util.h" #ifndef REQ_CTX_NUMOF #define REQ_CTX_NUMOF (8U) #endif #ifndef SUB_CTX_NUMOF #define SUB_CTX_NUMOF (8U) #endif #ifndef TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF #define TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF (8U + SUB_CTX_NUMOF) #endif /* needed for the `ping6` shell command */ #define MAIN_QUEUE_SIZE (8) static msg_t _main_msg_queue[MAIN_QUEUE_SIZE]; #define LISTENER_PRIO (THREAD_PRIORITY_MAIN - 1) static char listener_stack[ASYMCUTE_LISTENER_STACKSIZE]; static asymcute_con_t _connection; static asymcute_req_t _reqs[REQ_CTX_NUMOF]; static asymcute_sub_t _subscriptions[SUB_CTX_NUMOF]; static asymcute_topic_t _topics[TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF]; static asymcute_req_t *_get_req_ctx(void) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < REQ_CTX_NUMOF; i++) { if (!asymcute_req_in_use(&_reqs[i])) { return &_reqs[i]; } } puts("error: no request context available\n"); return NULL; } static asymcute_sub_t *_get_sub_ctx(void) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < SUB_CTX_NUMOF; i++) { if (!asymcute_sub_active(&_subscriptions[i])) { return &_subscriptions[i]; } } return NULL; } static asymcute_sub_t *_find_sub(const char *name) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < SUB_CTX_NUMOF; i++) { if (asymcute_sub_active(&_subscriptions[i]) && strcmp(_subscriptions[i].topic->name, name) == 0) { return &_subscriptions[i]; } } return NULL; } static uint16_t _topic_parse_pre(const char *name) { if (strncmp(name, "pre_", 4) == 0) { return (uint16_t)atoi(&name[4]); } return 0; } static int _topic_init(asymcute_topic_t *t, const char *name) { uint16_t id = _topic_parse_pre(name); if (id != 0) { name = NULL; } if (asymcute_topic_init(t, name, id) != ASYMCUTE_OK) { return 1; } return 0; } static int _topic_find(asymcute_topic_t *t, const char *name) { size_t len = strlen(name); uint16_t id = _topic_parse_pre(name); if ((id != 0) || (len == 2)) { if (t) { return _topic_init(t, name); } return 0; } /* need to find topic in list of registered ones */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF; i++) { if (asymcute_topic_is_reg(&_topics[i]) && (strncmp(name, _topics[i].name, sizeof(_topics[i].name)) == 0)) { if (t) { *t = _topics[i]; } return 0; } } return 1; } static void _topics_clear(void) { memset(_topics, 0, sizeof(_topics)); } static asymcute_topic_t *_topic_get_free(void) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF; i++) { if (!asymcute_topic_is_init(&_topics[i])) { return &_topics[i]; } } return NULL; } static void _topic_print_help(void) { puts(" topic can be\n" " - short topic: 2 byte string\n" " - predefined topic id: pre_XXXXX (e.g. pre_738)\n" " - normal: any string\n"); } static int _qos_parse(int argc, char **argv, int pos, unsigned *flags) { if (argc <= pos) { return 0; } /* parse QoS level */ int qos = atoi(argv[pos]); switch (qos) { case 0: *flags = MQTTSN_QOS_0; break; case 1: *flags = MQTTSN_QOS_1; break; case 2: *flags = MQTTSN_QOS_2; break; default: return -1; } return qos; } static void _on_con_evt(asymcute_req_t *req, unsigned evt_type) { printf("Request %p: ", (void *)req); switch (evt_type) { case ASYMCUTE_TIMEOUT: puts("Timeout"); break; case ASYMCUTE_REJECTED: puts("Rejected by gateway"); break; case ASYMCUTE_CONNECTED: puts("Connection to gateway established"); break; case ASYMCUTE_DISCONNECTED: puts("Connection to gateway closed"); _topics_clear(); break; case ASYMCUTE_REGISTERED: puts("Topic registered"); break; case ASYMCUTE_PUBLISHED: puts("Data was published"); break; case ASYMCUTE_SUBSCRIBED: puts("Subscribed topic"); break; case ASYMCUTE_UNSUBSCRIBED: puts("Unsubscribed topic"); break; case ASYMCUTE_CANCELED: puts("Canceled"); break; default: puts("unknown event"); break; } } static void _on_pub_evt(const asymcute_sub_t *sub, unsigned evt_type, const void *data, size_t len, void *arg) { (void)arg; if (evt_type == ASYMCUTE_PUBLISHED) { char *in = (char *)data; printf("subscription to topic #%i [%s]: NEW DATA\n", (int)sub->topic->id, sub->topic->name); printf(" data -> "); for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { printf("%c", in[i]); } puts(""); printf(" -> %u bytes\n", (unsigned)len); } else if (evt_type == ASYMCUTE_CANCELED) { printf("subscription -> topic #%i [%s]: CANCELED\n", (int)sub->topic->id, sub->topic->name); } } static int _ok(asymcute_req_t *req) { printf("Request %p: issued\n", (void *)req); return 0; } static int _cmd_connect(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { printf("usage %s [ ]\n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* get sock ep */ sock_udp_ep_t ep; if (sock_udp_str2ep(&ep, argv[2]) != 0) { puts("error: unable to parse gateway address"); return 1; } if (ep.port == 0) { ep.port = MQTTSN_DEFAULT_PORT; } /* get request context */ asymcute_req_t *req = _get_req_ctx(); if (req == NULL) { return 1; } if (asymcute_connect(&_connection, req, &ep, argv[1], true, NULL) != ASYMCUTE_OK) { puts("error: failed to issue CONNECT request"); return 1; } return _ok(req); } static int _cmd_disconnect(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; /* get request context */ asymcute_req_t *req = _get_req_ctx(); if (req == NULL) { return 1; } if (asymcute_disconnect(&_connection, req) != ASYMCUTE_OK) { puts("error: failed to issue DISCONNECT request"); return 1; } return _ok(req); } static int _cmd_reg(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s \n", argv[0]); _topic_print_help(); return 1; } if (_topic_find(NULL, argv[1]) == 0) { puts("success: topic already registered (or no registration needed)\n"); return 0; } /* find unused slot */ asymcute_topic_t *t = NULL; for (unsigned i = 0; i < TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF; i++) { if (!asymcute_topic_is_reg(&_topics[i])) { t = &_topics[i]; break; } } if (t == NULL) { puts("error: no empty slot left for storing the topic\n"); return 1; } /* send registration request */ asymcute_req_t *req = _get_req_ctx(); if (req == NULL) { return 1; } if (_topic_init(t, argv[1]) != 0) { puts("error: unable to initialize topic"); return 1; } if (asymcute_register(&_connection, req, t) != ASYMCUTE_OK) { puts("error: unable to send REGISTER request\n"); return 1; } return _ok(req); } static int _cmd_unreg(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } unsigned i = 0; for (; i < TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF; i++) { if (strcmp(argv[1], _topics[i].name) == 0) { for (unsigned s = 0; s < SUB_CTX_NUMOF; s++) { if (_subscriptions[i].topic == &_topics[i]) { puts("error: topic used in active subscription"); return 1; } } memset(&_topics[i], 0, sizeof(asymcute_topic_t)); puts("success: removed local entry for given topic"); break; } } if (i == TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF) { puts("error: unable to find topic in list of registered topics"); } return 0; } static int _cmd_pub(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 3) { printf("usage: %s [QoS level]\n", argv[0]); _topic_print_help(); return 1; } /* parse and register topic */ asymcute_topic_t t; if (_topic_find(&t, argv[1]) != 0) { puts("error: given topic is not registered"); return 1; } /* parse QoS level */ unsigned flags = 0; int qos = _qos_parse(argc, argv, 3, &flags); if (qos < 0) { puts("error: unable to parse QoS level"); return 1; } /* get request context */ asymcute_req_t *req = _get_req_ctx(); if (req == NULL) { return 1; } /* publish data */ size_t len = strlen(argv[2]); if (asymcute_publish(&_connection, req, &t, argv[2], len, flags) != ASYMCUTE_OK) { puts("error: unable to send PUBLISH message"); return 1; } if (qos == 0) { printf("Request %p: issued (one way)\n", (void *)req); return 0; } return _ok(req); } static int _cmd_sub(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s [QoS level]\n", argv[0]); _topic_print_help(); return 1; } /* parse QoS level */ unsigned flags = 0; int qos = _qos_parse(argc, argv, 2, &flags); if (qos < 0) { puts("error: unable to parse QoS level"); return 1; } /* get request context */ asymcute_req_t *req = _get_req_ctx(); if (req == NULL) { return 1; } /* get subscription context */ asymcute_sub_t *sub = _get_sub_ctx(); if (sub == NULL) { puts("error: unable to allocate subscription context"); return 1; } /* parse topic */ asymcute_topic_t *t = _topic_get_free(); if (t == NULL) { puts("error: no free topic memory"); return 1; } if (_topic_init(t, argv[1]) != 0) { puts("error: unable to initialize topic"); return 1; } printf("using req %p, sub %p\n", (void *)req, (void *)sub); if (asymcute_subscribe(&_connection, req, sub, t, _on_pub_evt, NULL, flags) != ASYMCUTE_OK) { asymcute_topic_reset(t); puts("error: unable to send SUBSCRIBE request"); return 1; } return _ok(req); } static int _cmd_unsub(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc < 2) { printf("usage: %s \n", argv[0]); return 1; } /* find active subscription for given topic name */ asymcute_sub_t *sub = _find_sub(argv[1]); if (sub == NULL) { puts("error: no subscription for given topic found"); return 1; } /* get request context */ asymcute_req_t *req = _get_req_ctx(); if (req == NULL) { return 1; } /* issue unsubscribe request */ if (asymcute_unsubscribe(&_connection, req, sub) != ASYMCUTE_OK) { puts("error: unable to send UNSUBSCRIBE request"); return 1; } return _ok(req); } static int _cmd_info(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; puts("--- Asymcute MQTT-SN client state ---"); puts("Topics:"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < TOPIC_BUF_NUMOF; i++) { printf("topic #%2u - ", i); if (asymcute_topic_is_reg(&_topics[i])) { printf("[registered] id: %u, name: %s\n", (unsigned)_topics[i].id, _topics[i].name); } else { puts("[unused]"); } } puts("Subscriptions:"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < SUB_CTX_NUMOF; i++) { printf("sub #%2u - ", i); if (asymcute_sub_active(&_subscriptions[i])) { printf("[subscribed] id: %u, name: %s\n", (unsigned)_subscriptions[i].topic->id, _subscriptions[i].topic->name); } else { puts("[unused]"); } } return 0; } static const shell_command_t shell_commands[] = { { "connect", "connect to MQTT-SN gateway", _cmd_connect }, { "disconnect", "disconnect from MQTT-SN gateway", _cmd_disconnect }, { "reg", "register a given topic", _cmd_reg }, { "unreg", "remove a topic registration [locally]", _cmd_unreg }, { "pub", "publish data", _cmd_pub }, { "sub", "subscribe to topic", _cmd_sub }, { "unsub", "unsubscribe from topic", _cmd_unsub }, { "info", "print state information", _cmd_info }, { NULL, NULL, NULL }, }; int main(void) { puts("Asymcute MQTT-SN example application\n"); puts("Type 'help' to get started and have a look at the README.md for more" "information."); /* setup the connection context */ asymcute_listener_run(&_connection, listener_stack, sizeof(listener_stack), LISTENER_PRIO, _on_con_evt); /* we need a message queue for the thread running the shell in order to * receive potentially fast incoming networking packets */ msg_init_queue(_main_msg_queue, MAIN_QUEUE_SIZE); /* start shell */ char line_buf[SHELL_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE]; shell_run(shell_commands, line_buf, SHELL_DEFAULT_BUFSIZE); /* should be never reached */ return 0; }