/* * Copyright (C) 2013 INRIA * Copyright (C) 2014 Kaspar Schleiser * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup tests * @{ * * @file * @brief Thread test application * * @author Oliver Hahm * @author Christian Mehlis * @author Kaspar Schleiser * * @} */ #include #include #include "vtimer.h" #include "thread.h" #include "msg.h" #define MAXCOUNT 100 #define MAXDIFF 10000 char timer_stack[KERNEL_CONF_STACKSIZE_MAIN*4]; struct timer_msg { vtimer_t timer; timex_t interval; char *msg; timex_t start; int count; }; timex_t now; struct timer_msg timer_msgs[] = { { .interval = { .seconds = 0, .microseconds = 100000}, .msg = "T1", .start={0}, .count=0 }, { .interval = { .seconds = 0, .microseconds = 200000}, .msg = "T2", .start={0}, .count=0 }, { .interval = { .seconds = 0, .microseconds = 300000}, .msg = "T3", .start={0}, .count=0 }, { .interval = { .seconds = 0, .microseconds = 500000}, .msg = "T4", .start={0}, .count=0 }, { .interval = { .seconds = 0, .microseconds = 700000}, .msg = "T5", .start={0}, .count=0 }, { .interval = { .seconds = 1, .microseconds = 100000}, .msg = "T6", .start={0}, .count=0 }, }; void *timer_thread(void *arg) { (void) arg; printf("This is thread %" PRIkernel_pid "\n", thread_getpid()); msg_t msgq[16]; msg_init_queue(msgq, sizeof(msgq)); while (1) { msg_t m; msg_receive(&m); struct timer_msg *tmsg = (struct timer_msg *) m.content.ptr; vtimer_now(&now); if (tmsg->start.seconds==0 && tmsg->start.microseconds == 0) { printf("Initializing \"%s\".\n", tmsg->msg); tmsg->start = now; } else { tmsg->count++; } uint64_t should = timex_uint64(tmsg->interval)*tmsg->count+timex_uint64(tmsg->start); int64_t diff = should - timex_uint64(now); printf("now=%02" PRIu32 ":%02" PRIu32 " -> every %" PRIu32 ".%" PRIu32 "s: %s diff=%" PRId64 "\n", now.seconds, now.microseconds, tmsg->interval.seconds, tmsg->interval.microseconds, tmsg->msg, diff); if (diff > MAXDIFF || diff < -MAXDIFF) { printf("WARNING: timer difference %" PRId64 "us exceeds MAXDIFF(%d)!\n", diff, MAXDIFF); } if (vtimer_set_msg(&tmsg->timer, tmsg->interval, thread_getpid(), tmsg) != 0) { puts("something went wrong setting a timer"); } if (tmsg->count >= MAXCOUNT) { printf("Maximum count reached. (%d) Exiting.\n", MAXCOUNT); break; } } return NULL; } int main(void) { msg_t m; kernel_pid_t pid = thread_create( timer_stack, sizeof(timer_stack), PRIORITY_MAIN - 1, CREATE_STACKTEST, timer_thread, NULL, "timer"); for (unsigned i = 0; i < sizeof(timer_msgs)/sizeof(struct timer_msg); i++) { printf("Sending timer msg %u...\n", i); m.content.ptr = (char *) &timer_msgs[i]; msg_send(&m, pid, false); } return 0; }