/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Freie Universität Berlin * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_msp430_x1xx * @ingroup drivers_periph_uart * @{ * * @file * @brief Low-level UART driver implementation * * @author Hauke Petersen * * @} */ #include "cpu.h" #include "periph_cpu.h" #include "periph_conf.h" #include "periph/uart.h" /** * @brief Keep track of the interrupt context * @{ */ static uart_rx_cb_t ctx_rx_cb; static void *ctx_isr_arg; /** @} */ static int init_base(uart_t uart, uint32_t baudrate); int uart_init(uart_t uart, uint32_t baudrate, uart_rx_cb_t rx_cb, void *arg) { int res = init_base(uart, baudrate); if (res != UART_OK) { return res; } /* save interrupt context */ ctx_rx_cb = rx_cb; ctx_isr_arg = arg; /* reset interrupt flags and enable RX interrupt */ UART_SFR->IE &= ~(UART_IE_TX_BIT); UART_SFR->IFG &= ~(UART_IE_RX_BIT); UART_SFR->IFG |= (UART_IE_TX_BIT); UART_SFR->IE |= (UART_IE_RX_BIT); return UART_OK; } static int init_base(uart_t uart, uint32_t baudrate) { if (uart != 0) { return UART_NODEV; } /* get the default UART for now -> TODO: enable for multiple devices */ msp_usart_t *dev = UART_BASE; /* power off and reset device */ uart_poweroff(uart); dev->CTL = SWRST; /* configure to 8N1 and using the SMCLK*/ dev->CTL |= CHAR; dev->TCTL = (TXEPT | UXTCTL_SSEL_SMCLK); dev->RCTL = 0x00; /* baudrate configuration */ uint16_t br = (uint16_t)(msp430_submain_clock_freq() / baudrate); dev->BR0 = (uint8_t)br; dev->BR1 = (uint8_t)(br >> 8); /* TODO: calculate value for modulation register */ dev->MCTL = 0; /* configure pins -> TODO: move into GPIO driver (once implemented) */ UART_PORT->SEL |= (UART_RX_PIN | UART_TX_PIN); msp_port_t *port = &UART_PORT->base; port->OD |= UART_RX_PIN; port->OD &= ~(UART_TX_PIN); port->DIR |= UART_TX_PIN; port->DIR &= ~(UART_RX_PIN); /* enable receiver and transmitter */ uart_poweron(uart); /* and finally release the software reset bit */ dev->CTL &= ~(SWRST); return UART_OK; } void uart_write(uart_t uart, const uint8_t *data, size_t len) { (void)uart; msp_usart_t *dev = UART_BASE; for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { while (!(dev->TCTL & TXEPT)) {} dev->TXBUF = data[i]; } } void uart_poweron(uart_t uart) { (void)uart; UART_SFR->ME |= UART_ME_BITS; } void uart_poweroff(uart_t uart) { (void)uart; UART_SFR->ME &= ~(UART_ME_BITS); } ISR(UART_RX_ISR, isr_uart_0_rx) { __enter_isr(); /* read character (resets interrupt flag) */ char c = UART_BASE->RXBUF; /* only call callback if there was no receive error */ if(! (UART_BASE->RCTL & RXERR)) { ctx_rx_cb(ctx_isr_arg, c); } __exit_isr(); }