/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Bennet Blischke / HAW Hamburg * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @{ * * @file */ #include #include #include "architecture.h" #include "container.h" #include "embUnit.h" #include "uri_parser.h" #include "unittests-constants.h" #include "tests-uri_parser.h" typedef struct { char *input_uri; char *scheme; char *userinfo; char *host; char *ipv6addr; char *zoneid; char *port_str; uint16_t port; char *path; char *query; } expected_uri_result_t; static void _print_return_expectation(const char *uri, int expected, int observed) { printf("\nURI-Input: %s\n", uri); printf("Expected return: %d\n", expected); printf("Observed return: %d", observed); } /* * The uri_parser returns a string-buffer (non zero terminated). * This function compares a given string with a given uri_parser buffer + length. * Additionally, it takes the original uri (from the test vector) and a name * in order to print a precise and helpful error message if the buffer and string * aren't identical. */ static int _compare_string_buffer(const char *name, const char *input_uri, const char *expected_str, const char *actual_str, size_t actual_len) { if ((actual_len == strlen(expected_str)) && (strncmp(actual_str, expected_str, actual_len) == 0)) { return 0; } printf("\nWith given input uri '%s', expected %s '%s' with length '%" PRIuSIZE "' but got '%.*s' with length '%" PRIuSIZE "'\n", input_uri, name, expected_str, strlen(expected_str), (unsigned) actual_len, actual_str, actual_len); return -1; } /* * Given a simple valid uri, this test checks that the parsing returns success */ static void _successful_parsing_of_valid_uri(void) { char *failure_msg = "Failure: The uri_parser failed to parse a correct and valid uri."; int expected_ret = 0; /* Indicates a successful parsing */ char *simple_uri_1 = "coap://example.org/foo/bar"; char *simple_uri_2 = "ftp://riot-os.org/bar/foo"; char *simple_uri_3 = "ftp://riot-os.org:99/bar/foo"; char *simple_uri_4 = "http://riot-os.org:99/bar/foo"; char *simple_uri_5 = "https://riot-os.org/"; char *legacy_test_case_01 = "coap://RIOT:test@[fe80:db8::1%tap0]:5683/.well-known/core?v=1"; char *legacy_test_case_02 = "coap://[fe80::1]/foo%20bar"; char *legacy_test_case_03 = "/.well-known/core?v=1"; char *legacy_test_case_04 = "coap://R@[2001:db8::1]:5/v=1"; char *legacy_test_case_05 = "coap://R@[2001:db8::1]:5/:v=1"; char *legacy_test_case_06 = "cap://R@[2001:db8::1]:5/?v=1"; char *legacy_test_case_07 = "oap://Y2001:db8::1]:5/av=1"; char *legacy_test_case_08 = "//Rb[ʰ00J:d/5v=0"; char *legacy_test_case_09 = "coap:///R@[2008::1]:5own//R@[2008::1]:5own/?v=1"; char *legacy_test_case_10 = "coaP://R/RZ[2001[8:01[8::1]:5o:1]:5oTMv=1"; char *legacy_test_case_11 = "coap://R@////////////////7///v=1"; char *legacy_test_case_12 = "coa[:////[2001:db5ow:5own/Ov=1"; char *legacy_test_case_13 = "tel:+1-816-555-1212"; char *legacy_test_case_14 = "sms:+15105550101,+15105550102?body=hello%20there"; char *legacy_test_case_15 = "a"; char *legacy_test_case_16 = "mailto:test@example.com"; char *legacy_test_case_17 = "ftp://ftp.is.co.za/rfc/rfc1808.txt"; char *legacy_test_case_18 = "http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2396.txt"; char *legacy_test_case_19 = "ldap://[2001:db8::7]/c=GB?objectClass?one"; char *legacy_test_case_20 = "mailto:John.Doe@example.com"; char *legacy_test_case_21 = "news:comp.infosystems.www.servers.unix"; char *legacy_test_case_22 = "tel:+1-816-555-1212"; char *legacy_test_case_23 = "telnet://"; char *legacy_test_case_24 = "urn:oasis:names:specification:docbook:dtd:xml:4.1.2"; char *legacy_test_case_25 = "/"; char *legacy_test_case_26 = "./this:that"; char *legacy_test_case_27 = "pP://"; char *legacy_test_case_28 = "A://@"; char *test_vec[] = { simple_uri_1, simple_uri_2, simple_uri_3, simple_uri_4, simple_uri_5, legacy_test_case_01, legacy_test_case_02, legacy_test_case_03, legacy_test_case_04, legacy_test_case_05, legacy_test_case_06, legacy_test_case_07, legacy_test_case_08, legacy_test_case_09, legacy_test_case_10, legacy_test_case_11, legacy_test_case_12, legacy_test_case_13, legacy_test_case_14, legacy_test_case_15, legacy_test_case_16, legacy_test_case_17, legacy_test_case_18, legacy_test_case_19, legacy_test_case_20, legacy_test_case_21, legacy_test_case_22, legacy_test_case_23, legacy_test_case_24, legacy_test_case_25, legacy_test_case_26, legacy_test_case_27, legacy_test_case_28, }; uri_parser_result_t uri_res; int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(test_vec); ++i) { ret = uri_parser_process_string(&uri_res, test_vec[i]); if (ret != expected_ret) { _print_return_expectation(test_vec[i], expected_ret, ret); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } } } /* * Given a simple invalid uri, this test checks that the parsing returns an error */ static void _successful_rejecting_of_invalid_uri(void) { char *failure_msg = "Failure: The uri_parser failed to reject an invalid uri."; int expected_ret = -1; /* Indicates an invalid uri */ char *trailing_percent = "coap://RIOT:test@[fe80:db8::1%]:5683/.well-known/core?v=1"; char *invalid_port = "coap://R@[2001:db8::1]:5own/v=1"; char *invalid_port_colon = "coap://R@[2001:db8::1]:5own/:v=1"; char *invalid_port_short_scheme = "cap://R@[2001:db8::1]:5own/?v=1"; char *invalid_host = "oap://Y2001:db8::1]:5own/av=1"; char *double_scheme = "coap://oap://P@[2001:b"; char *empty_input = ""; char *port_too_long = "coap://example.com:1234568910"; char *white_space_in_port = "coap://example.com: 12/foo"; char *hex_port = "coap://example.com:0x12/foo"; char *test_vec[] = { trailing_percent, invalid_port, invalid_port_colon, invalid_port_short_scheme, invalid_host, double_scheme, empty_input, port_too_long, white_space_in_port, hex_port, }; uri_parser_result_t uri_res; int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(test_vec); ++i) { ret = uri_parser_process_string(&uri_res, test_vec[i]); if (ret != expected_ret) { _print_return_expectation(test_vec[i], expected_ret, ret); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } } } /* * This test checks if the uri_parser returns an error if the port length * (as a string) is invalid, that is, longer than 5 characters. * This differs from the RFC, where the port in an uri can be zero to infinite * number of characters long; ABNF: *DIGIT */ static void _error_if_port_str_is_too_long(void) { char *failure_msg = "Failure: The uri_parser did not detect an invalid port-length as invalid."; int expected_ret = -1; /* Indicates an invalid uri */ char *leading_zeroes_arent_ignored = "https://example.org:000456/foo/bar"; char *too_many_digits = "https://example.org:123456/foo/bar"; char *too_much_whitespace = "https://example.org: 23456/foo/bar"; char *test_vec[] = { too_many_digits, leading_zeroes_arent_ignored, too_much_whitespace, }; uri_parser_result_t uri_res; int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(test_vec); ++i) { ret = uri_parser_process_string(&uri_res, test_vec[i]); if (ret != expected_ret) { _print_return_expectation(test_vec[i], expected_ret, ret); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } } } /* * This test checks if the uri_parser returns an error if the port * (as a string) is invalid, that is, containing illegal characters */ static void _error_if_port_str_contains_illegal_characters(void) { char *failure_msg = "Failure: The uri_parser did not detect an invalid port-string as invalid."; int expected_ret = -1; /* Indicates an invalid uri */ char *letters_within_a_number = "https://example.org:12ff34/foo/bar"; char *hex_number_as_port = "https://example.org:0x1234/foo/bar"; char *bin_number_as_port = "https://example.org:0b1010/foo/bar"; char *negativ_port = "https://example.org:-12/foo/bar"; char *whitespace_within_port = "https://example.org:12 34/foo/bar"; char *bigger_than_max_port = "https://example.org:65536/foo/bar"; char *test_vec[] = { letters_within_a_number, hex_number_as_port, bin_number_as_port, negativ_port, whitespace_within_port, bigger_than_max_port }; uri_parser_result_t uri_res; int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(test_vec); ++i) { ret = uri_parser_process_string(&uri_res, test_vec[i]); if (ret != expected_ret) { _print_return_expectation(test_vec[i], expected_ret, ret); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } } } /* * Given a uri which contains a scheme, this test checks that the * uri_parser can isolate that scheme successful. */ static void _result_component_scheme_matches_input_scheme(void) { char *failure_msg = "Failure: The uri_parser did not parse the scheme correctly."; int expected_ret = 0; expected_uri_result_t very_long_scheme = { .input_uri = "wowlongcoap://example.org/foo/bar", .scheme = "wowlongcoap", }; expected_uri_result_t normal_scheme = { .input_uri = "coap://example.org/foo/bar", .scheme = "coap", }; expected_uri_result_t short_scheme = { .input_uri = "a://example.org/foo/bar", .scheme = "a", }; expected_uri_result_t digit_scheme = { .input_uri = "a1b2://example.org/foo/bar", .scheme = "a1b2", }; expected_uri_result_t *test_vec[] = { &very_long_scheme, &normal_scheme, &short_scheme, &digit_scheme, }; uri_parser_result_t uri_res; int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(test_vec); ++i) { ret = uri_parser_process_string(&uri_res, test_vec[i]->input_uri); if (ret != expected_ret) { /* if the uri_parser return indicates an error, this test fails */ _print_return_expectation(test_vec[i]->input_uri, expected_ret, ret); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } else { /* if the uri_parser return indicates success * the length of the schemes must match. * we can't use strlen on the result scheme as it is not null terminated, * but the uri_parser provides the length separately*/ if (uri_res.scheme_len != strlen(test_vec[i]->scheme)) { printf( "With given input uri '%s', expected a scheme with the length '%" PRIuSIZE "' but got '%d'\n", test_vec[i]->input_uri, strlen(test_vec[i]->scheme), uri_res.scheme_len); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } else { /* If the schemes have the same length, they also should look identical */ if (strncmp(uri_res.scheme, test_vec[i]->scheme, uri_res.scheme_len) != 0) { printf("With given input uri '%s', expected scheme '%s' but got '%.*s'\n", test_vec[i]->input_uri, test_vec[i]->scheme, uri_res.scheme_len, uri_res.scheme); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } } } } } /* * Given a valid uri, this test checks that the * uri_parser can isolate all parts of it successfully. */ static void _result_components_matches_input(void) { char *failure_msg = "Failure: The uri_parser did not parse the uri correctly."; int expected_ret = 0; expected_uri_result_t uri_0 = { .input_uri = "coap://example.org/foo/bar", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "", /* This is an empty string because no userinfo has been set in this uri */ .host = "example.org", .ipv6addr = "", /* This is an empty string because a hostname was used instead in this uri */ .zoneid = "", /* Not applicable without ipv6 */ .port_str = "", /* This is an empty string because no port has been set in this uri */ .port = 0, /* Remains zero when no port is given */ .path = "/foo/bar", .query = "" /* This is an empty string because no query is present in this uri */ }; expected_uri_result_t uri_trailing_slash = { .input_uri = "coap://example.org/", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "", .host = "example.org", .ipv6addr = "", .zoneid = "", .port_str = "", .port = 0, .path = "/", .query = "" }; expected_uri_result_t uri_without_trailing_slash = { .input_uri = "coap://example.org", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "", .host = "example.org", .ipv6addr = "", .zoneid = "", .port_str = "", .port = 0, .path = "", .query = "" }; expected_uri_result_t uri_with_userinfo = { .input_uri = "coap://user@example.org", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "user", .host = "example.org", .ipv6addr = "", .zoneid = "", .port_str = "", .port = 0, .path = "", .query = "" }; expected_uri_result_t uri_with_ipv6 = { .input_uri = "coap://user@[2001:db8::1]", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "user", .host = "[2001:db8::1]", .ipv6addr = "2001:db8::1", .zoneid = "", .port_str = "", .port = 0, .path = "", .query = "" }; expected_uri_result_t uri_with_ipv6_and_port = { .input_uri = "coap://user@[2001:db8::1]:12345", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "user", .host = "[2001:db8::1]", .ipv6addr = "2001:db8::1", .zoneid = "", .port_str = "12345", .port = 12345, .path = "", .query = "" }; expected_uri_result_t uri_with_ipv6_and_port_and_zoneid = { .input_uri = "coap://user@[2001:db8::1%eth0]:12345", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "user", .host = "[2001:db8::1%eth0]", .ipv6addr = "2001:db8::1", .zoneid = "eth0", .port_str = "12345", .port = 12345, .path = "", .query = "" }; expected_uri_result_t *test_vec[] = { &uri_0, &uri_trailing_slash, &uri_without_trailing_slash, &uri_with_userinfo, &uri_with_ipv6, &uri_with_ipv6_and_port, &uri_with_ipv6_and_port_and_zoneid, }; uri_parser_result_t uri_res; int ret = 0; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(test_vec); ++i) { expected_uri_result_t *this_vec = test_vec[i]; ret = uri_parser_process_string(&uri_res, this_vec->input_uri); if (ret != expected_ret) { /* if the uri_parser return indicates an error, this test fails */ _print_return_expectation(this_vec->input_uri, expected_ret, ret); TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } else { /* if the uri_parser return indicates success */ if (_compare_string_buffer("scheme", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->scheme, uri_res.scheme, uri_res.scheme_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("userinfo", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->userinfo, uri_res.userinfo, uri_res.userinfo_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("host", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->host, uri_res.host, uri_res.host_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("ipv6addr", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->ipv6addr, uri_res.ipv6addr, uri_res.ipv6addr_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("zoneid", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->zoneid, uri_res.zoneid, uri_res.zoneid_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("port_str", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->port_str, uri_res.port_str, uri_res.port_str_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("path", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->path, uri_res.path, uri_res.path_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("query", this_vec->input_uri, this_vec->query, uri_res.query, uri_res.query_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } } } } static void test_uri_parser__unterminated_string(void) { char *failure_msg = "Failure: The uri_parser did not parse an unterminated uri string correctly."; expected_uri_result_t this_vec = { .input_uri = "coap://RIOT:test@[fe80:db8::1%eth2]:5683/.well-known/core?v=1", .scheme = "coap", .userinfo = "RIOT:test", .host = "[fe80:db8::1%eth2]", .ipv6addr = "fe80:db8::1", .zoneid = "eth2", .port_str = "5683", .port = 5683, .path = "/.well-known/core", .query = "v=1" }; uri_parser_result_t ures; char uri[64]; /* initialize with a non-null character */ memset(uri, 'Z', sizeof(uri)); memcpy(uri, this_vec.input_uri, strlen(this_vec.input_uri)); int res = uri_parser_process(&ures, uri, strlen(this_vec.input_uri)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(0, res); if (_compare_string_buffer("userinfo", this_vec.input_uri, this_vec.userinfo, ures.userinfo, ures.userinfo_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("host", this_vec.input_uri, this_vec.host, ures.host, ures.host_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("ipv6addr", this_vec.input_uri, this_vec.ipv6addr, ures.ipv6addr, ures.ipv6addr_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("zoneid", this_vec.input_uri, this_vec.zoneid, ures.zoneid, ures.zoneid_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("port_str", this_vec.input_uri, this_vec.port_str, ures.port_str, ures.port_str_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("path", this_vec.input_uri, this_vec.path, ures.path, ures.path_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } if (_compare_string_buffer("query", this_vec.input_uri, this_vec.query, ures.query, ures.query_len) != 0) { TEST_FAIL(failure_msg); } } Test *tests_uri_parser_tests(void) { EMB_UNIT_TESTFIXTURES(fixtures) { new_TestFixture(_successful_parsing_of_valid_uri), new_TestFixture(_successful_rejecting_of_invalid_uri), new_TestFixture(_error_if_port_str_is_too_long), new_TestFixture(_error_if_port_str_contains_illegal_characters), new_TestFixture(_result_component_scheme_matches_input_scheme), new_TestFixture(_result_components_matches_input), new_TestFixture(test_uri_parser__unterminated_string), }; EMB_UNIT_TESTCALLER(uri_parser_tests, NULL, NULL, fixtures); return (Test *)&uri_parser_tests; } #define PARAMS_NUMOF (4U) #define INIT_URI_RESULTS(q) \ _uri_results.query = (q); \ _uri_results.query_len = sizeof(q) - 1 #define TEST_ASSERT_PARAM(exp, idx, comp) \ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(sizeof(exp) - 1, _params[idx].comp ## _len); \ TEST_ASSERT_MESSAGE(!strncmp(exp, _params[idx].comp, _params[idx].comp ## _len), \ #comp " was not " exp); static uri_parser_query_param_t _params[4U]; static uri_parser_result_t _uri_results; static void _setup_query(void) { memset(_params, 0, sizeof(_params)); memset(&_uri_results, 0, sizeof(_uri_results)); } static void test_split_query__broken_input(void) { int res; INIT_URI_RESULTS("&"); res = uri_parser_split_query(&_uri_results, _params, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(-1, res); INIT_URI_RESULTS("=&"); res = uri_parser_split_query(&_uri_results, _params, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(-1, res); INIT_URI_RESULTS("=&&"); res = uri_parser_split_query(&_uri_results, _params, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(-1, res); INIT_URI_RESULTS("=="); res = uri_parser_split_query(&_uri_results, _params, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(-1, res); INIT_URI_RESULTS("key=value&name=value=another"); res = uri_parser_split_query(&_uri_results, _params, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(-1, res); } void test_split_query__truncated(void) { int res; INIT_URI_RESULTS("this=0&is=1&a=very&long=3&query=foo"); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(4, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); res = uri_parser_split_query(&_uri_results, _params, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(-2, res); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("this", 0, name); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("0", 0, value); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("is", 1, name); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("1", 1, value); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("a", 2, name); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("very", 2, value); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("long", 3, name); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("3", 3, value); } void test_split_query__success(void) { int res; INIT_URI_RESULTS("foo=&=&bar=1"); res = uri_parser_split_query(&_uri_results, _params, ARRAY_SIZE(_params)); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(3, res); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("foo", 0, name); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("", 0, value); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("", 1, name); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("", 1, value); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("bar", 2, name); TEST_ASSERT_PARAM("1", 2, value); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(0, _params[3].name_len); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(_params[3].name); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(0, _params[3].value_len); TEST_ASSERT_NULL(_params[3].value); } Test *tests_query_split_tests(void) { EMB_UNIT_TESTFIXTURES(fixtures) { new_TestFixture(test_split_query__broken_input), new_TestFixture(test_split_query__truncated), new_TestFixture(test_split_query__success), }; EMB_UNIT_TESTCALLER(query_split_tests, _setup_query, NULL, fixtures); return (Test *)&query_split_tests; } void tests_uri_parser(void) { TESTS_RUN(tests_uri_parser_tests()); TESTS_RUN(tests_query_split_tests()); } /** @} */