/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften Hamburg (HAW) * Copyright (C) 2014 Martin Landsmann * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup sys_base64 * @{ * @file * @brief Functions to encode and decode base64 * * @author Martin Landsmann * @} * */ #include #include "base64.h" #include "kernel_defines.h" #define BASE64_CAPITAL_UPPER_BOUND (25) /**< base64 'Z' */ #define BASE64_SMALL_UPPER_BOUND (51) /**< base64 'z' */ #define BASE64_NUMBER_UPPER_BOUND (61) /**< base64 '9' */ #define BASE64_PLUS (62) /**< base64 '+' */ #define BASE64_MINUS (62) /**< base64 '-' */ #define BASE64_SLASH (63) /**< base64 '/' */ #define BASE64_UNDERLINE (63) /**< base64 '_' */ #define BASE64_EQUALS (0xFE) /**< no base64 symbol '=' */ #define BASE64_NOT_DEFINED (0xFF) /**< no base64 symbol */ /* * returns the corresponding ascii symbol value for the given base64 code */ static char getsymbol(unsigned char code, bool urlsafe) { if (!IS_ACTIVE(MODULE_BASE64URL)) { urlsafe = false; } if (urlsafe && code == BASE64_UNDERLINE) { return '_'; } if (urlsafe && code == BASE64_MINUS) { return '-'; } if (!urlsafe && code == BASE64_SLASH) { return '/'; } if (!urlsafe && code == BASE64_PLUS) { return '+'; } if (code <= BASE64_CAPITAL_UPPER_BOUND) { return (code + 'A'); } if (code <= BASE64_SMALL_UPPER_BOUND) { return (code + ('z' - BASE64_SMALL_UPPER_BOUND)); } if (code <= BASE64_NUMBER_UPPER_BOUND) { return (code + ('9' - BASE64_NUMBER_UPPER_BOUND)); } return (char)BASE64_NOT_DEFINED; } static int base64_encode_base(const void *data_in, size_t data_in_size, unsigned char *base64_out, size_t *base64_out_size, bool urlsafe) { const unsigned char *in = data_in; size_t required_size = base64_estimate_encode_size(data_in_size); if (data_in == NULL) { return BASE64_ERROR_DATA_IN; } if (data_in_size == 0) { *base64_out_size = 0; return BASE64_SUCCESS; } if (*base64_out_size < required_size) { *base64_out_size = required_size; return BASE64_ERROR_BUFFER_OUT_SIZE; } if (base64_out == NULL) { return BASE64_ERROR_BUFFER_OUT; } int iterate_base64_buffer = 0; unsigned char nNum = 0; int nLst = 0; int njump = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (int)(data_in_size); ++i) { unsigned char tmpval; njump++; tmpval = *(in + i); nNum = (tmpval >> (2 * njump)); if (njump == 4) { nNum = nLst << (8 - 2 * njump); njump = 0; nLst = 0; --i; } else { nNum += nLst << (8 - 2 * njump); nLst = tmpval & ((1 << njump * 2) - 1); } base64_out[iterate_base64_buffer++] = getsymbol(nNum, urlsafe); } /* The last character is not finished yet */ njump++; nNum = nLst << (8 - 2 * njump); base64_out[iterate_base64_buffer++] = getsymbol(nNum, urlsafe); /* if required we append '=' for the required dividability */ while (iterate_base64_buffer % 4) { base64_out[iterate_base64_buffer++] = '='; } *base64_out_size = iterate_base64_buffer; return BASE64_SUCCESS; } int base64_encode(const void *data_in, size_t data_in_size, unsigned char *base64_out, size_t *base64_out_size) { return base64_encode_base(data_in, data_in_size, base64_out, base64_out_size, false); } #if IS_ACTIVE(MODULE_BASE64URL) int base64url_encode(const void *data_in, size_t data_in_size, unsigned char *base64_out, size_t *base64_out_size) { return base64_encode_base(data_in, data_in_size, base64_out, base64_out_size, true); } #endif /* * returns the corresponding base64 code for the given ascii symbol */ static int getcode(char symbol) { if (symbol == '/') { return BASE64_SLASH; } if (symbol == '_') { return BASE64_UNDERLINE; } if (symbol == '+') { return BASE64_PLUS; } if (symbol == '-') { return BASE64_MINUS; } if (symbol == '=') { /* indicates a padded base64 end */ return BASE64_EQUALS; } if (symbol < '0') { /* indicates that the given symbol is not base64 and should be ignored */ return BASE64_NOT_DEFINED; } if (symbol <= '9' && symbol >= '0') { return (symbol + (BASE64_NUMBER_UPPER_BOUND - '9')); } if (symbol <= 'Z' && symbol >= 'A') { return (symbol - 'A'); } if (symbol <= 'z' && symbol >= 'a') { return (symbol + (BASE64_SMALL_UPPER_BOUND - 'z')); } /* indicates that the given symbol is not base64 and should be ignored */ return BASE64_NOT_DEFINED; } int base64_decode(const unsigned char *base64_in, size_t base64_in_size, void *data_out, size_t *data_out_size) { unsigned char *out = data_out; size_t required_size = base64_estimate_decode_size(base64_in_size); if (base64_in == NULL) { return BASE64_ERROR_DATA_IN; } if (base64_in_size == 0) { *data_out_size = 0; return BASE64_SUCCESS; } if (base64_in_size < 4) { return BASE64_ERROR_DATA_IN_SIZE; } if (*data_out_size < required_size) { *data_out_size = required_size; return BASE64_ERROR_BUFFER_OUT_SIZE; } if (data_out == NULL) { return BASE64_ERROR_BUFFER_OUT; } int iterate_data_buffer = 0; unsigned char nNum = 0; int nLst = getcode(base64_in[0]) << 2; int code = 0; int mask = 2; for (int i = 1; i < (int)(base64_in_size); i++) { code = getcode(base64_in[i]); if (code == BASE64_NOT_DEFINED || code == BASE64_EQUALS) { continue; } int nm = (0xFF << (2 * mask)); nNum = nLst + ((code & (0xFF & nm)) >> (2 * mask)); nLst = (code & (0xFF & ~nm)) << (8 - (2 * mask)); (mask != 3) ? out[iterate_data_buffer++] = nNum : nNum; (mask == 0) ? mask = 3 : mask--; } if (code == BASE64_EQUALS) { /* add the last character to the data_out buffer */ out[iterate_data_buffer] = nNum; } *data_out_size = iterate_data_buffer; return BASE64_SUCCESS; }