/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Inria * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_atmega_common * @ingroup drivers_periph_wdt * @{ * * @file * @brief Implementation of the watchdog peripheral interface * * @author Alexandre Abadie <alexandre.abadie@inria.fr> * * @} */ #include "cpu.h" #include "periph/pm.h" #include "periph/wdt.h" #include <avr/interrupt.h> #include "avr/wdt.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" uint8_t wdt_prescaler = WDTO_15MS; void wdt_start(void) { DEBUG("[wdt] start the watchdog\n"); wdt_enable(wdt_prescaler); } void wdt_stop(void) { DEBUG("[wdt] stop the watchdog\n"); wdt_disable(); } void wdt_kick(void) { DEBUG("[wdt] reload the watchdog\n"); wdt_reset(); wdt_enable(wdt_prescaler); } void wdt_setup_reboot(uint32_t min_time, uint32_t max_time) { (void)min_time; /* Windowed wdt not supported */ assert(min_time == 0); /* Check reset time limit */ assert((max_time > NWDT_TIME_LOWER_LIMIT) || \ (max_time < NWDT_TIME_UPPER_LIMIT)); /* disable watchdog */ wdt_disable(); if (max_time >= 8000) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_8S; } else if (max_time >= 4000) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_4S; } else if (max_time >= 2000) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_2S; } else if (max_time >= 1000) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_1S; } else if (max_time >= 500) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_500MS; } else if (max_time >= 250) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_250MS; } else if (max_time >= 125) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_120MS; } else if (max_time >= 64) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_60MS; } else if (max_time >= 32) { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_30MS; } else { wdt_prescaler = WDTO_15MS; } DEBUG("[wdt] watchdog setup complete\n"); }