/* * i2c.c - implementation of the I2C interface for the LPC2387 chip. * Copyright (C) 2013 Zakaria Kasmi * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @file * @internal * @brief The I2C interface drivers for the LPC2387 chip. * The driver is full abstracted supporting all the i2c-interfaces * of the LPC2387 chip. The user need only to give the requested * i2c-interface and the transmission baudrate. * The user can optionally give a master interrupt handler. If the * user does not declare a handler, an appropriate interrupt is * automatically registered for the specific i2c interface. * * @author Zakaria Kasmi * @author Marco Ziegert * @author Benjamin Aschenbrenner * @version $Revision: 3858 $ * * @note $Id: i2c.c 3858 2013-09-02 18:11:17 kasmi $ */ #include "lpc23xx.h" #include "lpc2387.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "VIC.h" #include "irq.h" #include #include #include #include volatile uint32_t i2c_master_state = I2C_IDLE; volatile uint32_t i2c_slave_state = I2C_IDLE; volatile uint32_t i2c_cmd; volatile uint32_t i2c_mode; volatile uint8_t i2c_master_buffer[I2C_BUFSIZE]; volatile uint32_t i2c_read_length; volatile uint32_t i2c_write_length; volatile uint32_t rd_index = 0; volatile uint32_t wr_index = 0; static void i2c_interface0_master_handler(void) __attribute__((interrupt( "IRQ"))); static void i2c_interface1_master_handler(void) __attribute__((interrupt( "IRQ"))); static void i2c_interface2_master_handler(void) __attribute__((interrupt( "IRQ"))); bool i2c_initialize(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint32_t i2c_mode, uint8_t slave_addr, uint32_t baud_rate, void *handler) { //puts("i2c_initialize begin...\n"); printf("i2cInterface = %d\n", i2c_interface); i2c_clear_buffer((uint8_t *) i2c_master_buffer, I2C_BUFSIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); //activate power for I2C2 i2c_active_power(i2c_interface); //select I2C2 functionality for pins x.xx (SDAx) and x.xx (SCLx) i2c_pin_select(i2c_interface); // clear I2CCON register flags i2c_clear_control_register(i2c_interface); //set baud rate i2c_set_baud_rate(i2c_interface, baud_rate); //set slave mode if (i2c_mode == I2CSLAVE) { i2c_set_slave_mode(i2c_interface, slave_addr); } /* Install interrupt handler */ if (!i2c_irq_handler_register(i2c_interface, handler)) { return false; } i2c_initial_master_transmitter_mode(i2c_interface); //puts("...i2c_initialize ended\n"); return (true); } bool i2c_transaction(uint8_t i2c_interface) { //puts("i2cTransaction begin...\n"); i2c_master_state = I2C_IDLE; rd_index = 0; wr_index = 0; if (i2c_start(i2c_interface) != true) { i2c_stop(i2c_interface); puts("i2cTransaction return false...\n"); return (false); } // puts("entering engine main loop\n"); while (1) { if (i2c_master_state == DATA_NACK) { i2c_stop(i2c_interface); break; } } // puts("...i2cTransaction ended\n"); return (true); } bool i2c_start(uint8_t i2c_interface) { // puts("i2c_start begin...\n"); uint32_t timeout = 0; bool retVal = false; /*--- Issue a start condition ---*/ switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: I20CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Start flag */ break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: I21CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Start flag */ break; case I2C2: I22CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Start flag */ } /*--- Wait until START transmitted ---*/ while (1) { if (i2c_master_state == I2C_STARTED) { retVal = true; break; } if (timeout >= MAX_TIMEOUT) { puts("timeout"); retVal = false; break; } timeout++; } //puts("...i2c_start ended\n"); return (retVal); } bool i2c_stop(uint8_t i2c_interface) { //puts("i2c_stop begin...\n"); switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: I20CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; /* Clear SI flag */ /*--- Wait for STOP detected ---*/ while (I20CONSET & I2CONSET_STO) ; break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: I21CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; /* Clear SI flag */ /*--- Wait for STOP detected ---*/ while (I21CONSET & I2CONSET_STO) ; break; case I2C2: I22CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; /* Clear SI flag */ /*--- Wait for STOP detected ---*/ while (I22CONSET & I2CONSET_STO) ; } // puts("...i2c_stop ended\n"); return true; } void i2c_active_power(uint8_t i2c_interface) { switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: PCONP |= BIT7; break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: PCONP |= BIT19; break; case I2C2: PCONP |= BIT26; } } //select I2C2 functionality for pins x.xx (SDAx) and x.xx (SCLx) void i2c_pin_select(uint8_t i2cInterface) { switch (i2cInterface) { case I2C0: // P0.27 SDA0, P0.28 SCL0 PINSEL1 |= BIT22 | BIT24; PINSEL1 &= ~(BIT23 | BIT25); break; case I2C1_0: // P0.0 SDA1, P0.1 SCL1 PINSEL0 |= BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT2 | BIT3; break; case I2C1_1: // P0.19 SDA1, P0.20 SCL1 PINSEL1 |= BIT6 | BIT7 | BIT8 | BIT9; break; case I2C2: // P0.10 SDA2, P0.11 SCL2 PINSEL0 |= BIT21 | BIT23; PINSEL0 &= ~(BIT20 | BIT22); } } /*--- clearing of bits in the I2CON register ---*/ void i2c_clear_control_register(uint8_t i2c_interface) { switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_AAC | I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC | I2CONCLR_I2ENC; break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_AAC | I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC | I2CONCLR_I2ENC; break; case I2C2: I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_AAC | I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC | I2CONCLR_I2ENC; } } void i2c_set_baud_rate(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint32_t baud_rate) { uint32_t pclksel = 0; uint32_t prescale = 0; lpc2387_pclk_scale(F_CPU, baud_rate, &pclksel, &prescale); switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: PCLKSEL0 &= ~(BIT14 | BIT15); //clear Bits PCLKSEL0 |= pclksel << 14; //set bits I20SCLL = prescale / 2; I20SCLH = prescale / 2; break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: PCLKSEL1 &= ~(BIT6 | BIT7); PCLKSEL1 |= pclksel << 6; I21SCLL = prescale / 2; I21SCLH = prescale / 2; break; case I2C2: PCLKSEL1 &= ~(BIT20 | BIT21); PCLKSEL1 |= pclksel << 20; I22SCLL = prescale / 2; I22SCLH = prescale / 2; } } bool i2c_irq_handler_register(uint8_t i2c_interface, void *handler) { bool successful = false; switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: if (handler == NULL) { successful = install_irq(I2C0_INT, (void *) i2c_interface0_master_handler, HIGHEST_PRIORITY); } else { successful = install_irq(I2C0_INT, (void *) handler, HIGHEST_PRIORITY); } break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: if (handler == NULL) { successful = install_irq(I2C1_INT, (void *) i2c_interface1_master_handler, HIGHEST_PRIORITY); } else { successful = install_irq(I2C1_INT, (void *) handler, HIGHEST_PRIORITY); } break; case I2C2: if (handler == NULL) { successful = install_irq(I2C2_INT, (void *) i2c_interface2_master_handler, HIGHEST_PRIORITY); } else { successful = install_irq(I2C2_INT, (void *) handler, HIGHEST_PRIORITY); } } return successful; } void i2c_initial_master_transmitter_mode(uint8_t i2c_interface) { switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: I20CONSET = I2CONSET_I2EN; break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: I21CONSET = I2CONSET_I2EN; break; case I2C2: I22CONSET = I2CONSET_I2EN; } } bool i2c_read(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint8_t slave_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *rx_buff, uint8_t rx_buff_length) { i2c_clear_buffer((uint8_t *) i2c_master_buffer, I2C_BUFSIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); i2c_write_length = 1; i2c_read_length = rx_buff_length; bool successful = false; uint8_t readIndex = 3; i2c_master_buffer[0] = (slave_addr << 1) & WRITE_ENABLE_BIT_MASK; i2c_master_buffer[1] = reg_addr; i2c_master_buffer[2] = ((slave_addr << 1) & WRITE_ENABLE_BIT_MASK) | READ_ENABLE_BIT_MASK; successful = i2c_transaction(i2c_interface); if (successful && (rx_buff != NULL) && (rx_buff_length < (I2C_BUFSIZE - readIndex))) { memcpy(rx_buff, (const uint8_t *)(i2c_master_buffer + readIndex), sizeof(uint8_t) * rx_buff_length); return true; } else { return false; } } void i2c_clear_buffer(void *ptr, uint32_t size) { memset(ptr, 0, size); } bool i2c_write(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint8_t slave_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t *tx_buff, uint8_t tx_buff_length) { //puts("[i2c.c/i2cWrite]: entered\n"); i2c_clear_buffer((uint8_t *) i2c_master_buffer, I2C_BUFSIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); i2c_write_length = tx_buff_length + 1; i2c_master_buffer[0] = (slave_addr << 1) & WRITE_ENABLE_BIT_MASK; i2c_master_buffer[1] = reg_addr; int32_t i; int32_t j = 0; if ((tx_buff != NULL) && tx_buff_length < (I2C_BUFSIZE - 2)) { for (i = 2; i < tx_buff_length + 2; i++) { i2c_master_buffer[i] = tx_buff[j]; j++; //printf("I2CMasterBuffer[%d] = %d\n", i, I2CMasterBuffer[i]); } return i2c_transaction(i2c_interface); } else { puts("[i2c.c/i2cWrite]: Invalid buffer or invalid write buffer size\n"); return false; } } //burst mode, the first element in the array bool i2c_trans_receive(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint8_t slave_addr, uint8_t *tx_buff, uint8_t tx_buff_length, uint8_t *rx_buff, uint8_t rx_buff_length) { puts("[i2c.c/i2cTransReceive]: entered\n"); i2c_clear_buffer((uint8_t *) i2c_master_buffer, I2C_BUFSIZE * sizeof(uint8_t)); i2c_write_length = tx_buff_length; i2c_read_length = rx_buff_length; bool successful = false; int32_t read_index = 0; int32_t i = 0; if (tx_buff != NULL && (tx_buff_length > 0)) { i2c_master_buffer[0] = (slave_addr << 1) & WRITE_ENABLE_BIT_MASK; for (i = 1; i < tx_buff_length + 1; i++) { if (i < I2C_BUFSIZE) { i2c_master_buffer[i] = tx_buff[i - 1]; } } //enable I2C to read if ((rx_buff_length > 0) && (i < I2C_BUFSIZE)) { i2c_master_buffer[i] = ((slave_addr << 1) & WRITE_ENABLE_BIT_MASK) | READ_ENABLE_BIT_MASK; read_index = i + 1; } successful = i2c_transaction(i2c_interface); if (successful && (rx_buff != NULL) && (rx_buff_length > 0)) { memcpy(rx_buff, (const uint8_t *)(i2c_master_buffer + read_index), sizeof(uint8_t) * rx_buff_length); return true; } else { return false; } } else { puts( "[i2c.c/i2cRead]: the txBuff is not valid or has not a valid \ length value !\n"); return false; } } /** * @brief The interrupt handler for the I2C0 interface. * It deals only with the master mode. * */ void i2c_interface0_master_handler(void) //__irq { //puts("entering I2C handler function\n"); uint8_t state_value; /* this handler deals with master read and master write only */ state_value = I20STAT; //IENABLE; /* handles nested interrupt */ //enableIRQ(); switch (state_value) { case 0x08: /* A Start condition is issued. */ //puts("A Start condition is issued\n"); I20DAT = i2c_master_buffer[0]; //printf("I22DAT = %lu\n", I22DAT); I20CONCLR = (I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC); i2c_master_state = I2C_STARTED; break; case 0x10: /* A repeated started is issued */ //puts("A repeated Start is issued\n"); // if ( I2CCmd == L3DG420_WHO_AM_I) // { // I22DAT = I2CMasterBuffer[2]; // } I20DAT = i2c_master_buffer[2]; I20CONCLR = (I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC); i2c_master_state = I2C_RESTARTED; break; case 0x18: /* Regardless, it's a ACK */ //puts("got an Ack\n"); if (i2c_master_state == I2C_STARTED) { I20DAT = i2c_master_buffer[1 + wr_index]; wr_index++; i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; } I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x28: /* Data byte has been transmitted, regardless ACK or NACK */ case 0x30: //puts("Data byte has been transmitted\n"); if (wr_index != i2c_write_length) { // this should be the last one I20DAT = i2c_master_buffer[1 + wr_index]; if (wr_index != i2c_write_length) { i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; } else { i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; I20CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ if (i2c_read_length != 0) { I20CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Repeated-start flag */ i2c_master_state = I2C_REPEATED_START; } } wr_index++; } else { if (i2c_read_length != 0) { I20CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Repeated-start flag */ i2c_master_state = I2C_REPEATED_START; } else { i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; I20CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ } } I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x40: /* Master Receive, SLA_R has been sent */ //puts("Master Receive, SLA_R has been sent!\n"); if (i2c_read_length >= 2) { I20CONSET = I2CONSET_AA; /* assert ACK after data is received */ } I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; // Data byte has been received, regardless following ACK or NACK case 0x50: case 0x58: //puts("Data received\n"); i2c_master_buffer[3 + rd_index] = I20DAT; rd_index++; if (rd_index < (i2c_read_length - 1)) { i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; I20CONSET = I2CONSET_AA; /* assert ACK after data is received */ } else { I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_AAC; /* NACK after data is received */ } if (rd_index == i2c_read_length) { rd_index = 0; i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; } I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x20: /* regardless, it's a NACK */ case 0x48: I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; break; case 0x38: /* * Arbitration lost, in this example, we don't * deal with multiple master situation **/ //puts("Arbritration lost!\n"); default: I20CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; } //IDISABLE; //disableIRQ(); //puts("leave I2C handler function\n"); VICVectAddr = 0; /* Acknowledge Interrupt */ } /** * @brief The interrupt handler for the I2C1 interface. * It deals only with the master mode. * */ void i2c_interface1_master_handler(void) //__irq { //puts("entering I2C handler function\n"); uint8_t state_value; /* this handler deals with master read and master write only */ state_value = I21STAT; //IENABLE; /* handles nested interrupt */ //enableIRQ(); switch (state_value) { case 0x08: /* A Start condition is issued. */ //puts("A Start condition is issued\n"); I21DAT = i2c_master_buffer[0]; //printf("I22DAT = %lu\n", I22DAT); I21CONCLR = (I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC); i2c_master_state = I2C_STARTED; break; case 0x10: /* A repeated started is issued */ //puts("A repeated Start is issued\n"); // if ( I2CCmd == L3DG420_WHO_AM_I) // { // I22DAT = I2CMasterBuffer[2]; // } I21DAT = i2c_master_buffer[2]; I21CONCLR = (I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC); i2c_master_state = I2C_RESTARTED; break; case 0x18: /* Regardless, it's a ACK */ //puts("got an Ack\n"); if (i2c_master_state == I2C_STARTED) { I21DAT = i2c_master_buffer[1 + wr_index]; wr_index++; i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; } I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x28: /* Data byte has been transmitted, regardless ACK or NACK */ case 0x30: //puts("Data byte has been transmitted\n"); if (wr_index != i2c_write_length) { // this should be the last one I21DAT = i2c_master_buffer[1 + wr_index]; if (wr_index != i2c_write_length) { i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; } else { i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; I21CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ if (i2c_read_length != 0) { I21CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Repeated-start flag */ i2c_master_state = I2C_REPEATED_START; } } wr_index++; } else { if (i2c_read_length != 0) { I21CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Repeated-start flag */ i2c_master_state = I2C_REPEATED_START; } else { i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; I21CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ } } I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x40: /* Master Receive, SLA_R has been sent */ //puts("Master Receive, SLA_R has been sent!\n"); if (i2c_read_length >= 2) { I21CONSET = I2CONSET_AA; /* assert ACK after data is received */ } I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x50: /* * Data byte has been received, regardless following ACK or * NACK **/ case 0x58: //puts("Data received\n"); i2c_master_buffer[3 + rd_index] = I21DAT; rd_index++; if (rd_index < (i2c_read_length - 1)) { i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; I21CONSET = I2CONSET_AA; /* assert ACK after data is received */ } else { I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_AAC; /* NACK after data is received */ } if (rd_index == i2c_read_length) { rd_index = 0; i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; } I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x20: /* regardless, it's a NACK */ case 0x48: I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; break; case 0x38: /* * Arbitration lost, in this example, we don't * deal with multiple master situation **/ //puts("Arbritration lost!\n"); default: I21CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; } //IDISABLE; //disableIRQ(); //puts("leave I2C handler function\n"); VICVectAddr = 0; /* Acknowledge Interrupt */ } /** * @brief The interrupt handler for the I2C2 interface. * It deals only with the master mode. * */ void i2c_interface2_master_handler(void) //__irq { //puts("entering I2C handler function\n"); uint8_t state_value; /* this handler deals with master read and master write only */ state_value = I22STAT; //IENABLE; /* handles nested interrupt */ //enableIRQ(); switch (state_value) { case 0x08: /* A Start condition is issued. */ //puts("A Start condition is issued\n"); I22DAT = i2c_master_buffer[0]; //printf("I22DAT = %lu\n", I22DAT); I22CONCLR = (I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC); i2c_master_state = I2C_STARTED; break; case 0x10: /* A repeated started is issued */ //puts("A repeated Start is issued\n"); // if ( I2CCmd == L3DG420_WHO_AM_I) // { // I22DAT = I2CMasterBuffer[2]; // } I22DAT = i2c_master_buffer[2]; I22CONCLR = (I2CONCLR_SIC | I2CONCLR_STAC); i2c_master_state = I2C_RESTARTED; break; case 0x18: /* Regardless, it's a ACK */ //puts("got an Ack\n"); if (i2c_master_state == I2C_STARTED) { I22DAT = i2c_master_buffer[1 + wr_index]; wr_index++; i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; } I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x28: /* Data byte has been transmitted, regardless ACK or NACK */ case 0x30: //puts("Data byte has been transmitted\n"); if (wr_index != i2c_write_length) { // this should be the last one I22DAT = i2c_master_buffer[1 + wr_index]; if (wr_index != i2c_write_length) { i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; } else { i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; I22CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ if (i2c_read_length != 0) { I22CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Repeated-start flag */ i2c_master_state = I2C_REPEATED_START; } } wr_index++; } else { if (i2c_read_length != 0) { I22CONSET = I2CONSET_STA; /* Set Repeated-start flag */ i2c_master_state = I2C_REPEATED_START; } else { i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; I22CONSET = I2CONSET_STO; /* Set Stop flag */ } } I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x40: /* Master Receive, SLA_R has been sent */ //puts("Master Receive, SLA_R has been sent!\n"); if (i2c_read_length >= 2) { I22CONSET = I2CONSET_AA; /* assert ACK after data is received */ } I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x50: /* * Data byte has been received, regardless following ACK or * NACK **/ case 0x58: //puts("Data received\n"); i2c_master_buffer[3 + rd_index] = I22DAT; rd_index++; if (rd_index < (i2c_read_length - 1)) { i2c_master_state = DATA_ACK; I22CONSET = I2CONSET_AA; /* assert ACK after data is received */ } else { I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_AAC; /* NACK after data is received */ } if (rd_index == i2c_read_length) { rd_index = 0; i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; } I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; case 0x20: /* regardless, it's a NACK */ case 0x48: I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; i2c_master_state = DATA_NACK; break; case 0x38: /* * Arbitration lost, in this example, we don't * deal with multiple master situation **/ //puts("Arbritration lost!\n"); default: I22CONCLR = I2CONCLR_SIC; break; } //IDISABLE; //disableIRQ(); //puts("leave I2C handler function\n"); VICVectAddr = 0; /* Acknowledge Interrupt */ } void i2c_set_slave_mode(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint8_t slave_addr) { switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C0: I20ADR = slave_addr; break; case I2C1_0: case I2C1_1: I21ADR = slave_addr; break; case I2C2: I22ADR = slave_addr; } } void i2c_enable_pull_up_resistor(uint8_t i2c_interface) { switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C1_0: // P0.0 SDA1, P0.1 SCL1 puts("The on-chip pull-up resistor is enabled for the I2C1_0"); PINMODE0 &= ~(BIT0 | BIT1 | BIT2 | BIT3); break; case I2C1_1: // P0.19 SDA1, P0.20 SCL1 puts("The on-chip pull-up resistor is enabled for the I2C1_1"); PINMODE1 &= ~(BIT6 | BIT7 | BIT8 | BIT9); break; case I2C2: // P0.10 SDA2, P0.11 SCL2 puts("The on-chip pull-up resistor is enabled for the I2C2"); PINMODE0 &= ~(BIT20 | BIT21 | BIT22 | BIT23); //PINMODE0 &= ~(BIT20 | BIT22); } } void i2c_disable_pull_up_resistor(uint8_t i2c_interface) { switch (i2c_interface) { case I2C1_0: // P0.0 SDA1, P0.1 SCL1 puts("The on-chip pull-up resistor is disbled for the I2C1_0"); PINMODE0 &= ~(BIT0 | BIT2); PINMODE0 |= (BIT1 | BIT3); break; case I2C1_1: // P0.19 SDA1, P0.20 SCL1 puts("The on-chip pull-up resistor is disabled for the I2C1_1"); PINMODE1 &= ~(BIT6 | BIT8); PINMODE1 |= (BIT7 | BIT9); break; case I2C2: // P0.10 SDA2, P0.11 SCL2 puts("The on-chip pull-up resistor is disbled for the I2C2"); PINMODE0 &= ~(BIT20 | BIT22); PINMODE1 |= (BIT21 | BIT23); } }