# Indicate the reserved space for a header, 256B by default # Notice that it must be 256B aligned. This is restricted by # the Cortex-M0+/3/4/7 architecture RIOTBOOT_HDR_LEN ?= 0x100 # By default, slot 0 is found just after RIOTBOOT_LEN. Slot 1 after # slot 0. The values might be overridden to add more or less offset # if needed. SLOT0_OFFSET ?= $(RIOTBOOT_LEN) SLOT1_OFFSET ?= $(shell echo $$(($(SLOT0_OFFSET) + $(SLOT0_LEN)))) CFLAGS += -DSLOT0_LEN=$(SLOT0_LEN) CFLAGS += -DSLOT0_OFFSET=$(SLOT0_OFFSET) CFLAGS += -DSLOT1_LEN=$(SLOT1_LEN) CFLAGS += -DSLOT1_OFFSET=$(SLOT1_OFFSET) CFLAGS += -DNUM_SLOTS=$(NUM_SLOTS)