#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "sys/net/sixlowpan/sixlowmac.h" #include "sys/net/sixlowpan/sixlowip.h" #include "sys/net/sixlowpan/sixlowborder.h" #include "sys/net/sixlowpan/sixlowpan.h" #include "sys/net/sixlowpan/sixlowerror.h" #include "sys/net/destiny/udp.h" #include "sys/net/destiny/socket.h" #include "sys/net/destiny/in.h" #include "sys/net/destiny/destiny.h" uint8_t server_thread_pid; char server_stack_buffer[2048]; void init(char *str){ char command; uint16_t r_addr; ipv6_addr_t std_addr; int res = sscanf(str, "init %c %hu", &command, &r_addr); if(res < 1){ printf("Usage: init {h | r | a | e} radio_address\n"); printf("\th\tinitialize as host\n"); printf("\tr\tinitialize as router\n"); printf("\ta\tinitialize as ad-hoc router\n"); printf("\tb\tinitialize as border router\n\n"); printf("\tradio_address must be an 8 bit integer\n"); } ipv6_init_address(&std_addr,0xABCD,0,0,0,0x1034,0x00FF,0xFE00,r_addr); switch (command) { case 'h': printf("INFO: Initialize as host on radio address %hu\n", r_addr); if (r_addr > 255) { printf("ERROR: radio_address not an 8 bit integer\n"); return; } sixlowpan_init(TRANSCEIVER_CC1100,r_addr,0); break; case 'r': printf("INFO: Initialize as router on radio address %hu\n", r_addr); if (r_addr > 255) { printf("ERROR: radio_address not an 8 bit integer\n"); return; } sixlowpan_init(TRANSCEIVER_CC1100, r_addr,0); ipv6_init_iface_as_router(); break; case 'a': printf("INFO: Initialize as adhoc router on radio address %hu\n", r_addr); if (r_addr > 255) { printf("ERROR: radio_address not an 8 bit integer\n"); return; } sixlowpan_adhoc_init(TRANSCEIVER_CC1100, &std_addr, r_addr); break; case 'b': printf("INFO: Initialize as border router on radio address %hu\n", r_addr); if (r_addr > 255) { printf("ERROR: radio_address not an 8 bit integer\n"); return; } res = border_initialize(TRANSCEIVER_CC1100, &std_addr); switch (res) { case (SUCCESS): printf("INFO: Border router initialized.\n"); break; case (SIXLOWERROR_ADDRESS): printf("ERROR: Illegal IP address: "); ipv6_print_addr(&std_addr); break; default: printf("ERROR: Unknown error (%d).\n", res); break; } break; default: printf("ERROR: Unknown command '%c'\n", command); break; } } void bootstrapping(char *str){ sixlowpan_bootstrapping(); } void send_packet(char *str){ uint8_t send_buffer[UDP_STACK_SIZE]; uint8_t text[20]; sscanf(str, "send %s", text); struct ipv6_hdr_t *test_ipv6_header = ((struct ipv6_hdr_t*)(&send_buffer)); struct udp_hdr_t *test_udp_header = ((struct udp_hdr_t*)(&send_buffer[IPV6_HDR_LEN])); uint8_t *payload = &send_buffer[IPV6_HDR_LEN+UDP_HDR_LEN]; ipv6_addr_t ipaddr; ipv6_init_address(&ipaddr, 0xabcd, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3612, 0x00ff, 0xfe00, 0x0005); ipv6_print_addr(&ipaddr); memcpy(&(test_ipv6_header->destaddr), &ipaddr, 16); ipv6_get_saddr(&(test_ipv6_header->srcaddr), &(test_ipv6_header->destaddr)); test_ipv6_header->version_trafficclass = IPV6_VER; test_ipv6_header->trafficclass_flowlabel = 0; test_ipv6_header->flowlabel = 0; test_ipv6_header->nextheader = IPPROTO_UDP; test_ipv6_header->hoplimit = MULTIHOP_HOPLIMIT; test_ipv6_header->length = sizeof(test_udp_header); test_udp_header->src_port = 9821; test_udp_header->dst_port = 7654; test_udp_header->checksum = 0; memcpy(payload, text, strlen((char*)text)+1); test_udp_header->length = 8 + strlen((char*)text)+1; test_udp_header->checksum = ~udp_csum(test_ipv6_header, test_udp_header); printf("Content of UDP Packet: src_port: %i, dst_port: %i, length: %i, checksum: %x\n", test_udp_header->src_port, test_udp_header->dst_port, test_udp_header->length, test_udp_header->checksum); sixlowpan_send(&ipaddr, (uint8_t*)(test_udp_header), test_udp_header->length, IPPROTO_UDP); } void send_udp(char *str) { int sock; struct sockaddr_in6 sa; ipv6_addr_t ipaddr; int bytes_sent; uint8_t text[20]; sscanf(str, "send_udp %s", text); sock = socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); if (-1 == sock) { printf("Error Creating Socket!"); exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa); ipv6_init_address(&ipaddr, 0xabcd, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x3612, 0x00ff, 0xfe00, 0x0005); ipv6_print_addr(&ipaddr); sa.sin6_family = AF_INET; memcpy(&sa.sin6_addr, &ipaddr, 16); sa.sin6_port = 7654; bytes_sent = sendto(sock, (char*)text, strlen((char*)text)+1, 0, &sa, sizeof sa); if (bytes_sent < 0) { printf("Error sending packet!\n"); } close(sock); } void set_radio_chann(char *str){ uint16_t chann; int res = sscanf(str, "set_chann %hu", &chann); if(res < 1){ printf("Usage: set_chann [channel]\n"); } cc110x_set_channel(chann); } void get_r_address(char *str){ printf("radio: %hu\n", cc110x_get_address()); } void ip(char *str){ ipv6_iface_print_addrs(); } void context(char *str){ uint8_t i; lowpan_context_t *context; for(i = 0; i < LOWPAN_CONTEXT_MAX; i++){ context = lowpan_context_num_lookup(i); if (context != NULL) { printf("%2d\tLifetime: %5u\tLength: %3d\t",context->num,context->lifetime,context->length); ipv6_print_addr(&(context->prefix)); } } } void init_tl (char *str) { init_transport_layer(); } void init_server(void) { int sock = socket(PF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_UDP); printf("Socket Number: %i\n", sock); struct sockaddr_in6 sa; char buffer[1024]; ssize_t recsize; uint32_t fromlen; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof sa); sa.sin6_family = AF_INET; sa.sin6_port = 7654; fromlen = sizeof(sa); if (-1 == bind(sock, &sa, sizeof(sa), server_thread_pid)) { printf("Error bind failed!\n"); close(sock); } for (;;) { print_socket(sock); recsize = recvfrom(sock, (void *)buffer, 1024, 0, &sa, &fromlen); if (recsize < 0) { printf("ERROR: recsize < 0!\n"); } printf("recsize: %i\n ", recsize); printf("datagram: %.*s\n", (int)recsize, buffer); } } void init_server_thread(char *str) { server_thread_pid = thread_create(server_stack_buffer, 2048, PRIORITY_MAIN, CREATE_STACKTEST, init_server, "init_server"); printf("SERVER THREAD PID: %i\n", server_thread_pid); } const shell_command_t shell_commands[] = { //{"send", "", send_packet}, {"init", "", init}, {"addr", "", get_r_address}, {"set_chann", "", set_radio_chann}, {"boot", "", bootstrapping}, {"ip", "", ip}, {"context", "", context}, {"init_tl", "", init_tl}, {"init_server_thread", "", init_server_thread}, {"send_udp", "", send_udp}, {NULL, NULL, NULL} }; int main(void) { printf("6LoWPAN Transport Layers\n"); vtimer_init(); posix_open(uart0_handler_pid, 0); shell_t shell; shell_init(&shell, shell_commands, uart0_readc, uart0_putc); shell_run(&shell); return 0; }