# This file contains ignored words that triggered false positive with codespell # # Extend it when needed, one word per line with documentation in a comment. # nd (Neighbor Discovery) => and, 2nd nd # wan (Wide Area Network) => want wan # od (Object Dump) => of od # dout (Digital out) => doubt dout # ALS (Ambient Light Sensing) => ALSO als # CAF (Comp. A Enable Output Filter (MSP430) or Copy All Frames (SAM0) or C++ Actor Framework) => CALF caf # Technik (From "Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin") => Technique technik # inout (Doxygen input/output param) => input, in out inout # OT (OpenThread) => TO, OF, OR ot # fo (fragment offset) => of, for fo # AACK (802.15.4 Auto ACK) => ACK aack # pres (variable used for pressure measurement) => press pres # tHW (concatenation of \t and HW) => the, thaw thw # tThe (concatenation of \t and The) => the tthe # HSI (High Speed Internal oscillator) => HIS hsi # hart (RISC-V hart) => heart, harm hart # produkt (used in an url) => product produkt # BORD (a define in arm7_common) => BOARD, BORED, BORDER bord # PTD (a define in kinetis) => PDF ptd # THRE (a register of AVR UART peripheral) => THREE, THERE, THEIR, THE thre # UE (a register of AVR UART peripheral) => USE, DUE ue # BA (an hexadecimal value in tests-hashes-sha1.c) => BY, BE ba # doesnt (used in a test string in tests-crypto-modes-ccm.c) => doesn't, does not doesnt # creat (a POSIX fnctl function name) => create creat # Manal (firstname of a contributor) => Manual manal # ths (a variable name in thread_cooperation/main.c) => the, this ths # te, hel (partial words used in shell test script) => the, be, help, hell, heal te hel # GUAs (Global Unicast Address) => gauss guas # extint (variable for external interrupt) => extinct, extant extint # ser (variable name in espreset.py script) => set ser # keypair (function name used in qdsa test) => key pair keypair # comprE (RPL number of prefix octets) => compare, compère compre # files' (when files is the last word in string, between quotes) => file's files' # dedup (used in a GNRC header file name) => dedupe dedup # circularly (used in "circularly linked list" in clist.h) => circular circularly # Chang (common name) => Change chang # filp (variable name for file pointer) => flip filp # Ether (Scapy class name and means Ethernet in some parts of the code) => Either ether # crate (Rust's package format) => create crate # VAs (volt ampere second) => was vas # Sur (macOS version alias) => Sure, sir sur # unsecure (unlocked, protection disabled) => insecure unsecure # nce (neighbor cache entry) => once, nice nce # warmup => warm up, warm-up warmup # clen => clean, clan clen # RO (read only) => to, row, rob, rod, roe, rot ro # Synopsys (vendor name) => Synopsis synopsys # nam (part of lorem ipsum "Velit scelerisque in dictum non consectetur a erat nam.") # => name nam # donot (part of bloom filter test vector) => do not donot # Didi (Ayman El Didi) => Did didi # loath => loathe (both correct, one is an adjective, the other a verb) loath # NOE (Negative Output Enable) ==> NOT, NO, NODE, NOTE, KNOW, NOW noe # NWE (Negative Write Enable) ==> NEW nwe # rsource (used to include Kconfig files) ==> resource, source rsource # SHS (abbreviation for Secure Hash Standard) => SSH, NHS shs # FRAM (abbreviation for ferroelectric random access memory, a non-volatile memory) fram # MIS (mask interrupt register) mis # assertIn (python test framework method) assertIn # bootup (common spelling of boot-up) bootup # shiftIn (Arduino function name) shiftIn # elements (used in Congure documentation) lements