# additional modules dependencies include $(RIOTCPU)/esp_common/Makefile.dep USEMODULE += esp_idf_driver USEMODULE += esp_idf_esp32 USEMODULE += esp_idf_soc USEMODULE += pm_layered ifneq (,$(filter cpp,$(FEATURES_USED))) USEMODULE += pthread USEMODULE += esp_cxx endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_eth,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += esp_freertos USEMODULE += esp_idf_eth USEMODULE += esp_idf_eth_phy USEMODULE += netdev_eth USEMODULE += netopt USEMODULE += xtimer endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_wifi_any,$(USEMODULE))) # add additional modules used for any WiFi interface USEMODULE += esp_freertos USEMODULE += esp_idf_heap USEMODULE += esp_idf_nvs_flash USEMODULE += esp_idf_wpa_supplicant_crypto USEMODULE += esp_idf_wpa_supplicant_port endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_wifi_enterprise,$(USEMODULE))) # add additional modules used for WPA2 Enterprise mode USEMODULE += esp_idf_wpa_supplicant_wpa2_eap_peer USEMODULE += esp_idf_wpa_supplicant_wpa2_tls USEMODULE += esp_idf_wpa_supplicant_wpa2_utils endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_idf_nvs_flash,$(USEMODULE))) # add additional modules required by esp_idf_nvs_flash USEMODULE += mtd USEMODULE += pthread endif ifneq (,$(filter periph_rtc,$(USEMODULE))) FEATURES_OPTIONAL += esp_rtc_timer_32k endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_rtc_timer_32k,$(FEATURES_USED))) USEMODULE += esp_rtc_timer_32k endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_rtc_timer_32k,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += esp_rtc_timer endif ifneq (,$(filter periph_adc periph_dac,$(USEMODULE))) FEATURES_REQUIRED += periph_adc_ctrl endif ifneq (,$(filter periph_i2c,$(USEMODULE))) ifneq (,$(filter esp_i2c_hw,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += core_thread_flags USEMODULE += xtimer USEMODULE += periph_i2c_hw else # PLEASE NOTE: because of the very poor and faulty hardware implementation # we use software implementation by default for the moment (if module # esp_i2c_hw is not explicitly used) USEMODULE += esp_i2c_sw USEMODULE += periph_i2c_sw endif endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_spi_ram,$(DISABLE_MODULE))) USEMODULE := $(filter-out esp_spi_ram,$(USEMODULE)) endif ifneq (,$(filter esp_now esp_wifi esp_spi_ram,$(USEMODULE))) # the ESP-IDF heap has to be used if SPI RAM is used USEMODULE += esp_idf_heap endif ifneq (,$(filter mtd,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += esp_idf_spi_flash endif ifneq (,$(filter ndn-riot,$(USEPKG))) USEMODULE += crypto USEMODULE += cipher_modes endif ifneq (,$(filter pm_layered,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += periph_rtc endif ifneq (,$(filter shell,$(USEMODULE))) USEMODULE += ps endif