/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Freie Universität Berlin * Copyright (C) 2018 Inria * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup tests * @{ * * @file * @brief Unit tests for pkg libcose * * @author Koen Zandberg */ /* Number of nodes allocated for cn-cbor */ #define MAX_NUMBER_BLOCKS 32 #include #include #include #include "cn-cbor/cn-cbor.h" #include "cose.h" #include "cose/crypto.h" #include "embUnit.h" #include "memarray.h" #include "random.h" #include "tests-libcose.h" /* Example payload */ static char payload[] = "Input string"; /* Key ID's */ static const char kid[] = "peter@riot-os.org"; static const char kid2[] = "schmerzl@riot-os.org"; /* Key pairs */ static unsigned char pk[COSE_CRYPTO_SIGN_ED25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; static unsigned char sk[COSE_CRYPTO_SIGN_ED25519_SECRETKEYBYTES]; static unsigned char pk2[COSE_CRYPTO_SIGN_ED25519_PUBLICKEYBYTES]; static unsigned char sk2[COSE_CRYPTO_SIGN_ED25519_SECRETKEYBYTES]; static unsigned char symmkey[COSE_CRYPTO_AEAD_CHACHA20POLY1305_KEYBYTES]; static uint8_t nonce[COSE_CRYPTO_AEAD_CHACHA20POLY1305_NONCEBYTES] = { 0 }; /* COSE structs */ static cose_sign_t sign, verify; static cose_key_t signer, signer2, symm; static cose_encrypt_t test_encrypt, test_decrypt; /* COSE sign buffer */ static uint8_t buf[1024]; /*Signature Verification buffer */ static uint8_t vbuf[1024]; static cn_cbor block_storage_data[MAX_NUMBER_BLOCKS]; static memarray_t storage; /* CN_CBOR calloc/free functions */ static void *cose_calloc(size_t count, size_t size, void *memblock); static void cose_free(void *ptr, void *memblock); /* CN_CBOR block allocator context struct*/ static cn_cbor_context ct = { .calloc_func = cose_calloc, .free_func = cose_free, .context = &storage, }; static void *cose_calloc(size_t count, size_t size, void *memblock) { (void)count; void *block = memarray_alloc(memblock); if (block) { memset(block, 0, size); } return block; } static void cose_free(void *ptr, void *memblock) { memarray_free(memblock, ptr); } static void setUp(void) { /* Initialize */ random_init(0); memarray_init(&storage, block_storage_data, sizeof(cn_cbor), MAX_NUMBER_BLOCKS); /* Clear buffer */ memset(buf, 0, sizeof(buf)); memset(vbuf, 0, sizeof(vbuf)); } static void test_libcose_01(void) { /* Set up first signer */ cose_key_init(&signer); cose_key_set_keys(&signer, COSE_EC_CURVE_ED25519, COSE_ALGO_EDDSA, pk, NULL, sk); cose_crypto_keypair_ed25519(&signer); cose_key_set_kid(&signer, (uint8_t *)kid, sizeof(kid) - 1); /* Initialize struct */ cose_sign_init(&sign, COSE_FLAGS_UNTAGGED); cose_sign_init(&verify, 0); /* Add payload */ cose_sign_set_payload(&sign, payload, sizeof(payload)); /* First signer */ cose_sign_add_signer(&sign, &signer); /* Encode COSE sign object */ uint8_t *out = NULL; ssize_t encode_size = cose_sign_encode(&sign, buf, sizeof(buf), &out, &ct); TEST_ASSERT(encode_size > 0); /* Decode again */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(cose_sign_decode(&verify, out, encode_size, &ct), 0); /* Verify with signature slot 0 */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(cose_sign_verify(&verify, &signer, 0, vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), &ct), 0); } static void test_libcose_02(void) { /* Set up first signer */ cose_key_init(&signer); cose_key_set_keys(&signer, COSE_EC_CURVE_ED25519, COSE_ALGO_EDDSA, pk, NULL, sk); cose_crypto_keypair_ed25519(&signer); cose_key_set_kid(&signer, (uint8_t *)kid, sizeof(kid) - 1); /* Second signer */ cose_key_init(&signer2); cose_key_set_keys(&signer2, COSE_EC_CURVE_ED25519, COSE_ALGO_EDDSA, pk2, NULL, sk2); cose_crypto_keypair_ed25519(&signer2); cose_key_set_kid(&signer2, (uint8_t *)kid2, sizeof(kid2) - 1); /* Initialize struct */ cose_sign_init(&sign, 0); cose_sign_init(&verify, 0); /* Add payload */ cose_sign_set_payload(&sign, payload, sizeof(payload)); /* Signers */ cose_sign_add_signer(&sign, &signer); cose_sign_add_signer(&sign, &signer2); uint8_t *out = NULL; size_t len = cose_sign_encode(&sign, buf, sizeof(buf), &out, &ct); TEST_ASSERT(len > 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(cose_sign_decode(&verify, out, len, &ct), 0); /* Test correct signature with correct signer */ TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(cose_sign_verify(&verify, &signer, 0, vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), &ct), 0); TEST_ASSERT(cose_sign_verify(&verify, &signer, 1, vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), &ct) != 0); TEST_ASSERT(cose_sign_verify(&verify, &signer2, 0, vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), &ct) != 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(cose_sign_verify(&verify, &signer2, 1, vbuf, sizeof(vbuf), &ct), 0); } static void test_libcose_03(void) { cose_key_init(&symm); cose_encrypt_init(&test_encrypt); cose_encrypt_init(&test_decrypt); cose_crypto_keygen(symmkey, sizeof(symmkey), COSE_ALGO_CHACHA20POLY1305); cose_key_set_kid(&symm, (uint8_t *)kid, sizeof(kid) - 1); cose_key_set_keys(&symm, 0, COSE_ALGO_CHACHA20POLY1305, NULL, NULL, symmkey); cose_encrypt_add_recipient(&test_encrypt, &symm); cose_encrypt_set_algo(&test_encrypt, COSE_ALGO_DIRECT); cose_encrypt_set_payload(&test_encrypt, payload, sizeof(payload) - 1); uint8_t *out = NULL; ssize_t len = cose_encrypt_encode(&test_encrypt, buf, sizeof(buf), nonce, &out, &ct); TEST_ASSERT(len > 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(cose_encrypt_decode(&test_decrypt, out, len, &ct), 0); size_t plaintext_len = 0; int res = cose_encrypt_decrypt(&test_decrypt, &symm, 0, buf, sizeof(buf), vbuf, &plaintext_len, &ct); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(res, 0); TEST_ASSERT_EQUAL_INT(plaintext_len, sizeof(payload) - 1); } Test *tests_libcose_all(void) { EMB_UNIT_TESTFIXTURES(fixtures) { new_TestFixture(test_libcose_01), new_TestFixture(test_libcose_02), new_TestFixture(test_libcose_03), }; EMB_UNIT_TESTCALLER(libcose_tests, setUp, NULL, fixtures); return (Test *)&libcose_tests; } void tests_libcose(void) { printf("Starting libcose test, performing multiple signature operations.\n"); printf("This can take a while (up to 2 minutes on the samr21-xpro)\n"); TESTS_RUN(tests_libcose_all()); }