 * Copyright (C) 2015 Kaspar Schleiser <kaspar@schleiser.de>
 * Copyright (C) 2016 Eistec AB
 * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser
 * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level
 * directory for more details.

 * @defgroup  sys_xtimer Timers
 * @ingroup   sys
 * @brief     Provides a high level timer module to register
 *            timers, get current system time, and let a thread sleep for
 *            a certain amount of time.
 * The implementation takes one low-level timer and multiplexes it.
 * Insertion and removal of timers has O(n) complexity with (n) being the
 * number of active timers.  The reason for this is that multiplexing is
 * realized by next-first singly linked lists.
 * @{
 * @file
 * @brief   xtimer interface definitions
 * @author  Kaspar Schleiser <kaspar@schleiser.de>
 * @author  Joakim Nohlgård <joakim.nohlgard@eistec.se>
#ifndef XTIMER_H
#define XTIMER_H

#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "timex.h"
#include "msg.h"
#endif /* MODULE_CORE_MSG */
#include "mutex.h"
#include "sched.h"
#include "rmutex.h"

#include "ztimer/xtimer_compat.h"

#include "board.h"
#include "periph_conf.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

 * @brief xtimer timestamp (64 bit)
 * @note This is a struct in order to make the xtimer API type strict
typedef struct {
    uint64_t ticks64;       /**< Tick count */
} xtimer_ticks64_t;

 * @brief xtimer timestamp (32 bit)
 * @note This is a struct in order to make the xtimer API type strict
typedef struct {
    uint32_t ticks32;       /**< Tick count */
} xtimer_ticks32_t;

 * @brief xtimer callback type
typedef void (*xtimer_callback_t)(void*);

 * @brief xtimer timer structure
typedef struct xtimer {
    struct xtimer *next;         /**< reference to next timer in timer lists */
    uint32_t offset;             /**< lower 32bit offset time */
    uint32_t long_offset;        /**< upper 32bit offset time */
    uint32_t start_time;         /**< lower 32bit absolute start time */
    uint32_t long_start_time;    /**< upper 32bit absolute start time */
    xtimer_callback_t callback;  /**< callback function to call when timer
                                     expires */
    void *arg;                   /**< argument to pass to callback function */
} xtimer_t;

 * @brief get the current system time as 32bit time stamp value
 * @note    Overflows 2**32 ticks, thus returns xtimer_now64() % 32,
 *          but is cheaper.
 * @return  current time as 32bit time stamp
static inline xtimer_ticks32_t xtimer_now(void);

 * @brief get the current system time as 64bit time stamp
 * @return  current time as 64bit time stamp
static inline xtimer_ticks64_t xtimer_now64(void);

 * @brief get the current system time into a timex_t
 * @param[out] out  pointer to timex_t the time will be written to
void xtimer_now_timex(timex_t *out);

 * @brief get the current system time in microseconds since start
 * This is a convenience function for @c xtimer_usec_from_ticks(xtimer_now())
static inline uint32_t xtimer_now_usec(void);

 * @brief get the current system time in microseconds since start
 * This is a convenience function for @c xtimer_usec_from_ticks64(xtimer_now64())
static inline uint64_t xtimer_now_usec64(void);

 * @brief xtimer initialization function
 * This sets up xtimer. Has to be called once at system boot.
 * If @ref auto_init is enabled, it will call this for you.
void xtimer_init(void);

 * @brief Pause the execution of a thread for some seconds
 * When called from an ISR, this function will spin and thus block the MCU in
 * interrupt context for the specified amount in *seconds*, so don't *ever* use
 * it there.
 * @param[in] seconds   the amount of seconds the thread should sleep
static inline void xtimer_sleep(uint32_t seconds);

 * @brief Pause the execution of a thread for some milliseconds
 * @param[in] milliseconds  the amount of milliseconds the thread should sleep
static inline void xtimer_msleep(uint32_t milliseconds);

 * @brief Pause the execution of a thread for some microseconds
 * When called from an ISR, this function will spin and thus block the MCU for
 * the specified amount in microseconds, so only use it there for *very* short
 * periods, e.g., less than XTIMER_BACKOFF converted to µs.
 * @param[in] microseconds  the amount of microseconds the thread should sleep
static inline void xtimer_usleep(uint32_t microseconds);

 * @brief Pause the execution of a thread for some microseconds
 * See xtimer_usleep() for more information.
 * @param[in] microseconds  the amount of microseconds the thread should sleep
static inline void xtimer_usleep64(uint64_t microseconds);

 * @brief Stop execution of a thread for some time
 * Don't expect nanosecond accuracy. As of now, this function just calls
 * xtimer_usleep(nanoseconds/1000).
 * When called from an ISR, this function will spin-block, so only use it there
 * for *very* short periods.
 * @param[in] nanoseconds   the amount of nanoseconds the thread should sleep
static inline void xtimer_nanosleep(uint32_t nanoseconds);

 * @brief Stop execution of a thread for some time, 32bit version
 * When called from an ISR, this function will spin and thus block the MCU for
 * the specified amount, so only use it there for *very* short periods,
 * e.g. less than XTIMER_BACKOFF.
 * @param[in] ticks  number of ticks the thread should sleep
static inline void xtimer_tsleep32(xtimer_ticks32_t ticks);

 * @brief Stop execution of a thread for some time, 64bit version
 * When called from an ISR, this function will spin and thus block the MCU for
 * the specified amount, so only use it there for *very* short periods,
 * e.g. less than XTIMER_BACKOFF.
 * @param[in] ticks  number of ticks the thread should sleep
static inline void xtimer_tsleep64(xtimer_ticks64_t ticks);

 * @brief Stop execution of a thread for some time, blocking
 * This function will spin-block, so only use it *very* short periods.
 * @param[in] ticks  the number of xtimer ticks the thread should spin for
static inline void xtimer_spin(xtimer_ticks32_t ticks);

 * @brief will cause the calling thread to be suspended until the absolute
 * time (@p last_wakeup + @p period).
 * When the function returns, @p last_wakeup is set to
 * (@p last_wakeup + @p period).
 * This function can be used to create periodic wakeups.
 * @c last_wakeup should be set to xtimer_now() before first call of the
 * function.
 * If the result of (@p last_wakeup + @p period) would be in the past, the function
 * sets @p last_wakeup to @p last_wakeup + @p period and returns immediately.
 * @param[in] last_wakeup   base time stamp for the wakeup
 * @param[in] period        time in microseconds that will be added to last_wakeup
static inline void xtimer_periodic_wakeup(xtimer_ticks32_t *last_wakeup, uint32_t period);

 * @brief Set a timer that wakes up a thread
 * This function sets a timer that will wake up a thread when the timer has
 * expired.
 * @param[in] timer         timer struct to work with.
 * @param[in] offset        microseconds from now
 * @param[in] pid           pid of the thread that will be woken up
static inline void xtimer_set_wakeup(xtimer_t *timer, uint32_t offset, kernel_pid_t pid);

 * @brief Set a timer that wakes up a thread, 64bit version
 * This function sets a timer that will wake up a thread when the timer has
 * expired.
 * @param[in] timer         timer struct to work with.
 * @param[in] offset        microseconds from now
 * @param[in] pid           pid of the thread that will be woken up
static inline void xtimer_set_wakeup64(xtimer_t *timer, uint64_t offset, kernel_pid_t pid);

 * @brief Set a timer to execute a callback at some time in the future
 * Expects timer->callback to be set.
 * The callback specified in the timer struct will be executed @p offset
 * ticks in the future.
 * @warning BEWARE! Callbacks from xtimer_set() are being executed in interrupt
 * context (unless offset < XTIMER_BACKOFF converted to µs).
 * DON'T USE THIS FUNCTION unless you know *exactly* what that means.
 * @param[in] timer     the timer structure to use.
 * @param[in] offset    time in microseconds from now specifying that timer's
 *                      callback's execution time
static inline void xtimer_set(xtimer_t *timer, uint32_t offset);

 * @brief Set a timer to execute a callback at some time in the future, 64bit
 * version
 * Expects timer->callback to be set.
 * The callback specified in the timer struct will be executed @p offset_usec
 * microseconds in the future.
 * @warning BEWARE! Callbacks from xtimer_set() are being executed in interrupt
 * context (unless offset < XTIMER_BACKOFF converted to µs).
 * DON'T USE THIS FUNCTION unless you know *exactly* what that means.
 * @param[in] timer       the timer structure to use.
 * @param[in] offset_us   time in microseconds from now specifying that timer's
 *                        callback's execution time
static inline void xtimer_set64(xtimer_t *timer, uint64_t offset_us);

 * @brief remove a timer
 * @note this function runs in O(n) with n being the number of active timers
 * @param[in] timer ptr to timer structure that will be removed
void xtimer_remove(xtimer_t *timer);

 * @brief Convert microseconds to xtimer ticks
 * @param[in] usec  microseconds
 * @return xtimer time stamp
static inline xtimer_ticks32_t xtimer_ticks_from_usec(uint32_t usec);

 * @brief Convert microseconds to xtimer ticks, 64 bit version
 * @param[in] usec  microseconds
 * @return xtimer time stamp
static inline xtimer_ticks64_t xtimer_ticks_from_usec64(uint64_t usec);

 * @brief Convert xtimer ticks to microseconds
 * @param[in] ticks  xtimer time stamp
 * @return microseconds
static inline uint32_t xtimer_usec_from_ticks(xtimer_ticks32_t ticks);

 * @brief Convert xtimer ticks to microseconds, 64 bit version
 * @param[in] ticks  xtimer time stamp
 * @return microseconds
static inline uint64_t xtimer_usec_from_ticks64(xtimer_ticks64_t ticks);

 * @brief Create an xtimer time stamp
 * @param[in] ticks  number of xtimer ticks
 * @return xtimer time stamp
static inline xtimer_ticks32_t xtimer_ticks(uint32_t ticks);

 * @brief Create an xtimer time stamp, 64 bit version
 * @param[in] ticks  number of xtimer ticks
 * @return xtimer time stamp
static inline xtimer_ticks64_t xtimer_ticks64(uint64_t ticks);

 * @brief Compute difference between two xtimer time stamps
 * @param[in] a  left operand
 * @param[in] b  right operand
 * @return @p a - @p b
static inline xtimer_ticks32_t xtimer_diff(xtimer_ticks32_t a, xtimer_ticks32_t b);

 * @brief Compute difference between two xtimer time stamps, 64 bit version
 * @param[in] a  left operand
 * @param[in] b  right operand
 * @return @p a - @p b
static inline xtimer_ticks64_t xtimer_diff64(xtimer_ticks64_t a, xtimer_ticks64_t b);

 * @brief Compute 32 bit difference between two 64 bit xtimer time stamps
 * @param[in] a  left operand
 * @param[in] b  right operand
 * @return @p a - @p b cast truncated to 32 bit
static inline xtimer_ticks32_t xtimer_diff32_64(xtimer_ticks64_t a, xtimer_ticks64_t b);

 * @brief Compare two xtimer time stamps
 * @param[in] a  left operand
 * @param[in] b  right operand
 * @return @p a < @p b
static inline bool xtimer_less(xtimer_ticks32_t a, xtimer_ticks32_t b);

 * @brief Compare two xtimer time stamps, 64 bit version
 * @param[in] a  left operand
 * @param[in] b  right operand
 * @return @p a < @p b
static inline bool xtimer_less64(xtimer_ticks64_t a, xtimer_ticks64_t b);

 * @brief lock a mutex but with timeout
 * @param[in]    mutex  mutex to lock
 * @param[in]    us     timeout in microseconds relative
 * @return       0, when returned after mutex was locked
 * @return       -1, when the timeout occurred
int xtimer_mutex_lock_timeout(mutex_t *mutex, uint64_t us);

 * @brief lock a rmutex but with timeout
 * @param[in]    rmutex  rmutex to lock
 * @param[in]    us     timeout in microseconds relative
 * @return       0, when returned after rmutex was locked
 * @return       -1, when the timeout occurred
int xtimer_rmutex_lock_timeout(rmutex_t *rmutex, uint64_t us);

#if defined(MODULE_CORE_THREAD_FLAGS) || defined(DOXYGEN)

 * @brief    Set timeout thread flag after @p timeout
 * This function will set THREAD_FLAG_TIMEOUT on the current thread after @p
 * timeout usec have passed.
 * @param[in]   t       timer struct to use
 * @param[in]   timeout timeout in usec
void xtimer_set_timeout_flag(xtimer_t *t, uint32_t timeout);

 * @brief    Set timeout thread flag after @p timeout
 * See xtimer_set_timeout_flag() for more information.
 * @param[in]   t       timer struct to use
 * @param[in]   timeout timeout in usec
void xtimer_set_timeout_flag64(xtimer_t *t, uint64_t timeout);

 * @brief   Get remaining time of timer
 * @param[in]   timer   timer struct to use
 * @returns time in usec until timer triggers
 * @returns 0 if timer is not set (or has already passed)
uint64_t xtimer_left_usec(const xtimer_t *timer);

#if defined(MODULE_CORE_MSG) || defined(DOXYGEN)
 * @brief Set a timer that sends a message
 * This function sets a timer that will send a message @p offset ticks
 * from now.
 * The message struct specified by msg parameter will not be copied, e.g., it
 * needs to point to valid memory until the message has been delivered.
 * @param[in] timer         timer struct to work with.
 * @param[in] offset        microseconds from now
 * @param[in] msg           ptr to msg that will be sent
 * @param[in] target_pid    pid the message will be sent to
static inline void xtimer_set_msg(xtimer_t *timer, uint32_t offset, msg_t *msg, kernel_pid_t target_pid);

 * @brief Set a timer that sends a message, 64bit version
 * This function sets a timer that will send a message @p offset microseconds
 * from now.
 * The message struct specified by msg parameter will not be copied, e.g., it
 * needs to point to valid memory until the message has been delivered.
 * @param[in] timer         timer struct to work with.
 * @param[in] offset        microseconds from now
 * @param[in] msg           ptr to msg that will be sent
 * @param[in] target_pid    pid the message will be sent to
static inline void xtimer_set_msg64(xtimer_t *timer, uint64_t offset, msg_t *msg, kernel_pid_t target_pid);

 * @brief receive a message blocking but with timeout
 * @param[out] msg      pointer to a msg_t which will be filled in case of
 *                      no timeout
 * @param[in]  timeout  timeout in microseconds relative
 * @return     < 0 on error, other value otherwise
static inline int xtimer_msg_receive_timeout(msg_t *msg, uint32_t timeout);

 * @brief receive a message blocking but with timeout, 64bit version
 * @param[out] msg      pointer to a msg_t which will be filled in case of no
 *                      timeout
 * @param[in]  timeout  timeout in microseconds relative
 * @return     < 0 on error, other value otherwise
static inline int xtimer_msg_receive_timeout64(msg_t *msg, uint64_t timeout);

 * @brief xtimer backoff value
 * All timers that are less than XTIMER_BACKOFF ticks in the future will
 * just spin.
 * This is supposed to be defined per-device in e.g., periph_conf.h.

 * @brief   xtimer IRQ backoff time, in hardware ticks
 * When scheduling the next IRQ, if it is less than the backoff time
 * in the future, just spin.
 * This is supposed to be defined per-device in e.g., periph_conf.h.

 * Default xtimer configuration
#ifndef XTIMER_DEV
 * @brief Underlying hardware timer device to assign to xtimer
 * @brief Underlying hardware timer channel to assign to xtimer
#define XTIMER_CHAN (0)

#if (TIMER_0_MAX_VALUE) == 0xfffffful
#define XTIMER_WIDTH (24)
#elif (TIMER_0_MAX_VALUE) == 0xffff
#define XTIMER_WIDTH (16)


 * @brief xtimer timer width
 * This value specifies the width (in bits) of the hardware timer used by xtimer.
 * Default is 32.
#define XTIMER_WIDTH (32)

 * @brief xtimer timer mask
 * This value specifies the mask relative to 0xffffffff that the used timer
 * counts to, e.g., 0xffffffff & ~TIMER_MAXVALUE.
 * For a 16bit timer, the mask would be 0xFFFF0000, for a 24bit timer, the mask
 * would be 0xFF000000.
#define XTIMER_MASK ((0xffffffff >> XTIMER_WIDTH) << XTIMER_WIDTH)
#define XTIMER_MASK (0)

 * @brief  Base frequency of xtimer is 1 MHz
#define XTIMER_HZ_BASE (1000000ul)

#if !defined(XTIMER_HZ) && !defined(MODULE_XTIMER_ON_ZTIMER)
 * @brief  Frequency of the underlying hardware timer

#if !defined(XTIMER_SHIFT) && !defined(MODULE_XTIMER_ON_ZTIMER)
#if (XTIMER_HZ == 32768ul)
/* No shift necessary, the conversion is not a power of two and is handled by
 * functions in tick_conversion.h */
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (0)
 * @brief   xtimer prescaler value
 * If the underlying hardware timer is running at a power of two multiple of
 * 15625, XTIMER_SHIFT can be used to adjust the difference.
 * For a 1 MHz hardware timer, set XTIMER_SHIFT to 0.
 * For a 2 MHz or 500 kHz, set XTIMER_SHIFT to 1.
 * For a 4 MHz or 250 kHz, set XTIMER_SHIFT to 2.
 * For a 8 MHz or 125 kHz, set XTIMER_SHIFT to 3.
 * For a 16 MHz or 62.5 kHz, set XTIMER_SHIFT to 4.
 * and for 32 MHz, set XTIMER_SHIFT to 5.
 * The direction of the shift is handled by the macros in tick_conversion.h
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (0)
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (1)
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (2)
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (3)
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (4)
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (5)
#define XTIMER_SHIFT (6)
#error "XTIMER_SHIFT cannot be derived for given XTIMER_HZ, verify settings!"
#error "XTIMER_SHIFT is set relative to XTIMER_HZ, no manual define required!"

#include "xtimer/tick_conversion.h"

#include "xtimer/implementation.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus


/** @} */
#endif /* XTIMER_H */