PORT_LINUX ?= /dev/ttyUSB0 include $(RIOTMAKE)/tools/serial.inc.mk # use pic32prog by default to program this board PROGRAMMER ?= pic32prog ifeq ($(PROGRAMMER),pic32prog) # pic32prog # # For PICkit3: # # * Connect the chipKIT-Wi-Fire to USB # * Connect the PICkit3 to ICSP holes # * https://docs.creatordev.io/wifire/guides/wifire-programming/ # * The triangle `▶` goes into the port number 1 (a hole with a square around it) # opposite side of the JP1 ICSP text. FLASHFILE ?= $(HEXFILE) else ifeq ($(PROGRAMMER),jlink) FLASHFILE ?= $(HEXFILE) JLINK_DEVICE = PIC32MZ2048EFG100 JLINK_IF = JTAG endif