## the cpu to build for export CPU = msp430fxyz export CPU_MODEL = msp430f1612 # set default port depending on operating system PORT_LINUX ?= /dev/ttyUSB0 PORT_DARWIN ?= $(shell ls -1 /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART* | head -n 1) # setup serial terminal include $(RIOTBOARD)/Makefile.include.serial # setup flash tool export OFLAGS = -O ihex export PROGRAMMER ?= olimex export MSPDEBUGFLAGS += -j $(PROGRAMMER) ifeq ($(strip $(PROGRAMMER)),uif) export MSPDEBUGFLAGS += -d $(PORT) endif export FLASHER ?= mspdebug export FFLAGS = $(MSPDEBUGFLAGS) "prog $(HEXFILE)" # setup debugger export DEBUGSERVER = $(FLASHER) export DEBUGSERVER_FLAGS = $(MSPDEBUGFLAGS) gdb export DEBUGGER = $(PREFIX)gdb export DEBUGGER_FLAGS = --tui --ex="target remote localhost:2000" --ex "monitor reset halt" --ex load -ex "monitor reset halt" $(ELFFILE) # export msb-430-common includes export INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTBOARD)/msb-430-common/include export INCLUDES += -I$(RIOTBOARD)/msb-430-common/drivers/include