# RIOT FreeBSD VM ## About This provides a [Vagrantfile] to compile and test the RIOT [`native`][native] platform on FreeBSD stable (12.1). ## Requirements Make sure your system satisfies the latest version of all following dependencies: * [VirtualBox](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) * [VirtualBox Extension Pack](https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads) * [Vagrant](https://www.vagrantup.com/downloads.html) ## General usage The following commands must be run from this directory on the host system ``` vagrant plugin install vagrant-disksize # for big enough disk vagrant up vagrant provision # depending on the vagrant version this might alreardy be # executed with vagrant up ``` This will start up and set-up the virtual machine. ``` vagrant ssh ``` This logs you into the VM as vagrant user. See the general vagrant [README.md](../README.md) for more commands. ## Inside the VM Once logged in to the VM you can run compile and run tests e.g. ```sh make -C tests/shell all -j make -C tests/shell test ``` Even applications requiring network interface access should be able to work: ```sh sudo dist/tools/tapsetup/tapsetup make -C examples/gnrc_networking all -j16 make -C examples/gnrc_networking term ``` ``` > ifconfig ifconfig Iface 6 HWaddr: F1:28:23:23:F1:28 L2-PDU:1500 MTU:1500 HL:64 RTR RTR_ADV Source address length: 6 Link type: wired inet6 addr: fe80::f328:23ff:fe23:f128 scope: link TNT[1] inet6 group: ff02::2 inet6 group: ff02::1 inet6 group: ff02::1:ff23:f128 Statistics for Layer 2 RX packets 5 bytes 738 TX packets 2 (Multicast: 2) bytes 78 TX succeeded 2 errors 0 Statistics for IPv6 RX packets 4 bytes 340 TX packets 2 (Multicast: 2) bytes 128 TX succeeded 2 errors 0 ``` [Vagrantfile]: ./Vagrantfile [native]: https://doc.riot-os.org/group__boards__native.html