/* * Copyright (C) 2018 UC Berkeley * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @file * @brief Driver for the FXOS8700 3-axis accelerometer/magnetometer * * @author Michael Andersen * @author Hyung-Sin Kim */ #include "periph/i2c.h" #include "xtimer.h" #include "fxos8700.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" #define I2C_SPEED I2C_SPEED_FAST #define FXOS8700_FULLDATA_LENGTH (12) static int fxos8700_read_regs(const fxos8700_t* dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data, size_t len) { i2c_acquire(dev->p.i2c); if (i2c_read_regs(dev->p.i2c, dev->p.addr, reg, (char*) data, len) <= 0) { DEBUG("[fxos8700] Can't read register 0x%x\n", reg); i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); return FXOS8700_OK; } static int fxos8700_write_regs(const fxos8700_t* dev, uint8_t reg, uint8_t* data, size_t len) { i2c_acquire(dev->p.i2c); if (i2c_write_regs(dev->p.i2c, dev->p.addr, reg, (char*) data, len) <= 0) { DEBUG("[fxos8700] Can't write to register 0x%x\n", reg); i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); return FXOS8700_OK; } int fxos8700_init(fxos8700_t* dev, const fxos8700_params_t *params) { uint8_t config; if ((params->addr < 0x1C) || (params->addr > 0x1F)) { DEBUG("[fxos8700] Invalid address\n"); return FXOS8700_ADDRERR; } dev->p.addr = params->addr; dev->p.i2c = params->i2c; dev->p.acc_range = params->acc_range; dev->p.renew_interval = params->renew_interval; i2c_acquire(dev->p.i2c); if (i2c_init_master(dev->p.i2c, I2C_SPEED) != 0) { DEBUG("[fxos8700] Can't initialize I2C master\n"); i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); return FXOS8700_NOBUS; } if (i2c_read_regs(dev->p.i2c, dev->p.addr, FXOS8700_REG_WHO_AM_I, &config, 1) <= 0) { i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); DEBUG("[fxos8700] Could not read WHOAMI\n"); return FXOS8700_NOBUS; } if (config != FXOS8700_WHO_AM_I_VAL) { i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); DEBUG("[fxos8700] WHOAMI is wrong (%2x)\n", config); return FXOS8700_NODEV; } i2c_release(dev->p.i2c); /* Configure the ODR to maximum (400Hz in hybrid mode) */ config = FXOS8700_REG_CTRL_REG1_ODR__400HZ & FXOS8700_REG_CTRL_REG1_MASK__ODR; if (fxos8700_write_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_CTRL_REG1, &config, 1) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } dev->config = config; /* Activate hybrid mode */ config = FXOS8700_REG_M_CTRL_REG1_HMS__HYBRID & FXOS8700_REG_M_CTRL_REG1_MASK__HMS; if (fxos8700_write_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_M_CTRL_REG1, &config, 1) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } /* Set burst read mode (accel + magnet together) */ config = FXOS8700_REG_M_CTRL_REG2_MASK__HYB_AUTOINC_MODE; if (fxos8700_write_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_M_CTRL_REG2, &config, 1) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } /* Set accelerator's full-scale range */ if (fxos8700_read_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_XYZ_DATA_CFG, &config, 1) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } config &= ~FXOS8700_REG_XYZ_DATA_CFG_MASK__FS; config |= dev->p.acc_range & FXOS8700_REG_XYZ_DATA_CFG_MASK__FS; if (fxos8700_write_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_XYZ_DATA_CFG, &config, 1) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } /* initial read for caching operation */ if (fxos8700_read(dev, &dev->acc_cached, &dev->mag_cached) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } dev->last_read_time = xtimer_now_usec(); return FXOS8700_OK; } int fxos8700_set_active(const fxos8700_t* dev) { uint8_t config = dev->config | FXOS8700_REG_CTRL_REG1_MASK__ACTIVE; if (fxos8700_write_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_CTRL_REG1, &config, 1) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } return FXOS8700_OK; } int fxos8700_set_idle(const fxos8700_t* dev) { uint8_t config = dev->config & ~FXOS8700_REG_CTRL_REG1_MASK__ACTIVE; if (fxos8700_write_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_CTRL_REG1, &config, 1) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } return FXOS8700_OK; } int fxos8700_read(const fxos8700_t* dev, fxos8700_measurement_t* acc, fxos8700_measurement_t* mag) { uint8_t data[12]; uint8_t ready = 0; if (fxos8700_set_active(dev)) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } while (!(ready & FXOS8700_REG_STATUS_MASK__XYZ_READY)) { fxos8700_read_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_STATUS, &ready, 1); } while (!(ready & FXOS8700_REG_M_DR_STATUS_MASK__XYZ_READY)) { fxos8700_read_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_M_DR_STATUS, &ready, 1); } /* Read all data at once */ if (fxos8700_read_regs(dev, FXOS8700_REG_OUT_X_MSB, &data[0], FXOS8700_FULLDATA_LENGTH)) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } if (fxos8700_set_idle(dev)) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } /* Read accelerometer */ if (acc) { #if FXOS8700_USE_ACC_RAW_VALUES acc->x = (int16_t) ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]) >> 2; acc->y = (int16_t) ((data[2] << 8) | data[3]) >> 2; acc->z = (int16_t) ((data[4] << 8) | data[5]) >> 2; #else int32_t acc_raw_x = (int16_t) ((data[0] << 8) | data[1]) >> 2; int32_t acc_raw_y = (int16_t) ((data[2] << 8) | data[3]) >> 2; int32_t acc_raw_z = (int16_t) ((data[4] << 8) | data[5]) >> 2; switch(dev->p.acc_range) { case FXOS8700_REG_XYZ_DATA_CFG_FS__2G: acc->x = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_x * 244) / 100); acc->y = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_y * 244) / 100); acc->z = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_z * 244) / 100); break; case FXOS8700_REG_XYZ_DATA_CFG_FS__4G: acc->x = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_x * 488) / 1000); acc->y = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_y * 488) / 1000); acc->z = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_z * 488) / 1000); break; case FXOS8700_REG_XYZ_DATA_CFG_FS__8G: acc->x = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_x * 976) / 1000); acc->y = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_y * 976) / 1000); acc->z = (int16_t) ((acc_raw_z * 976) / 1000); break; default: return FXOS8700_NODEV; } #endif } /* Read magnetometer */ if (mag) { mag->x = (int16_t) ((data[6] << 8) | data[7]); mag->y = (int16_t) ((data[8] << 8) | data[9]); mag->z = (int16_t) ((data[10] << 8) | data[11]); } return FXOS8700_OK; } int fxos8700_read_cached(const void *dev, fxos8700_measurement_t* acc, fxos8700_measurement_t* mag) { fxos8700_t* fxos_dev = (fxos8700_t *)dev; uint32_t now = xtimer_now_usec(); /* check if readings are outdated */ if (now - fxos_dev->last_read_time > fxos_dev->p.renew_interval) { /* refresh cache and update last_read_time */ if (fxos8700_read(fxos_dev, &fxos_dev->acc_cached, &fxos_dev->mag_cached) != FXOS8700_OK) { return FXOS8700_BUSERR; } fxos_dev->last_read_time = now; } /* Read cached data */ if (acc) { acc->x = fxos_dev->acc_cached.x; acc->y = fxos_dev->acc_cached.y; acc->z = fxos_dev->acc_cached.z; } if (mag) { mag->x = fxos_dev->mag_cached.x; mag->y = fxos_dev->mag_cached.y; mag->z = fxos_dev->mag_cached.z; } return FXOS8700_OK; }