/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Martine Lenders * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @{ * * @file */ #include #include #include #include #include "byteorder.h" #include "cpu_conf.h" #include "kernel_types.h" #include "net/gnrc.h" #include "net/gnrc/icmpv6.h" #include "net/gnrc/sixlowpan/ctx.h" #include "net/gnrc/sixlowpan/nd.h" #include "net/protnum.h" #include "thread.h" #include "utlist.h" #include "net/gnrc/ipv6/nib.h" #include "net/gnrc/netif/internal.h" #include "net/gnrc/ipv6/whitelist.h" #include "net/gnrc/ipv6/blacklist.h" #include "net/gnrc/ipv6.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" #define _MAX_L2_ADDR_LEN (8U) #if ENABLE_DEBUG static char _stack[GNRC_IPV6_STACK_SIZE + THREAD_EXTRA_STACKSIZE_PRINTF]; #else static char _stack[GNRC_IPV6_STACK_SIZE]; #endif #ifdef MODULE_FIB #include "net/fib.h" #include "net/fib/table.h" /** * @brief buffer to store the entries in the IPv6 forwarding table */ static fib_entry_t _fib_entries[GNRC_IPV6_FIB_TABLE_SIZE]; /** * @brief the IPv6 forwarding table */ fib_table_t gnrc_ipv6_fib_table; #endif static char addr_str[IPV6_ADDR_MAX_STR_LEN]; kernel_pid_t gnrc_ipv6_pid = KERNEL_PID_UNDEF; /* handles GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_RCV commands */ static void _receive(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt); /* Sends packet over the appropriate interface(s). * prep_hdr: prepare header for sending (call to _fill_ipv6_hdr()), otherwise * assume it is already prepared */ static void _send(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, bool prep_hdr); /* Main event loop for IPv6 */ static void *_event_loop(void *args); kernel_pid_t gnrc_ipv6_init(void) { if (gnrc_ipv6_pid == KERNEL_PID_UNDEF) { gnrc_ipv6_pid = thread_create(_stack, sizeof(_stack), GNRC_IPV6_PRIO, THREAD_CREATE_STACKTEST, _event_loop, NULL, "ipv6"); } #ifdef MODULE_FIB gnrc_ipv6_fib_table.data.entries = _fib_entries; gnrc_ipv6_fib_table.table_type = FIB_TABLE_TYPE_SH; gnrc_ipv6_fib_table.size = GNRC_IPV6_FIB_TABLE_SIZE; fib_init(&gnrc_ipv6_fib_table); #endif return gnrc_ipv6_pid; } static void _dispatch_next_header(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, unsigned nh, bool interested); static inline bool _gnrc_ipv6_is_interested(unsigned nh) { #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_ICMPV6 return (nh == PROTNUM_ICMPV6); #else /* MODULE_GNRC_ICMPV6 */ return false; #endif /* MODULE_GNRC_ICMPV6 */ } static void _demux(gnrc_netif_t *netif, gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, unsigned nh) { pkt->type = gnrc_nettype_from_protnum(nh); _dispatch_next_header(pkt, nh, _gnrc_ipv6_is_interested(nh)); switch (nh) { #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_ICMPV6 case PROTNUM_ICMPV6: DEBUG("ipv6: handle ICMPv6 packet (nh = %u)\n", nh); gnrc_icmpv6_demux(netif, pkt); break; #endif /* MODULE_GNRC_ICMPV6 */ default: break; } } ipv6_hdr_t *gnrc_ipv6_get_header(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt) { gnrc_pktsnip_t *tmp = gnrc_pktsnip_search_type(pkt, GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6); if (tmp == NULL) { return NULL; } assert(tmp->data != NULL); assert(tmp->size >= sizeof(ipv6_hdr_t)); assert(ipv6_hdr_is(tmp->data)); return ((ipv6_hdr_t*) tmp->data); } /* internal functions */ static void _dispatch_next_header(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, unsigned nh, bool interested) { const bool has_nh_subs = (gnrc_netreg_num(GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6, nh) > 0) || interested; DEBUG("ipv6: forward nh = %u to other threads\n", nh); if (has_nh_subs) { gnrc_pktbuf_hold(pkt, 1); /* don't remove from packet buffer in * next dispatch */ } if (gnrc_netapi_dispatch_receive(pkt->type, GNRC_NETREG_DEMUX_CTX_ALL, pkt) == 0) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); } if (!has_nh_subs) { /* we should exit early. pkt was already released above */ return; } if (interested) { gnrc_pktbuf_hold(pkt, 1); /* don't remove from packet buffer in * next dispatch */ } if (gnrc_netapi_dispatch_receive(GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6, nh, pkt) == 0) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); } } static void *_event_loop(void *args) { msg_t msg, reply, msg_q[GNRC_IPV6_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE]; gnrc_netreg_entry_t me_reg = GNRC_NETREG_ENTRY_INIT_PID(GNRC_NETREG_DEMUX_CTX_ALL, sched_active_pid); (void)args; msg_init_queue(msg_q, GNRC_IPV6_MSG_QUEUE_SIZE); /* register interest in all IPv6 packets */ gnrc_netreg_register(GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6, &me_reg); /* preinitialize ACK */ reply.type = GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_ACK; /* start event loop */ while (1) { DEBUG("ipv6: waiting for incoming message.\n"); msg_receive(&msg); switch (msg.type) { case GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_RCV: DEBUG("ipv6: GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_RCV received\n"); _receive(msg.content.ptr); break; case GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_SND: DEBUG("ipv6: GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_SND received\n"); _send(msg.content.ptr, true); break; case GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_GET: case GNRC_NETAPI_MSG_TYPE_SET: DEBUG("ipv6: reply to unsupported get/set\n"); reply.content.value = -ENOTSUP; msg_reply(&msg, &reply); break; case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_SND_UC_NS: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_SND_MC_NS: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_SND_NA: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_SEARCH_RTR: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_REPLY_RS: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_SND_MC_RA: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_REACH_TIMEOUT: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_DELAY_TIMEOUT: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_ADDR_REG_TIMEOUT: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_ABR_TIMEOUT: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_PFX_TIMEOUT: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_RTR_TIMEOUT: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_RECALC_REACH_TIME: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_REREG_ADDRESS: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_DAD: case GNRC_IPV6_NIB_VALID_ADDR: DEBUG("ipv6: NIB timer event received\n"); gnrc_ipv6_nib_handle_timer_event(msg.content.ptr, msg.type); break; default: break; } } return NULL; } static void _send_to_iface(gnrc_netif_t *netif, gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt) { const ipv6_hdr_t *hdr = pkt->next->data; assert(netif != NULL); gnrc_netif_hdr_set_netif(pkt->data, netif); if (gnrc_pkt_len(pkt->next) > netif->ipv6.mtu) { DEBUG("ipv6: packet too big\n"); gnrc_icmpv6_error_pkt_too_big_send(netif->ipv6.mtu, pkt); gnrc_pktbuf_release_error(pkt, EMSGSIZE); return; } DEBUG("ipv6: Sending (src = %s, ", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, &hdr->src, sizeof(addr_str))); DEBUG("dst = %s, next header = %u, length = %u)\n", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, &hdr->dst, sizeof(addr_str)), hdr->nh, byteorder_ntohs(hdr->len)); #ifdef MODULE_NETSTATS_IPV6 netif->ipv6.stats.tx_success++; netif->ipv6.stats.tx_bytes += gnrc_pkt_len(pkt->next); #endif #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_SIXLOWPAN if (gnrc_netif_is_6ln(netif)) { DEBUG("ipv6: send to 6LoWPAN instead\n"); if (!gnrc_netapi_dispatch_send(GNRC_NETTYPE_SIXLOWPAN, GNRC_NETREG_DEMUX_CTX_ALL, pkt)) { DEBUG("ipv6: no 6LoWPAN thread found\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); } return; } #endif if (gnrc_netapi_send(netif->pid, pkt) < 1) { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to send packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); } } static gnrc_pktsnip_t *_create_netif_hdr(uint8_t *dst_l2addr, unsigned dst_l2addr_len, gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, uint8_t flags) { gnrc_pktsnip_t *netif_hdr = gnrc_netif_hdr_build(NULL, 0, dst_l2addr, dst_l2addr_len); gnrc_netif_hdr_t *hdr; if (netif_hdr == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: error on interface header allocation, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return NULL; } hdr = netif_hdr->data; /* previous netif header might have been allocated by some higher layer * to provide some flags (provided to us via netif_flags). */ hdr->flags = flags; /* add netif_hdr to front of the pkt list */ LL_PREPEND(pkt, netif_hdr); return pkt; } static bool _is_ipv6_hdr(gnrc_pktsnip_t *hdr) { #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_IPV6_EXT return (hdr->type == GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6) || (hdr->type == GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6_EXT); #else return (hdr->type == GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6); #endif } static int _fill_ipv6_hdr(gnrc_netif_t *netif, gnrc_pktsnip_t *ipv6) { int res; ipv6_hdr_t *hdr = ipv6->data; gnrc_pktsnip_t *payload, *prev; hdr->len = byteorder_htons(gnrc_pkt_len(ipv6->next)); DEBUG("ipv6: set payload length to %u (network byteorder %04" PRIx16 ")\n", (unsigned)byteorder_ntohs(hdr->len), hdr->len.u16); /* check if e.g. extension header was not already marked */ if (hdr->nh == PROTNUM_RESERVED) { if (ipv6->next == NULL) { hdr->nh = PROTNUM_IPV6_NONXT; } else { hdr->nh = gnrc_nettype_to_protnum(ipv6->next->type); /* if still reserved: mark no next header */ if (hdr->nh == PROTNUM_RESERVED) { hdr->nh = PROTNUM_IPV6_NONXT; } } } DEBUG("ipv6: set next header to %u\n", hdr->nh); if (hdr->hl == 0) { if (netif == NULL) { hdr->hl = GNRC_NETIF_DEFAULT_HL; } else { hdr->hl = netif->cur_hl; } } if (ipv6_addr_is_unspecified(&hdr->src)) { if (ipv6_addr_is_loopback(&hdr->dst)) { ipv6_addr_set_loopback(&hdr->src); } else { ipv6_addr_t *src = gnrc_netif_ipv6_addr_best_src(netif, &hdr->dst, false); if (src != NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: set packet source to %s\n", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, src, sizeof(addr_str))); memcpy(&hdr->src, src, sizeof(ipv6_addr_t)); } /* Otherwise leave unspecified */ } } else { bool invalid_src; int idx; gnrc_netif_acquire(netif); invalid_src = ((idx = gnrc_netif_ipv6_addr_idx(netif, &hdr->src)) == -1) || (gnrc_netif_ipv6_addr_get_state(netif, idx) != GNRC_NETIF_IPV6_ADDRS_FLAGS_STATE_VALID); gnrc_netif_release(netif); if (invalid_src) { #if GNRC_IPV6_NIB_CONF_6LN gnrc_pktsnip_t *icmpv6 = gnrc_pktsnip_search_type(ipv6, GNRC_NETTYPE_ICMPV6); icmpv6_hdr_t *icmpv6_hdr; if (icmpv6 != NULL) { icmpv6_hdr = icmpv6->data; } if ((icmpv6 == NULL) || ((icmpv6_hdr->type != ICMPV6_RTR_SOL) && (icmpv6_hdr->type != ICMPV6_NBR_SOL))) { DEBUG("ipv6: preset packet source address %s is invalid\n", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, &hdr->src, sizeof(addr_str))); return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; } #else /* GNRC_IPV6_NIB_CONF_6LN */ DEBUG("ipv6: preset packet source address %s is invalid\n", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, &hdr->src, sizeof(addr_str))); return -EADDRNOTAVAIL; #endif /* GNRC_IPV6_NIB_CONF_6LN */ } } DEBUG("ipv6: write protect up to payload to calculate checksum\n"); payload = ipv6; prev = ipv6; while (_is_ipv6_hdr(payload) && (payload->next != NULL)) { /* IPv6 header itself was already write-protected in caller function, * just write protect extension headers and payload header */ if ((payload = gnrc_pktbuf_start_write(payload->next)) == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to get write access to IPv6 extension or payload header\n"); /* packet duplicated to this point will be released by caller, * original packet by other subscriber */ return -ENOMEM; } prev->next = payload; prev = payload; } DEBUG("ipv6: calculate checksum for upper header.\n"); if ((res = gnrc_netreg_calc_csum(payload, ipv6)) < 0) { if (res != -ENOENT) { /* if there is no checksum we are okay */ DEBUG("ipv6: checksum calculation failed.\n"); /* packet will be released by caller */ return res; } } return 0; } static bool _safe_fill_ipv6_hdr(gnrc_netif_t *netif, gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, bool prep_hdr) { if (prep_hdr && (_fill_ipv6_hdr(netif, pkt) < 0)) { /* error on filling up header */ gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return false; } return true; } /* functions for sending */ static void _send_unicast(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, bool prep_hdr, gnrc_netif_t *netif, ipv6_hdr_t *ipv6_hdr, uint8_t netif_hdr_flags) { gnrc_ipv6_nib_nc_t nce; DEBUG("ipv6: send unicast\n"); if (gnrc_ipv6_nib_get_next_hop_l2addr(&ipv6_hdr->dst, netif, pkt, &nce) < 0) { /* packet is released by NIB */ DEBUG("ipv6: no link-layer address or interface for next hop to %s", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, &ipv6_hdr->dst, sizeof(addr_str))); return; } netif = gnrc_netif_get_by_pid(gnrc_ipv6_nib_nc_get_iface(&nce)); assert(netif != NULL); if (_safe_fill_ipv6_hdr(netif, pkt, prep_hdr)) { DEBUG("ipv6: add interface header to packet\n"); if ((pkt = _create_netif_hdr(nce.l2addr, nce.l2addr_len, pkt, netif_hdr_flags)) == NULL) { return; } DEBUG("ipv6: send unicast over interface %" PRIkernel_pid "\n", netif->pid); /* and send to interface */ #ifdef MODULE_NETSTATS_IPV6 netif->ipv6.stats.tx_unicast_count++; #endif _send_to_iface(netif, pkt); } } static inline void _send_multicast_over_iface(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, gnrc_netif_t *netif, uint8_t netif_hdr_flags) { if ((pkt = _create_netif_hdr(NULL, 0, pkt, netif_hdr_flags | GNRC_NETIF_HDR_FLAGS_MULTICAST)) == NULL) { return; } DEBUG("ipv6: send multicast over interface %" PRIkernel_pid "\n", netif->pid); #ifdef MODULE_NETSTATS_IPV6 netif->ipv6.stats.tx_mcast_count++; #endif /* and send to interface */ _send_to_iface(netif, pkt); } static void _send_multicast(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, bool prep_hdr, gnrc_netif_t *netif, uint8_t netif_hdr_flags) { size_t ifnum = 0; if (netif == NULL) { ifnum = gnrc_netif_numof(); /* throw away packet if no one is interested */ if (ifnum == 0) { DEBUG("ipv6: no interfaces registered, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } } #if GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF > 1 /* interface not given: send over all interfaces */ if (netif == NULL) { /* send packet to link layer */ gnrc_pktbuf_hold(pkt, ifnum - 1); while ((netif = gnrc_netif_iter(netif))) { if (prep_hdr) { DEBUG("ipv6: prepare IPv6 header for sending\n"); /* need to get second write access (duplication) to fill IPv6 * header interface-local */ gnrc_pktsnip_t *tmp = gnrc_pktbuf_start_write(pkt); if (tmp == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to get write access to IPv6 header, " "for interface %" PRIkernel_pid "\n", netif->pid); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } if (_fill_ipv6_hdr(netif, tmp) < 0) { /* error on filling up header */ if (tmp != pkt) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(tmp); } gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } } _send_multicast_over_iface(pkt, netif, netif_hdr_flags); } } else { if (_safe_fill_ipv6_hdr(netif, pkt, prep_hdr)) { _send_multicast_over_iface(pkt, netif, netif_hdr_flags); } } #else /* GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF */ (void)ifnum; /* not used in this build branch */ if (netif == NULL) { netif = gnrc_netif_iter(NULL); /* allocate interface header */ if ((pkt = _create_netif_hdr(NULL, 0, pkt, netif_hdr_flags)) == NULL) { return; } } if (_safe_fill_ipv6_hdr(netif, pkt, prep_hdr)) { _send_multicast_over_iface(pkt, netif, netif_hdr_flags); } #endif /* GNRC_NETIF_NUMOF */ } static void _send_to_self(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, bool prep_hdr, gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (!_safe_fill_ipv6_hdr(netif, pkt, prep_hdr) || /* no netif header so we just merge the whole packet. */ (gnrc_pktbuf_merge(pkt) != 0)) { DEBUG("ipv6: error looping packet to sender.\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } DEBUG("ipv6: packet is addressed to myself => loopback\n"); if (gnrc_netapi_dispatch_receive(GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6, GNRC_NETREG_DEMUX_CTX_ALL, pkt) == 0) { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to deliver looped back packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); } } static void _send(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt, bool prep_hdr) { gnrc_netif_t *netif = NULL; gnrc_pktsnip_t *tmp_pkt; ipv6_hdr_t *ipv6_hdr; uint8_t netif_hdr_flags = 0U; /* get IPv6 snip and (if present) generic interface header */ if (pkt->type == GNRC_NETTYPE_NETIF) { /* If there is already a netif header (routing protocols and * neighbor discovery might add them to preset sending interface or * higher layers wants to provide flags to the interface ) */ const gnrc_netif_hdr_t *netif_hdr = pkt->data; netif = gnrc_netif_hdr_get_netif(pkt->data); /* discard broadcast and multicast flags because those could be * potentially wrong (dst is later checked to assure that multicast is * set if dst is a multicast address) */ netif_hdr_flags = netif_hdr->flags & ~(GNRC_NETIF_HDR_FLAGS_BROADCAST | GNRC_NETIF_HDR_FLAGS_MULTICAST); tmp_pkt = gnrc_pktbuf_start_write(pkt); if (tmp_pkt == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to get write access to netif header, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } /* discard to avoid complex checks for correctness (will be re-added * with correct addresses anyway as for the case were there is no * netif header provided) * Also re-establish temporary pointer used for write protection as * actual pointer */ pkt = gnrc_pktbuf_remove_snip(tmp_pkt, tmp_pkt); } if (pkt->type != GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6) { DEBUG("ipv6: unexpected packet type\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release_error(pkt, EINVAL); return; } if (ipv6_addr_is_unspecified(&((ipv6_hdr_t *)pkt->data)->dst)) { DEBUG("ipv6: destination address is unspecified address (::), " "dropping packet \n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release_error(pkt, EINVAL); return; } tmp_pkt = gnrc_pktbuf_start_write(pkt); if (tmp_pkt == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to get write access to IPv6 header, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } pkt = tmp_pkt; ipv6_hdr = pkt->data; if (ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&ipv6_hdr->dst)) { _send_multicast(pkt, prep_hdr, netif, netif_hdr_flags); } else { gnrc_netif_t *tmp_netif = gnrc_netif_get_by_ipv6_addr(&ipv6_hdr->dst); if (ipv6_addr_is_loopback(&ipv6_hdr->dst) || /* dst is loopback address */ /* or dst registered to a local interface */ (tmp_netif != NULL)) { _send_to_self(pkt, prep_hdr, tmp_netif); } else { _send_unicast(pkt, prep_hdr, netif, ipv6_hdr, netif_hdr_flags); } } } /* functions for receiving */ static inline bool _pkt_not_for_me(gnrc_netif_t **netif, ipv6_hdr_t *hdr) { if (ipv6_addr_is_loopback(&hdr->dst)) { return false; } else if ((!ipv6_addr_is_link_local(&hdr->dst)) || (*netif == NULL)) { *netif = gnrc_netif_get_by_ipv6_addr(&hdr->dst); return (*netif == NULL); } else { return (gnrc_netif_get_by_ipv6_addr(&hdr->dst) == NULL); } } static void _receive(gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt) { gnrc_netif_t *netif = NULL; gnrc_pktsnip_t *ipv6, *netif_hdr; ipv6_hdr_t *hdr; uint8_t first_nh; assert(pkt != NULL); netif_hdr = gnrc_pktsnip_search_type(pkt, GNRC_NETTYPE_NETIF); if (netif_hdr != NULL) { netif = gnrc_netif_hdr_get_netif(netif_hdr->data); #ifdef MODULE_NETSTATS_IPV6 assert(netif != NULL); netstats_t *stats = &netif->ipv6.stats; stats->rx_count++; stats->rx_bytes += (gnrc_pkt_len(pkt) - netif_hdr->size); #endif } if ((pkt->data == NULL) || (pkt->size < sizeof(ipv6_hdr_t)) || !ipv6_hdr_is(pkt->data)) { DEBUG("ipv6: Received packet was not IPv6, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_IPV6_WHITELIST else if (!gnrc_ipv6_whitelisted(&((ipv6_hdr_t *)(pkt->data))->src)) { DEBUG("ipv6: Source address not whitelisted, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_icmpv6_error_dst_unr_send(ICMPV6_ERROR_DST_UNR_PROHIB, pkt); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } #endif #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_IPV6_BLACKLIST else if (gnrc_ipv6_blacklisted(&((ipv6_hdr_t *)(pkt->data))->src)) { DEBUG("ipv6: Source address blacklisted, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_icmpv6_error_dst_unr_send(ICMPV6_ERROR_DST_UNR_PROHIB, pkt); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } #endif /* seize ipv6 as a temporary variable */ ipv6 = gnrc_pktbuf_start_write(pkt); if (ipv6 == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to get write access to packet, drop it\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } pkt = ipv6; /* reset pkt from temporary variable */ ipv6 = gnrc_pktbuf_mark(pkt, sizeof(ipv6_hdr_t), GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6); pkt->type = GNRC_NETTYPE_UNDEF; /* snip is no longer IPv6 */ if (ipv6 == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: error marking IPv6 header, dropping packet\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } /* extract header */ hdr = (ipv6_hdr_t *)ipv6->data; if (hdr->hl == 0) { /* This is an illegal value in any case, not just in case of a * forwarding step, so *do not* check it together with ((--hdr->hl) > 0) * in forwarding code below */ DEBUG("ipv6: packet was received with hop-limit 0\n"); gnrc_icmpv6_error_time_exc_send(ICMPV6_ERROR_TIME_EXC_HL, pkt); gnrc_pktbuf_release_error(pkt, ETIMEDOUT); return; } uint16_t ipv6_len = byteorder_ntohs(hdr->len); first_nh = hdr->nh; if ((ipv6_len == 0) && (first_nh != PROTNUM_IPV6_NONXT)) { /* this doesn't even make sense */ DEBUG("ipv6: payload length 0, but next header not NONXT\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } /* if available, remove any padding that was added by lower layers * to fulfill their minimum size requirements (e.g. ethernet) */ else if ((ipv6 != pkt) && (ipv6_len < pkt->size)) { gnrc_pktbuf_realloc_data(pkt, byteorder_ntohs(hdr->len)); } else if (ipv6_len > (gnrc_pkt_len_upto(pkt, GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6) - sizeof(ipv6_hdr_t))) { DEBUG("ipv6: invalid payload length: %d, actual: %d, dropping packet\n", (int) byteorder_ntohs(hdr->len), (int) (gnrc_pkt_len_upto(pkt, GNRC_NETTYPE_IPV6) - sizeof(ipv6_hdr_t))); gnrc_icmpv6_error_param_prob_send(ICMPV6_ERROR_PARAM_PROB_HDR_FIELD, &(hdr->len), pkt); gnrc_pktbuf_release_error(pkt, EINVAL); return; } DEBUG("ipv6: Received (src = %s, ", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, &(hdr->src), sizeof(addr_str))); DEBUG("dst = %s, next header = %u, length = %" PRIu16 ")\n", ipv6_addr_to_str(addr_str, &(hdr->dst), sizeof(addr_str)), first_nh, byteorder_ntohs(hdr->len)); if ((pkt = gnrc_ipv6_ext_process_hopopt(pkt, &first_nh)) == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: packet's extension header was errorneous or packet was " "consumed due to it\n"); return; } if (_pkt_not_for_me(&netif, hdr)) { /* if packet is not for me */ DEBUG("ipv6: packet destination not this host\n"); #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_IPV6_ROUTER /* only routers redirect */ /* redirect to next hop */ DEBUG("ipv6: decrement hop limit to %u\n", (uint8_t) (hdr->hl - 1)); /* RFC 4291, section 2.5.6 states: "Routers must not forward any * packets with Link-Local source or destination addresses to other * links." */ if ((ipv6_addr_is_link_local(&(hdr->src))) || (ipv6_addr_is_link_local(&(hdr->dst)))) { DEBUG("ipv6: do not forward packets with link-local source or" " destination address\n"); #ifdef MODULE_GNRC_ICMPV6_ERROR if (ipv6_addr_is_link_local(&(hdr->src)) && !ipv6_addr_is_link_local(&(hdr->dst))) { gnrc_icmpv6_error_dst_unr_send(ICMPV6_ERROR_DST_UNR_SCOPE, pkt); } else if (!ipv6_addr_is_multicast(&(hdr->dst))) { gnrc_icmpv6_error_dst_unr_send(ICMPV6_ERROR_DST_UNR_ADDR, pkt); } #endif gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; } /* TODO: check if receiving interface is router */ else if (--(hdr->hl) > 0) { /* drop packets that *reach* Hop Limit 0 */ DEBUG("ipv6: forward packet to next hop\n"); /* remove L2 headers around IPV6 */ if (netif_hdr != NULL) { gnrc_pktbuf_remove_snip(pkt, netif_hdr); } pkt = gnrc_pktbuf_reverse_snips(pkt); if (pkt != NULL) { _send(pkt, false); } else { DEBUG("ipv6: unable to reverse pkt from receive order to send " "order; dropping it\n"); } return; } else { DEBUG("ipv6: hop limit reached 0: drop packet\n"); gnrc_icmpv6_error_time_exc_send(ICMPV6_ERROR_TIME_EXC_HL, pkt); gnrc_pktbuf_release_error(pkt, ETIMEDOUT); return; } #else /* MODULE_GNRC_IPV6_ROUTER */ DEBUG("ipv6: dropping packet\n"); /* non rounting hosts just drop the packet */ gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return; #endif /* MODULE_GNRC_IPV6_ROUTER */ } if ((pkt = gnrc_ipv6_ext_process_all(pkt, &first_nh)) == NULL) { DEBUG("ipv6: packet was consumed in extension header handling\n"); return; } _demux(netif, pkt, first_nh); } /** @} */