/* * Copyright (C) 2020 HAW Hamburg * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. * */ /** * @ingroup cpu_cc2538 * @{ * * @file * @brief IEEE 802.15.4 Radio HAL implementation for the CC2538 RF driver * * @author José I. Alamos * * @} */ #include #include #include #include "net/gnrc.h" #include "cc2538_rf.h" #include "cc2538_rf_internal.h" #include "net/ieee802154/radio.h" static const ieee802154_radio_ops_t cc2538_rf_ops; static ieee802154_dev_t *cc2538_rf_hal; static bool cc2538_tx_busy; /**< used to indicate TX chain is busy */ static bool cc2538_rx_busy; /**< used to indicate RX chain is busy */ static uint8_t cc2538_min_be = CONFIG_IEEE802154_DEFAULT_CSMA_CA_MIN_BE; static uint8_t cc2538_max_be = CONFIG_IEEE802154_DEFAULT_CSMA_CA_MAX_BE; static int cc2538_csma_ca_retries = CONFIG_IEEE802154_DEFAULT_CSMA_CA_RETRIES; static bool cc2538_cca_status; /**< status of the last CCA request */ static bool cc2538_cca; /**< used to check whether the last CCA result corresponds to a CCA request or send with CSMA-CA */ static int _write(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const iolist_t *iolist) { (void) dev; int pkt_len = 0; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISFLUSHTX; rfcore_write_byte(0); for (const iolist_t *iol = iolist; iol; iol = iol->iol_next) { if (iol->iol_len) { pkt_len += iol->iol_len; rfcore_write_fifo(iol->iol_base, iol->iol_len); } } /* Set first byte of TX FIFO to the packet length */ rfcore_poke_tx_fifo(0, pkt_len + CC2538_AUTOCRC_LEN); return 0; } static int _confirm_transmit(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_tx_info_t *info) { (void) dev; if (RFCORE->XREG_FSMSTAT1bits.TX_ACTIVE != 0 || !(RFCORE_XREG_CSPCTRL & CC2538_CSP_MCU_CTRL_MASK)) { return -EAGAIN; } if (info) { if (cc2538_csma_ca_retries >= 0 && RFCORE_XREG_CSPZ == 0) { info->status = TX_STATUS_MEDIUM_BUSY; } else { info->status = TX_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } return 0; } static int _request_transmit(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; cc2538_tx_busy = true; if (cc2538_csma_ca_retries < 0) { RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISTXON; /* The CPU Ctrl mask is used here to indicate whether the radio is being * controlled by the CPU or the CSP Strobe Processor. * We set this to 1 in order to indicate that the CSP is not used and * thus, that the @ref ieee802154_radio_ops::confirm_transmit should * return 0 immediately after the TXDONE event */ RFCORE_XREG_CSPCTRL |= CC2538_CSP_MCU_CTRL_MASK; } else { cc2538_cca = false; /* Disable RX Chain for CCA (see CC2538 RM, Section */ RFCORE_XREG_FRMCTRL0 |= CC2538_FRMCTRL0_RX_MODE_DIS; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISRXON; /* Clear last program */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISCLEAR; /* If the RSSI is not yet valid, skip 0 instructions. This creates * a busy loop until the RSSI is valid. */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = SKIP_S_C | CC2538_CSP_SKIP_N_MASK | CC2538_CSP_SKIP_COND_RSSI; /* Set a label right before the backoff */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = LABEL; /* Load a random number with "register Y" LSBs into register X. * This is equivalent to choosing a random number between * (0, 2^(Y+1)). * Then, wait "register X" number of backoff units */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = RANDXY; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = WAITX; /* If CCA is not valid, skip the next stop instruction. In such case * the CSP_STOP interrupt will trigger the transmission since the * channel is clear */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = SKIP_S_C | (1 << CC2538_CSP_SKIP_INST_POS) | CC2538_CSP_SKIP_N_MASK | CC2538_CSP_SKIP_COND_CCA; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = STOP; /* If we are here, the channel was not clear. Decrement the register Z * (remaining attempts) */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = DECZ; /* Update the backoff exponent */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = INCMAXY | (cc2538_max_be & CC2538_CSP_INCMAXY_MAX_MASK); /* If the are CSMA-CA retries left, go back to the defined label */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = RPT_C | CC2538_CSP_SKIP_N_MASK | CC2538_CSP_SKIP_COND_CSPZ; /* Stop the program. The CSP_STOP interrupt will trigger the routine * to inform the upper layer that CSMA-CA failed. */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = STOP; RFCORE_XREG_CSPX = 0; /* Holds timer value */ RFCORE_XREG_CSPY = cc2538_min_be; /* Holds MinBE */ assert(cc2538_csma_ca_retries >= 0); RFCORE_XREG_CSPZ = cc2538_csma_ca_retries + 1; /* Holds CSMA-CA attempts (retries + 1) */ RFCORE_XREG_CSPCTRL &= ~CC2538_CSP_MCU_CTRL_MASK; /* Execute the program */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISSTART; } return 0; } static int _len(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; return rfcore_peek_rx_fifo(0) - IEEE802154_FCS_LEN; } static int _read(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, void *buf, size_t size, ieee802154_rx_info_t *info) { (void) dev; int res; size_t pkt_len = rfcore_read_byte(); pkt_len -= IEEE802154_FCS_LEN; if (pkt_len > size) { return -ENOBUFS; } if (buf != NULL) { rfcore_read_fifo(buf, pkt_len); res = pkt_len; if (info != NULL) { uint8_t corr_val; int8_t rssi_val; rssi_val = rfcore_read_byte(); /* The number of dB above maximum sensitivity detected for the * received packet */ /* Make sure there is no overflow even if no signal with such low sensitivity should be detected */ const int hw_rssi_min = IEEE802154_RADIO_RSSI_OFFSET - CC2538_RSSI_OFFSET; int8_t hw_rssi = rssi_val > hw_rssi_min ? (CC2538_RSSI_OFFSET + rssi_val) : IEEE802154_RADIO_RSSI_OFFSET; info->rssi = hw_rssi - IEEE802154_RADIO_RSSI_OFFSET; corr_val = rfcore_read_byte() & CC2538_CORR_VAL_MASK; if (corr_val < CC2538_CORR_VAL_MIN) { corr_val = CC2538_CORR_VAL_MIN; } else if (corr_val > CC2538_CORR_VAL_MAX) { corr_val = CC2538_CORR_VAL_MAX; } /* Interpolate the correlation value between 0 - 255 * to provide an LQI value */ info->lqi = 255 * (corr_val - CC2538_CORR_VAL_MIN) / (CC2538_CORR_VAL_MAX - CC2538_CORR_VAL_MIN); } } else { res = 0; } return res; } static int _confirm_cca(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; RFCORE_XREG_RFIRQM0 |= RXPKTDONE; return cc2538_cca_status; } static int _request_cca(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; if (!RFCORE->XREG_FSMSTAT1bits.RX_ACTIVE) { return -EINVAL; } /* Ignore baseband processing */ RFCORE_XREG_RFIRQM0 &= ~RXPKTDONE; cc2538_cca = true; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISCLEAR; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = STOP; RFCORE_XREG_CSPCTRL &= ~CC2538_CSP_MCU_CTRL_MASK; /* Execute the last program */ RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISSTART; return 0; } static int _set_cca_threshold(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, int8_t threshold) { (void) dev; (void) threshold; if (threshold < CC2538_RF_SENSITIVITY) { return -EINVAL; } RFCORE_XREG_CCACTRL0 &= ~CC2538_CCA_THR_MASK; RFCORE_XREG_CCACTRL0 |= (threshold - CC2538_RSSI_OFFSET) & CC2538_CCA_THR_MASK; return 0; } static int _config_phy(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const ieee802154_phy_conf_t *conf) { (void) dev; int8_t pow = conf->pow; if (pow < OUTPUT_POWER_MIN || pow > OUTPUT_POWER_MAX) { return -EINVAL; } uint8_t channel = conf->channel; cc2538_set_freq(IEEE802154_CHAN2FREQ(channel)); cc2538_set_tx_power(pow); return 0; } static int _confirm_set_trx_state(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; if (RFCORE->XREG_FSMSTAT0bits.FSM_FFCTRL_STATE == FSM_STATE_RX_CALIBRATION) { return -EAGAIN; } return 0; } static int _request_set_trx_state(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_trx_state_t state) { (void) dev; if (cc2538_tx_busy || cc2538_rx_busy) { return -EBUSY; } switch (state) { case IEEE802154_TRX_STATE_TRX_OFF: case IEEE802154_TRX_STATE_TX_ON: if (RFCORE->XREG_FSMSTAT0bits.FSM_FFCTRL_STATE != FSM_STATE_IDLE) { RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISRFOFF; } break; case IEEE802154_TRX_STATE_RX_ON: RFCORE_XREG_RFIRQM0 |= RXPKTDONE; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISFLUSHRX; /* Enable RX Chain */ RFCORE_XREG_FRMCTRL0 &= ~CC2538_FRMCTRL0_RX_MODE_DIS; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISRXON; break; } return 0; } void cc2538_irq_handler(void) { uint_fast8_t flags_f0 = RFCORE_SFR_RFIRQF0; uint_fast8_t flags_f1 = RFCORE_SFR_RFIRQF1; RFCORE_SFR_RFIRQF0 = 0; RFCORE_SFR_RFIRQF1 = 0; if ((flags_f0 & SFD)) { /* If the radio already transmitted, this SFD is the TX_START event */ if (cc2538_tx_busy) { cc2538_rf_hal->cb(cc2538_rf_hal, IEEE802154_RADIO_INDICATION_TX_START); } /* If the RX chain was not busy, the detected SFD corresponds to a new * incoming frame. Note the automatic ACK frame also triggers this event. * Therefore, we use this variable to distinguish them. */ else if (!cc2538_rx_busy){ cc2538_rx_busy = true; cc2538_rf_hal->cb(cc2538_rf_hal, IEEE802154_RADIO_INDICATION_RX_START); } } if (flags_f1 & TXDONE) { /* TXDONE marks the end of the TX chain. The radio is not busy anymore */ cc2538_tx_busy = false; cc2538_rf_hal->cb(cc2538_rf_hal, IEEE802154_RADIO_CONFIRM_TX_DONE); } if (flags_f0 & RXPKTDONE) { /* CRC check */ uint8_t pkt_len = rfcore_peek_rx_fifo(0); if (rfcore_peek_rx_fifo(pkt_len) & CC2538_CRC_BIT_MASK) { /* Disable RX while the frame has not been processed */ RFCORE_XREG_RXMASKCLR = 0xFF; /* If AUTOACK is disabled or the ACK request bit is not set */ if (IS_ACTIVE(CONFIG_IEEE802154_AUTO_ACK_DISABLE) || (!(rfcore_peek_rx_fifo(1) & IEEE802154_FCF_ACK_REQ))) { /* The radio won't send an ACK. Therefore the RX chain is not * busy anymore */ cc2538_rx_busy = false; } cc2538_rf_hal->cb(cc2538_rf_hal, IEEE802154_RADIO_INDICATION_RX_DONE); } else { /* Disable RX while the frame has not been processed */ RFCORE_XREG_RXMASKCLR = 0xFF; /* CRC failed; discard packet. The RX chain is not busy anymore */ cc2538_rx_busy = false; cc2538_rf_hal->cb(cc2538_rf_hal, IEEE802154_RADIO_INDICATION_CRC_ERROR); } } /* The RX chain is not busy anymore on TXACKDONE event */ if (flags_f1 & TXACKDONE) { cc2538_rx_busy = false; } /* Check if the interrupt was triggered because the CSP finished its routine * (CSMA-CA or CCA request) */ if (flags_f1 & CSP_STOP) { RFCORE_XREG_CSPCTRL |= CC2538_CSP_MCU_CTRL_MASK; if (!cc2538_cca) { if (RFCORE_XREG_CSPZ > 0) { RFCORE_XREG_RXMASKCLR = CC2538_RXENABLE_RXON_MASK; RFCORE_SFR_RFST = ISTXON; } else { /* In case of CCA failure the TX chain is not busy anymore */ cc2538_tx_busy = false; cc2538_rf_hal->cb(cc2538_rf_hal, IEEE802154_RADIO_CONFIRM_TX_DONE); } } else { cc2538_cca_status = BOOLEAN(RFCORE->XREG_FSMSTAT1bits.CCA) && RFCORE->XREG_RSSISTATbits.RSSI_VALID; cc2538_rf_hal->cb(cc2538_rf_hal, IEEE802154_RADIO_CONFIRM_CCA); } } } static int _off(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; return -ENOTSUP; } static int _config_addr_filter(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_af_cmd_t cmd, const void *value) { (void) dev; const network_uint16_t *short_addr = value; const eui64_t *ext_addr = value; const uint16_t *pan_id = value; switch(cmd) { case IEEE802154_AF_SHORT_ADDR: RFCORE_FFSM_SHORT_ADDR0 = short_addr->u8[1]; RFCORE_FFSM_SHORT_ADDR1 = short_addr->u8[0]; break; case IEEE802154_AF_EXT_ADDR: RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR0 = ext_addr->uint8[7]; RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR1 = ext_addr->uint8[6]; RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR2 = ext_addr->uint8[5]; RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR3 = ext_addr->uint8[4]; RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR4 = ext_addr->uint8[3]; RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR5 = ext_addr->uint8[2]; RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR6 = ext_addr->uint8[1]; RFCORE_FFSM_EXT_ADDR7 = ext_addr->uint8[0]; break; case IEEE802154_AF_PANID: RFCORE_FFSM_PAN_ID0 = *pan_id; RFCORE_FFSM_PAN_ID1 = (*pan_id) >> 8; break; case IEEE802154_AF_PAN_COORD: return -ENOTSUP; } return 0; } static int _config_src_addr_match(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_src_match_t cmd, const void *value) { (void) dev; switch(cmd) { case IEEE802154_SRC_MATCH_EN: RFCORE_XREG_FRMCTRL1 &= ~CC2538_FRMCTRL1_PENDING_OR_MASK; if (*((const bool*) value) == true) { RFCORE_XREG_FRMCTRL1 |= CC2538_FRMCTRL1_PENDING_OR_MASK; } break; default: return -ENOTSUP; } return 0; } static int _confirm_on(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; /* TODO */ return 0; } static int _request_on(ieee802154_dev_t *dev) { (void) dev; /* TODO */ return 0; } static int _set_cca_mode(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_cca_mode_t mode) { (void) dev; uint8_t tmp = 0; switch (mode) { case IEEE802154_CCA_MODE_ED_THRESHOLD: tmp = 1; break; case IEEE802154_CCA_MODE_CARRIER_SENSING: tmp = 2; break; case IEEE802154_CCA_MODE_ED_THRESH_AND_CS: tmp = 3; break; case IEEE802154_CCA_MODE_ED_THRESH_OR_CS: return -ENOTSUP; } RFCORE_XREG_CCACTRL1 &= CC2538_CCA_MODE_MASK; RFCORE_XREG_CCACTRL1 |= (tmp << CC2538_CCA_MODE_POS); return 0; } static int _set_csma_params(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, const ieee802154_csma_be_t *bd, int8_t retries) { (void) dev; if (bd) { cc2538_min_be = bd->min; cc2538_max_be = bd->max; } cc2538_csma_ca_retries = retries; return 0; } static int _set_frame_filter_mode(ieee802154_dev_t *dev, ieee802154_filter_mode_t mode) { (void) dev; uint8_t flags = 0; bool promisc = false; switch (mode) { case IEEE802154_FILTER_ACCEPT: flags = CC2538_ACCEPT_FT_0_BEACON | CC2538_ACCEPT_FT_1_DATA | CC2538_ACCEPT_FT_3_CMD; break; case IEEE802154_FILTER_PROMISC: promisc = true; break; case IEEE802154_FILTER_ACK_ONLY: flags = CC2538_ACCEPT_FT_2_ACK; break; default: return -ENOTSUP; } RFCORE_XREG_FRMFILT1 |= flags; cc2538_set_monitor(promisc); return 0; } void cc2538_rf_hal_setup(ieee802154_dev_t *hal) { /* We don't set hal->priv because the context of this device is global */ /* We need to store a reference to the HAL descriptor though for the ISR */ hal->driver = &cc2538_rf_ops; cc2538_rf_hal = hal; } static const ieee802154_radio_ops_t cc2538_rf_ops = { .caps = IEEE802154_CAP_24_GHZ | IEEE802154_CAP_AUTO_CSMA | IEEE802154_CAP_IRQ_CRC_ERROR | IEEE802154_CAP_IRQ_TX_DONE | IEEE802154_CAP_IRQ_CCA_DONE | IEEE802154_CAP_IRQ_RX_START | IEEE802154_CAP_IRQ_TX_START | IEEE802154_CAP_PHY_OQPSK, .write = _write, .read = _read, .request_transmit = _request_transmit, .confirm_transmit = _confirm_transmit, .len = _len, .off = _off, .request_on = _request_on, .confirm_on = _confirm_on, .request_set_trx_state = _request_set_trx_state, .confirm_set_trx_state = _confirm_set_trx_state, .request_cca = _request_cca, .confirm_cca = _confirm_cca, .set_cca_threshold = _set_cca_threshold, .set_cca_mode = _set_cca_mode, .config_phy = _config_phy, .config_addr_filter = _config_addr_filter, .config_src_addr_match = _config_src_addr_match, .set_csma_params = _set_csma_params, .set_frame_filter_mode = _set_frame_filter_mode, };