/* * Copyright (C) 2015 PHYTEC Messtechnik GmbH * Copyright (C) 2015-2017 Eistec AB * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @addtogroup cpu_kinetis * @{ * * @file * @brief Sections definitions for the Freescale Kinetis MCUs * * @author Johann Fischer * @author Joakim NohlgÄrd * * @} */ OUTPUT_FORMAT ("elf32-littlearm", "elf32-bigarm", "elf32-littlearm") OUTPUT_ARCH(arm) _vectors_length = 0x400; _flashsec_length = 0x10; MEMORY { vectors : ORIGIN = _rom_start_addr, LENGTH = _vectors_length flashsec : ORIGIN = _rom_start_addr + _vectors_length, LENGTH = _flashsec_length rom (rx) : ORIGIN = _rom_start_addr + _vectors_length + _flashsec_length, LENGTH = _rom_length - (_vectors_length + _flashsec_length) ram (!rx) : ORIGIN = _ram_start_addr, LENGTH = _ram_length } SECTIONS { /* Interrupt vectors 0x00-0x3ff. */ .vector : { _isr_vectors = .; KEEP(*(SORT(.vector*))) } > vectors ASSERT (SIZEOF(.vector) == 0x400, "Interrupt vector table of invalid size.") ASSERT (ADDR(.vector) == 0x00000000, "Interrupt vector table at invalid location (linker-script error?)") ASSERT (LOADADDR(.vector) == 0x00000000, "Interrupt vector table at invalid location (linker-script error?)") /* Flash configuration field, very important in order to not accidentally lock the device */ /* Flash configuration field 0x400-0x40f. */ .fcfield : { . = ALIGN(4); KEEP(*(.fcfield)) . = ALIGN(4); } > flashsec ASSERT (SIZEOF(.fcfield) == 0x10, "Flash configuration field of invalid size (linker-script error?)") ASSERT (ADDR(.fcfield) == 0x400, "Flash configuration field at invalid position (linker-script error?)") ASSERT (LOADADDR(.fcfield) == 0x400, "Flash configuration field at invalid position (linker-script error?)") } INCLUDE cortexm_base.ld