/* * srf08-ultrasonic-sensor.c - Driver for the SRF08 ultrasonic ranger via the * i2c interface. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Zakaria Kasmi * * This source code is licensed under the LGPLv2 license, * See the file LICENSE for more details. */ /** * @file * @internal * @brief Driver for the SRF08 ultrasonic ranger using the i2c interface. * * @author Freie Universität Berlin, Computer Systems & Telematics * @author Zakaria Kasmi * @version $Revision: 3857 $ * * @note $Id: srf08-ultrasonic-sensor.c 3857 2013-09-05 14:45:13 kasmi $ * */ #include #include #include #include "hwtimer.h" #include "srf08-ultrasonic-sensor.h" #include "i2c.h" bool srf08_init(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint32_t baud_rate) { if (i2c_initialize(i2c_interface, (uint32_t) I2CMASTER, 0, baud_rate, NULL) == false) { /* initialize I2C */ puts("fatal error happened in i2c_initialize()\n"); return false; } else { i2c_enable_pull_up_resistor(i2c_interface); //i2c_disable_pull_up_resistor(i2c_interface); return true; } } void srf08_set_range(uint8_t max_range) { uint8_t tx_buff[1]; tx_buff[0] = max_range; i2c_write(SRF08_I2C_INTERFACE, SRF08_DEFAULT_ADDR, SRF08_RANGE_REG, tx_buff, 1); } void srf08_set_gain(uint8_t gain) { uint8_t tx_buff[1]; tx_buff[0] = gain; i2c_write(SRF08_I2C_INTERFACE, SRF08_DEFAULT_ADDR, SRF08_GAIN_REG, tx_buff, 1); } uint8_t srf08_get_range(void) { uint8_t rx_buff[1]; i2c_read(SRF08_I2C_INTERFACE, SRF08_DEFAULT_ADDR, SRF08_RANGE_REG, rx_buff, 1); return rx_buff[0]; } uint8_t srf08_get_gain(void) { uint8_t rx_buff[1]; i2c_read(SRF08_I2C_INTERFACE, SRF08_DEFAULT_ADDR, SRF08_GAIN_REG, rx_buff, 1); return rx_buff[0]; } int32_t srf08_get_distances(uint32_t *range_array, uint8_t ranging_mode) { bool status = false; uint8_t reg_size = 1; uint8_t range_high_byte = 0; uint8_t range_low_byte = 0; uint32_t distance = 0; uint8_t rx_buff[reg_size]; uint8_t tx_buff[reg_size]; uint8_t register_location; uint8_t echo_number = 0; tx_buff[0] = ranging_mode; status = i2c_write(SRF08_I2C_INTERFACE, SRF08_DEFAULT_ADDR, SRF08_COMMAND_REG, tx_buff, reg_size); if (!status) { puts("Write the ranging command to the i2c-interface is failed"); return -1; } hwtimer_wait(HWTIMER_TICKS(70000)); // Read all echo buffers for (register_location = 2; register_location < SRF08_MAX_REGISTER_NUMBER; register_location += 2) { //read the high echo byte status = i2c_read(SRF08_I2C_INTERFACE, SRF08_DEFAULT_ADDR, register_location, rx_buff, reg_size); if (!status) { puts("Read the the high echo byte from the i2c-interface is \ failed"); return -1; } range_high_byte = rx_buff[0]; //read the low echo byte status = i2c_read(SRF08_I2C_INTERFACE, SRF08_DEFAULT_ADDR, register_location + 1, rx_buff, reg_size); if (!status) { puts("Read the the low echo byte from the i2c-interface \ is failed"); return -1; } range_low_byte = rx_buff[0]; if ((range_high_byte == 0) && (range_low_byte == 0)) { break; } else { distance = (range_high_byte << 8) | range_low_byte; range_array[(register_location - 2) / 2] = distance; echo_number++; printf("distance = %4lu cm , echo%d\n", distance, register_location / 2); } hwtimer_wait(HWTIMER_TICKS(500000)); } puts("--------------------------------------------"); return echo_number; } void srf08_start_ranging(uint8_t ranging_mode) { uint32_t range_array[SRF08_MAX_ECHO_NUMBER]; uint8_t i; uint8_t echo_number; puts("Ultrasonic SRF08 engine is started"); //wait due to calibration hwtimer_wait(HWTIMER_TICKS(700000)); printf("Actual range = %d\n", srf08_get_range()); printf("Actual gain = %d\n", srf08_get_gain()); while (1) { puts("--------------------------------------------"); echo_number = srf08_get_distances(range_array, ranging_mode); if (echo_number > 0) { for (i = 0; i < echo_number; i++) { printf("stored distance = %4lu cm , echo%d\n", range_array[i], i + 1); } } else { break; } } }