/* * Copyright (C) Daniel Krebs * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @file * @brief Driver for the AT30TSE75x temperature sensor with serial EEPROM * * @author Daniel Krebs */ #include "periph/i2c.h" #include "xtimer.h" #include "at30tse75x.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" #define AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS (xtimer_ticks_from_usec(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_US)) static inline float temperature_to_float(uint16_t temp) { /* Integer part is 8-bit signed */ int8_t temp_int = (temp & AT30TSE75X_INTEGER_MASK) >> AT30TSE75X_INTEGER_SHIFT; /* Fractional part is multiple of 0.0625 */ uint8_t frac_multiplier = (temp & AT30TSE75X_FRACTIONAL_MASK) >> AT30TSE75X_FRACTIONAL_SHIFT; return temp_int + (frac_multiplier * AT30TSE75X_FRACTIONAL_BASE); } static int at30tse75x_get_register(const at30tse75x_t *dev, uint8_t reg, uint16_t* data) { i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); xtimer_spin(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS); if (i2c_read_regs(dev->i2c, dev->addr, reg, data, 2) <= 0) { DEBUG("[at30tse75x] Can't read register 0x%x\n", reg); i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); return 0; } static int at30tse75x_set_register(const at30tse75x_t *dev, uint8_t reg, uint16_t *data) { i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); xtimer_spin(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS); if (i2c_write_regs(dev->i2c, dev->addr, reg, data, 2) <= 0) { DEBUG("[at30tse75x] Can't write to register 0x%x\n", reg); i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); return 0; } static int at30tse75x_reset(const at30tse75x_t *dev) { i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); xtimer_spin(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS); if (i2c_write_byte(dev->i2c, 0x00, AT30TSE75X_CMD__GENERAL_CALL_RESET) != 1) { i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); /* Wait for reset to complete */ xtimer_usleep(500); return 0; } int at30tse75x_get_config(const at30tse75x_t *dev, uint8_t *data) { i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); xtimer_spin(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS); if (i2c_read_reg(dev->i2c, dev->addr, AT30TSE75X_REG__CONFIG, data) <= 0) { DEBUG("[at30tse75x] Can't read CONFIG register\n"); i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); return 0; } int at30tse75x_set_config(const at30tse75x_t *dev, uint8_t data) { i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); xtimer_spin(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS); if (i2c_write_reg(dev->i2c, dev->addr, AT30TSE75X_REG__CONFIG, data) <= 0) { DEBUG("[at30tse75x] Can't write to CONFIG register\n"); i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); return 0; } int at30tse75x_set_resolution(const at30tse75x_t *dev, at30tse75x_resolution_t resolution) { uint8_t config; if(resolution < AT30TSE75X_RESOLUTION_9BIT || resolution > AT30TSE75X_RESOLUTION_12BIT) { return -2; } if(at30tse75x_get_config(dev, &config) != 0) { return -1; } config &= ~(AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__RESOLUTION_MASK); config |= resolution << AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__RESOLUTION_SHIFT; if(at30tse75x_set_config(dev, config) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int at30tse75x_set_mode(const at30tse75x_t *dev, at30tse75x_mode_t mode) { uint8_t config; if(at30tse75x_get_config(dev, &config) != 0) { return -1; } switch(mode) { case AT30TSE75X_MODE_ONE_SHOT: config |= AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__SHUTDOWN_BIT; /* Don't touch alarm mode */ break; case AT30TSE75X_MODE_COMPARATOR: config &= ~(AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__SHUTDOWN_BIT); config &= ~(AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__ALARM_MODE_BIT); break; case AT30TSE75X_MODE_INTERRUPT: config &= ~(AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__SHUTDOWN_BIT); config |= AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__ALARM_MODE_BIT; break; default: return -2; } if(at30tse75x_set_config(dev, config) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int at30tse75x_set_alarm_polarity(const at30tse75x_t *dev, at30tse75x_alarm_polatity_t polarity) { uint8_t config; if(at30tse75x_get_config(dev, &config) != 0) { return -1; } switch(polarity) { case AT30TSE75X_ALARM_ACTIVE_HIGH: config |= AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__ALERT_POL_BIT; break; case AT30TSE75X_ALARM_ACTIVE_LOW: config &= ~(AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__ALERT_POL_BIT); break; default: return -2; } if(at30tse75x_set_config(dev, config) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int at30tse75x_set_fault_tolerance(const at30tse75x_t *dev, at30tse75x_fault_tolerance_t tolerance) { if(tolerance < AT30TSE75X_ALARM_AFTER_1 || tolerance > AT30TSE75X_ALARM_AFTER_6) { return -2; } uint8_t config; if(at30tse75x_get_config(dev, &config) != 0) { return -1; } config &= ~(AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__FTQ_MASK); config |= tolerance << AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__FTQ_SHIFT; if(at30tse75x_set_config(dev, config) != 0) { return -1; } return 0; } int at30tse75x_set_limit_low(const at30tse75x_t *dev, int8_t t_low) { uint16_t tmp = (t_low << 8) | (0x00); return at30tse75x_set_register(dev, AT30TSE75X_REG__LIMIT_LOW, &tmp); } int at30tse75x_set_limit_high(const at30tse75x_t *dev, int8_t t_high) { uint16_t tmp = (t_high << 8) | (0x00); return at30tse75x_set_register(dev, AT30TSE75X_REG__LIMIT_HIGH, &tmp); } int at30tse75x_save_config(const at30tse75x_t *dev) { i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); xtimer_spin(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS); if(i2c_write_byte(dev->i2c, dev->addr, AT30TSE75X_CMD__SAVE_TO_NVRAM) != 1) { i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); /* Wait for copy to complete */ xtimer_usleep(5000); return 0; } int at30tse75x_restore_config(const at30tse75x_t *dev) { i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); xtimer_spin(AT30TSE75X_BUS_FREE_TIME_TICKS); if(i2c_write_byte(dev->i2c, dev->addr, AT30TSE75X_CMD__RESTORE_FROM_NVRAM) != 1) { i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); /* Wait for copy to complete */ xtimer_usleep(200); return 0; } int at30tse75x_get_temperature(const at30tse75x_t *dev, float *temperature) { uint16_t tmp; uint8_t config; if(at30tse75x_get_config(dev, &config) != 0) { return -1; } /* If sensor is shutdown trigger One-Shot mode*/ if(config & AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__SHUTDOWN_BIT) { config |= AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__OS_BIT; if(at30tse75x_set_config(dev, config) != 0) { return -1; } /* Use resolution to calculate conversion time */ uint8_t resolution = (config & AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__RESOLUTION_MASK) >> AT30TSE75X_CONFIG__RESOLUTION_SHIFT; /* Wait until conversion is finished */ xtimer_usleep((uint32_t)(25000 << resolution)); } /* Read temperature */ if(at30tse75x_get_register(dev, AT30TSE75X_REG__TEMPERATURE, &tmp) != 0) { return -1; } /* Convert fixed point to float */ *temperature = temperature_to_float(tmp); return 0; } int at30tse75x_init(at30tse75x_t *dev, i2c_t i2c, i2c_speed_t speed, uint8_t addr) { uint8_t config; dev->i2c = i2c; if( (addr < 0x48) || (addr > 0x4f) ) { DEBUG("[at30tse75x] Invalid address\n"); return -2; } dev->addr = addr; i2c_acquire(dev->i2c); if(i2c_init_master(dev->i2c, speed) != 0) { DEBUG("[at30tse75x] Can't initialize I2C master\n"); i2c_release(dev->i2c); return -1; } i2c_release(dev->i2c); /* Reset the device */ if(at30tse75x_reset(dev) != 0) { return -1; } /* Poll the device, fail if unavailable */ if(at30tse75x_get_config(dev, &config) != 0) { return -1; } DEBUG("[at30tse75x] Config: 0x%x\n", config); return 0; }