RENODE ?= renode RENODE_IMAGE_FILE ?= $(ELFFILE) RENODE_BOARD_CONFIG ?= $(BOARDDIR)/dist/board.resc # Global build system configurations FLASHFILE ?= $(ELFFILE) EMULATORDEPS += $(RENODE_BOARD_CONFIG) ifeq (,$(EMULATOR_TMP_DIR)) EMULATOR_TMP_DIR := $(shell mktemp -td riot_$(APPLICATION)_$(BOARD).XXXXX) endif # Use renode interactive commands to specify the image file and board config RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += -e "set image_file '$(RENODE_IMAGE_FILE)'" RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += -e "include @$(RENODE_BOARD_CONFIG)" EMULATOR_PIDFILE ?= ifneq (,$(EMULATOR_PIDFILE)) $(info Using Renode pid file $(EMULATOR_PIDFILE)) RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += --pid-file $(EMULATOR_PIDFILE) endif # Renode logging configuration RENODE_SHOW_LOG ?= 0 ifneq (1,$(RENODE_SHOW_LOG)) RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += --hide-log endif RENODE_LOG_LEVEL ?= 2 # Warning level RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += -e "logLevel $(RENODE_LOG_LEVEL)" # Renode GUI RENODE_SHOW_GUI ?= 0 ifneq (1,$(RENODE_SHOW_GUI)) RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += --disable-xwt endif # Configure local serial port RENODE_SYSBUS_UART ?= sysbus.uart0 EMULATOR_SERIAL_PORT ?= $(EMULATOR_TMP_DIR)/uart RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += -e "emulation CreateUartPtyTerminal \"term\" \"$(EMULATOR_SERIAL_PORT)\" true" RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS += -e "connector Connect $(RENODE_SYSBUS_UART) term" # Set emulator variables EMULATOR_FLAGS ?= $(RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS) -e start EMULATOR ?= $(RENODE) # Configure the terminal PORT = $(EMULATOR_SERIAL_PORT) RIOT_TERMPROG := $(TERMPROG) RIOT_TERMFLAGS := $(TERMFLAGS) TERMPROG := $(RIOTTOOLS)/emulator/ TERMFLAGS := $(RIOT_EMULATOR) $(BOARD) $(APPDIR) $(RIOT_TERMPROG) '$(RIOT_TERMFLAGS)' $(EMULATOR_SERIAL_PORT) $(EMULATOR_TMP_DIR) # Configure the debugger GDB_PORT ?= 3333 GDB_REMOTE ?= :$(GDB_PORT) RENODE_DEBUG_FLAGS += $(RENODE_CONFIG_FLAGS) RENODE_DEBUG_FLAGS += -e "machine StartGdbServer $(GDB_PORT) true" DEBUGSERVER ?= $(EMULATOR) DEBUGSERVER_FLAGS ?= $(RENODE_DEBUG_FLAGS) DEBUGGER_FLAGS ?= $(BOARD) $(APPDIR) $(ELFFILE) $(GDB_REMOTE) $(EMULATOR_TMP_DIR) "-ex \"monitor start\"" DEBUGGER ?= $(RIOTTOOLS)/emulator/ # No flasher available with renode emulator FLASHER ?= FFLAGS ?=