#!/bin/bash if [ -z "$1" ]; then FILE=out.top else FILE="$1" fi if tput colors &> /dev/null && [ "$(tput colors)" -ge 8 ]; then COK="\e[1;32m" CWARN="\e[1;33m" CRESET="\e[0m" else COK= CWARN= CRESET= fi WIDTH=100 # X dimension of the simulated world HEIGHT=100 # Y dimension of the simulated world RANGE=30 # base node radio range VARIANCE=15 # random offset to radio range NUM=10 # number of nodes if [ ! -f "$FILE" ]; then echo "writing to $FILE" ./bin/topogen -w $WIDTH -h $HEIGHT -r $RANGE -v $VARIANCE -n $NUM > "$FILE" fi if ! command -v gnuplot > /dev/null; then printf "${CWARN}%s${CRESET}\n" "gnuplot not installed" exit 0 fi printf "${COK}%s${CRESET}\n" "rendering to ${FILE}.svg" gnuplot -e "set xrange [0:$WIDTH]" \ -e "set yrange [0:$HEIGHT]" \ -e "set terminal svg size $(( WIDTH * 8 )), $(( HEIGHT * 8 ))" \ -e "set output '$FILE.svg'" \ -e "set datafile commentschars '!'" \ -e "set style fill transparent solid 0.25" \ -e "plot '$FILE' index 1 using 3:4:(\$5*2):(\$5*2):6 with ellipses lc rgb var notitle, \ '$FILE' index 1 using 3:4:2 with labels point pt 2 offset char 0.5,0.5 notitle"