/****************************************************************************** Copyright (C) 2013, Freie Universitaet Berlin (FUB). All rights reserved. These sources were developed at the Freie Universitaet Berlin, Computer Systems and Telematics group (http://cst.mi.fu-berlin.de). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This file is part of RIOT. This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the LGPLv2. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more details. *******************************************************************************/ #include #include "cpu.h" #include "hwtimer.h" #include "hwtimer_arch.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" void (*int_handler)(int); extern void timerA_init(void); volatile uint16_t overflow_interrupt[HWTIMER_MAXTIMERS+1]; volatile uint16_t timer_round; #ifdef CC430 /* CC430 have "TimerA0", "TimerA1" and so on... */ #define CNT_CTRL_BASE_REG (TA0CCTL0) #define CNT_COMP_BASE_REG (TA0CCR0) #define TIMER_VAL_REG (TA0R) #else /* ... while other MSP430 MCUs have "TimerA", "TimerB". Cheers for TI and its consistency! */ #define CNT_CTRL_BASE_REG (TACCTL0) #define CNT_COMP_BASE_REG (TACCR0) #define TIMER_VAL_REG (TAR) #endif static void timer_disable_interrupt(short timer) { volatile unsigned int *ptr = &CNT_CTRL_BASE_REG + (timer); *ptr &= ~(CCIFG); *ptr &= ~(CCIE); } static void timer_enable_interrupt(short timer) { volatile unsigned int *ptr = &CNT_CTRL_BASE_REG + (timer); *ptr |= CCIE; *ptr &= ~(CCIFG); } static void timer_set_nostart(uint32_t value, short timer) { volatile unsigned int *ptr = &CNT_COMP_BASE_REG + (timer); /* ensure we won't set the timer to a "past" tick */ if (value <= hwtimer_arch_now()) { value = hwtimer_arch_now() + 2; } overflow_interrupt[timer] = (uint16_t)(value >> 16); *ptr = (value & 0xFFFF); } static void timer_set(uint32_t value, short timer) { DEBUG("Setting timer %u to %lu\n", timer, value); timer_set_nostart(value, timer); timer_enable_interrupt(timer); } void timer_unset(short timer) { volatile unsigned int *ptr = &CNT_COMP_BASE_REG + (timer); timer_disable_interrupt(timer); *ptr = 0; } unsigned long hwtimer_arch_now(void) { return ((uint32_t)timer_round << 16) + TIMER_VAL_REG; } void hwtimer_arch_init(void (*handler)(int), uint32_t fcpu) { (void) fcpu; timerA_init(); int_handler = handler; } void hwtimer_arch_enable_interrupt(void) { for (int i = 0; i < HWTIMER_MAXTIMERS; i++) { timer_enable_interrupt(i); } } void hwtimer_arch_disable_interrupt(void) { for (int i = 0; i < HWTIMER_MAXTIMERS; i++) { timer_disable_interrupt(i); } } void hwtimer_arch_set(unsigned long offset, short timer) { uint32_t value = hwtimer_arch_now() + offset; hwtimer_arch_set_absolute(value, timer); } void hwtimer_arch_set_absolute(unsigned long value, short timer) { timer_set(value, timer); } void hwtimer_arch_unset(short timer) { timer_unset(timer); }