include ../Makefile.periph_common FEATURES_REQUIRED = periph_timer USEMODULE += core_thread_flags # optionally configure timer under test. Defaults to xtimer config. # TEST_TIMER_DEV takes a 0-based index to the periph_timer instance defined in # the board's periph_conf.h. TEST_TIMER_FREQ as an integer number which will # be used as "freq" parameter in the timer_init() call. # TEST_TIMER_WIDTH defines the timer width in number of bits. # Note: not all implementations support arbitrary frequencies. #CFLAGS += -DTEST_TIMER_DEV=foo -DTEST_TIMER_FREQ=bar -DTEST_TIMER_WIDTH=n # this test currently fails all CI boards and native TEST_ON_CI_BLACKLIST += all include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.include