# Decawave uwb-dw1000 RIOT Port The distribution https://github.com/decawave/uwb-core contains the device driver implementation for the Decawave Impulse Radio-Ultra Wideband (IR-UWB) transceiver(s). The driver includes hardware abstraction layers (HAL), media access control (MAC) layer, Ranging Services (RNG). ## Abstraction details uwb-dw1000 is meant as a hardware and architecture agnostic driver. It was developed with MyNewt as its default OS, but its abstractions are well defined which makes it easy to use with another OS. A porting layer DPL (Decawave Porting Layer) has been implemented that wraps around OS functionalities and modules: mutex, semaphores, threads, etc.. In most cases the mapping is direct although some specific functionalities might not be supported. This layer is found in the uwb-core pkg. A hardware abstraction layer is defined under `hal` which wraps around modules such as: periph_gpio, periph_spi, etc. Since the library was used on top of mynewt most configuration values are prefixed with `MYNEWT_VAL_%`, all configurations can be found under `pkg/uwb-dw1000/include/syscfg`. ## Todos The uwb-dw1000 can be used to provide a netdev driver for the dw1000 module. uwb-dw1000 repository uses fixed length arrays to keep track of the devices that are present. This port uses linked list but some of the upstream code is not compatible with this.