# Object files *.o # Target files *.elf # Documentation artifacts doc/doxygen/html doc/doxygen/latex doc/doxygen/man doc/doxygen/*.log doc/doxygen/*.db doc/doxygen/*.tmp # bin (e.g.:build directory) and .bin files bin *.bin # Build directory /build # AFL findings fuzzing/**/findings/ # Backup files *~ *.orig .*.swn .*.swo .*.swp *.save *.rej \#*\# cachegrind.out* # Eclipse workspace files .project .cproject .settings .idea # KDevelop4 project files .kdev4 *.kdev4 # Codelite (among others) project files *.project # Visual Studio Code user settings .vscode/ # ctags index files tags # GDB initialization scripts .gdbinit # Eclipse symbol file (output from make eclipsesym) eclipsesym.xml /toolchain # Ignore created Arduino sketch files _sketches.cpp # local override files Makefile.local # Vagrant .vagrant # clang-complete command line argument lists (Vim: clang-complete, Atom: linter-clang, autocomplete-clang addons) .clang_complete # YouCompleteMe (https://github.com/Valloric/YouCompleteMe) .ycm_extra_conf.py # Python compiled files *.pyc # Ignore download cache .dlcache # scan-build artifacts scan-build/ # compile_and_test_for_boards default "results" directory results/ # mypy artifacts .mypy_cache/ # Clangd compile flags (language server) compile_commands.json compile_flags.txt # cache files of clangd (and probably other tools) .cache/ # generated by clang-check for C++ code *.plist # suit manifest keys keys/ # clangd language server .clangd/ # custom clang-tidy flags, also used when using clangd language server .clang-tidy