/* * lm75a-temp-sensor.c - Driver for the LM75A temperature sensor based on the * i2c interface. * * Copyright (C) 2013 Zakaria Kasmi * * This source code is licensed under the LGPLv2 license, * See the file LICENSE for more details. * */ /** * @file * @internal * @brief Driver for the LM75A temperature sensor. * The communication between the LM75A and the MCU is * based on the i2c interface. * * @author Zakaria Kasmi * @version $Revision: 3855 $ * * @note $Id: lm75a-temp-sensor.c 3855 2013-09-05 13:53:49 kasmi $ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "msg.h" #include "thread.h" #include "vtimer.h" #include "timex.h" #include "lpc2387.h" #include "gpioint.h" #include "i2c.h" #include "lm75a-temp-sensor.h" #include "hwtimer.h" #include "board.h" //declaration as volatile is important, otherwise no interrupt is triggered. volatile bool my_alarm = false; static uint16_t get_2s_complement(uint16_t num) { return ~(num) + 1; } //Write: MC --> Sensor static void to_bytes(float_t f, uint8_t *buff) { int32_t i = (int32_t)(f * 2); buff[0] = (uint8_t)((i >> LM75A_BIT1) & 0xFF);//Most signif. byte buff[1] = (uint8_t)((i & LM75A_BIT1) << LM75A_BIT7);//Least signif. byte } static uint16_t to_uint16(uint8_t *buff) { if (buff != NULL) { return (buff[0] << LM75A_BIT8) | buff[1]; } else { return UINT16_MAX; } } //Read: Sensor --> MC volatile static float_t to_float(uint8_t reg_addr, uint16_t reg_value) { uint16_t sign = reg_value & LM75A_SIGN_BIT_MASK; float_t f_temp = 0.0; float_t factor = 0.0; switch (reg_addr) { case LM75A_OVER_TEMP_REG: case LM75A_THYST_REG: factor = 0.5; break; case LM75A_TEMPERATURE_REG: factor = 0.125; } if (sign) { //the number is negative f_temp = (get_2s_complement(reg_value) & LM75A_DATA_BITS_MASK) * -factor; } else { //the number is positive f_temp = reg_value * factor; } return f_temp; } static void set_register(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint8_t reg_addr, float_t value) { bool status = false; uint8_t tx_buff[2]; switch (reg_addr) { case LM75A_OVER_TEMP_REG: case LM75A_THYST_REG: to_bytes(value, tx_buff); status = i2c_write(i2c_interface, LM75A_ADDR, reg_addr, tx_buff, 2); break; case LM75A_CONFIG_REG: tx_buff[0] = (uint8_t) value; status = i2c_write(i2c_interface, LM75A_ADDR, reg_addr, tx_buff, 1); } if (!status) { puts( "[lm75a_tempSensorI2C/lm75A_setRegister]: Slave is not ready !!\n"); } } void lm75A_set_over_temperature(float_t tos) { set_register(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_OVER_TEMP_REG, tos); } void lm75A_set_hysteresis_temperature(float_t thsyt) { set_register(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_THYST_REG, thsyt); } static uint16_t lm75A_get_register_value(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t reg_size) { bool status = false; uint8_t rx_buff[reg_size]; i2c_clear_buffer(rx_buff, reg_size); if ((reg_size > 0) && (reg_size < 3)) { status = i2c_read(i2c_interface, LM75A_ADDR, reg_addr, rx_buff, reg_size); if (!status) { //Slave is not ready puts( "[lm75a_tempSensorI2C/lm75A_getConfigReg]: Slave is not\ ready !\n"); if (reg_size < 2) { return UCHAR_MAX; } else { return UINT16_MAX; } } else { //Slave acknowledged if (reg_size < 2) { return rx_buff[0]; } else { return to_uint16(rx_buff); } } } else { puts("the register size must be less than 2"); return UINT16_MAX; } } uint8_t lm75A_get_config_reg(void) { return lm75A_get_register_value(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_CONFIG_REG, 1); } float_t lm75A_get_hysteresis_temperature(void) { uint16_t hyst_reg_value = 0; hyst_reg_value = lm75A_get_register_value(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_THYST_REG, 2); hyst_reg_value = (hyst_reg_value >> LM75A_BIT7); return to_float(LM75A_THYST_REG, hyst_reg_value); } float_t lm75A_get_over_temperature(void) { uint16_t over_temp = 0; over_temp = lm75A_get_register_value(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_OVER_TEMP_REG, 2); over_temp = (over_temp >> LM75A_BIT7); return to_float(LM75A_OVER_TEMP_REG, over_temp); } float_t lm75A_get_ambient_temperature(void) { uint16_t amb_temp = 0; amb_temp = lm75A_get_register_value(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_TEMPERATURE_REG, 2); amb_temp = (amb_temp >> LM75A_BIT5); return to_float(LM75A_TEMPERATURE_REG, amb_temp); } void lm75A_reset(void) { lm75A_set_over_temperature(LM75A_DEFAULT_TOS); lm75A_set_hysteresis_temperature(LM75A_DEFAULT_THYST); set_register(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_CONFIG_REG, LM75A_DEFAULT_CONFIG_VALUE); } void lm75A_set_operation_mode(uint8_t op_mode) { uint8_t config_reg = lm75A_get_config_reg(); switch (op_mode) { case LM75A_NORMAL_OPERATION_MODE: config_reg &= ~(1 << LM75A_BIT0); break; case LM75A_SHUTDOWN_MODE: config_reg |= (1 << LM75A_BIT0); break; case LM75A_COMPARATOR_MODE: config_reg &= ~(1 << LM75A_BIT1); break; case LM75A_INTERRUPT_MODE: config_reg |= (1 << LM75A_BIT1); break; default: config_reg &= ~(1 << LM75A_BIT0); } set_register(LM75A_I2C_INTERFACE, LM75A_CONFIG_REG, config_reg); } bool lm75A_ext_irq_handler_register(int32_t port, uint32_t pin_bit_mask, int32_t flags, void *handler) { return gpioint_set(port, pin_bit_mask, flags, handler); } bool lm75A_init(uint8_t i2c_interface, uint32_t baud_rate, void *external_interr_handler) { if (i2c_initialize(i2c_interface, (uint32_t) I2CMASTER, 0, baud_rate, NULL) == false) { /* initialize I2C */ puts("fatal error happened in i2c_initialize()\n"); return false; } //i2c_enable_pull_up_resistor(i2c_interface); i2c_disable_pull_up_resistor(i2c_interface); if ((external_interr_handler != NULL) && lm75A_ext_irq_handler_register(2, BIT3, GPIOINT_FALLING_EDGE, external_interr_handler)) { printf("# %-70s%10s\n", "External interrupt handler registration", "...[OK]"); } else { printf("# %-70s%10s\n", "External interrupt handler registration", "...[FAILED]"); return false; } puts("################## Before reset ##################"); printf("configReg = %u\n", lm75A_get_config_reg()); printf("hystTemp = %f\n", lm75A_get_hysteresis_temperature()); printf("overTemp = %f\n", lm75A_get_over_temperature()); lm75A_reset(); puts("\n################## After reset ##################"); printf("configRegInitial = %u\n", lm75A_get_config_reg()); printf("initialHystTemp = %f\n", lm75A_get_hysteresis_temperature()); printf("initialOverTemp = %f\n", lm75A_get_over_temperature()); puts("\n################## New configuration ##################"); // set the hysteresis temperature lm75A_set_hysteresis_temperature(32.0); printf("hystTemp = %f\n", lm75A_get_hysteresis_temperature()); lm75A_set_over_temperature(33.0); printf("overTemp = %f\n", lm75A_get_over_temperature()); puts("\n################## Go to comparator mode ##################"); lm75A_set_operation_mode(LM75A_COMPARATOR_MODE); printf("configReg = %u\n", lm75A_get_config_reg()); // puts("\n################## Go to interrupt mode ##################"); // lm75A_set_operation_mode(LM75A_INTERRUPT_MODE); // printf("configReg = %u\n", lm75A_get_config_reg()); return true; } void lm75A_set_in_alarm(bool b) { my_alarm = b; } /* * Application entry point. */ void lm75A_start_sensor_sampling(void (*handler)(void)) { /* * Normal main() thread activity. */ while (true) { //Toggle the green LED; LED_RED_TOGGLE; printf("amb_temp = %3.3f\n", lm75A_get_ambient_temperature()); if (my_alarm && (handler != NULL)) { LED_GREEN_ON; handler(); my_alarm = false; } hwtimer_wait(HWTIMER_TICKS(100000)); LED_RED_TOGGLE; hwtimer_wait(HWTIMER_TICKS(100000)); } }