/** @defgroup pkg_lv_drivers LVGL Drivers @ingroup pkg @brief Display controller and touchpad driver to can be directly used with LVGL. @note This package needs the 32bit version of SDL2 @see https://github.com/lvgl/lv_drivers ## Configuration options To change the size of the screen `SDL_HOR_RES` and `SDL_VER_RES` can be changed via `CFLAGS` or in `lv_drv_conf.h`. For small screen a zoom factor can be applied through `SDL_ZOOM`, e.g: `SDL_ZOOM=2` will apply a x2 zoom to the display. ### SDL Requirements To run lvgl inside a simulator (native), SDL2 is required. Install instructions can be found at https://docs.lvgl.io/latest/en/html/get-started/pc-simulator.html#install-sdl-2, note that the 32bit version is needed. On debian/ubuntu this could be as simple as installing the `libsdl2-dev:i386` package. Using SDL2 requires more stack so in case you are using it add ``` CFLAGS += '-DTHREAD_STACKSIZE_MAIN=48*1024' ``` to your makefile. 48kB is enough for the test, other uses may need more or may need this to be applied to other threads using `THREAD_STACKSIZE_DEFAULT` */