/** @defgroup bootloader_riotboot_serial riotboot serial bootloader @ingroup bootloaders # Overview `riotboot_serial` is a variation on @ref bootloader_riotboot that adds the capability to flash a new firmware using a serial (UART) connection. After reset, riotboot will wait for `RIOTBOOT_DELAY_MS` ms, if within that time no command is received it will automatically start the application. If it reads the `B` character, it will enter bootloader mode where flash sectors can be erased and written. The application in `dist/tools/riotboot_serial` is used to talk to the bootloader and to flash `.hex` files using the bootloader's serial protocol. # Flashing a device To flash a device that is equipped with the riotboot serial bootloader, set the `PROGRAMMER` variable to `riotboot_serial` and chose the `PORT` accordingly. e.g. make BOARD=same54-xpro PORT=/dev/ttyACM0 PROGRAMMER=riotboot_serial flash */