#!/usr/bin/python3 # Copyright (C) 2019 Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg # # This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser # General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level # directory for more details. # # @author Maximilian Deubel # Black Magic Probe helper script # This script can detect connected Black Magic Probes and can be used as a flashloader and much more import argparse import os import re import sys import humanize import serial.tools.list_ports from progressbar import Bar, Percentage, ProgressBar from pygdbmi.gdbcontroller import GdbController import distutils.spawn parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Black Magic Tool helper script.') parser.add_argument('--jtag', action='store_true', help='use JTAG transport') parser.add_argument('--swd', action='store_true', help='use SWD transport (default)') parser.add_argument('--connect-srst', action='store_true', help='reset target while connecting') parser.add_argument('--tpwr', action='store_true', help='enable target power') parser.add_argument('--serial', help='choose specific probe by serial number') parser.add_argument('--port', help='choose specific probe by port') parser.add_argument('--attach', help='choose specific target by number', default='1') parser.add_argument('--gdb-path', help='path to GDB', default='gdb-multiarch') parser.add_argument('--term-cmd', help='serial terminal command', default='picocom --nolock --imap lfcrlf --baud 115200 %s') parser.add_argument('action', help='choose a task to perform', nargs='?', choices=['list', 'flash', 'erase', 'debug', 'term', 'reset'], default='list') parser.add_argument('file', help='file to load to target (hex or elf)', nargs='?') TIMEOUT = 100 # seconds # find a suitable gdb executable, falling back to defaults if needed def find_suitable_gdb(gdb_path): if distutils.spawn.find_executable(gdb_path): return gdb_path else: for p in ['arm-none-eabi-gdb', 'gdb-multiarch']: p = distutils.spawn.find_executable(p) if p: print("GDB EXECUTABLE NOT FOUND! FALLING BACK TO %s" % p, file=sys.stderr) return p print("CANNOT LOCATE SUITABLE GDB EXECUTABLE!", file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) # find all connected BMPs and store both GDB and UART interfaces def detect_probes(): gdb_ports = [] uart_ports = [] for p in serial.tools.list_ports.comports(): if p.vid == 0x1D50 and p.pid in {0x6018, 0x6017}: if re.fullmatch(r'COM\d\d', p.device): p.device = '//./' + p.device if 'GDB' in str(p.interface) \ or re.fullmatch(r'/dev/cu\.usbmodem([A-F0-9]*)1', p.device) \ or p.location[-1] == '0' and os.name == 'nt': gdb_ports.append(p) else: uart_ports.append(p) return gdb_ports, uart_ports # search device with specific serial number in list def search_serial(snr, l): for p in l: if snr in p.serial_number: return p.device # parse GDB output for targets def detect_targets(gdbmi, res): targets = [] while True: for msg in res: if msg['type'] == 'target': m = re.fullmatch(pattern=r"\s*(\d)+\s*(.*)\\n", string=msg['payload']) if m: targets.append(m.group(2)) elif msg['type'] == 'result': assert msg['message'] == 'done', str(msg) return targets res = gdbmi.get_gdb_response(timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) def gdb_write_and_wait_for_result(gdbmi, cmd, description, expected_result='done'): res = gdbmi.write(cmd, timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) while True: for msg in res: if msg['type'] == 'result': if msg['message'] == expected_result: print(description, "successful.") return True else: print(description, "failed.", file=sys.stderr) return False res = gdbmi.get_gdb_response(timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) def parse_download_msg(msg): m = re.fullmatch( pattern=r"\+download," r"\{(?:section=\"(.*?)\")?,?(?:section-sent=\"(.*?)\")?,?" r"(?:section-size=\"(.*?)\")?,?(?:total-sent=\"(.*?)\")?,?" r"(?:total-size=\"(.*?)\")?,?\}", string=msg['payload']) if m: section_name = m.group(1) section_sent = int(m.group(2)) if m.group(2) else None section_size = int(m.group(3)) if m.group(3) else None total_sent = int(m.group(4)) if m.group(4) else None total_size = int(m.group(5)) if m.group(5) else None return section_name, section_sent, section_size, total_sent, total_size def download_to_flash(gdbmi): res = gdbmi.write('-target-download', timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) first = True # whether this is the first status message current_sec = None # name of current section pbar = ProgressBar() while True: for msg in res: if msg['type'] == 'result': assert msg['message'] == 'done', "download failed: %s" % str(msg) if pbar.start_time: pbar.finish() print("downloading finished") return elif msg['type'] == 'output': section_name, section_sent, section_size, total_sent, total_size = parse_download_msg(msg) if section_name: if first: first = False print("downloading... total size: %s" % humanize.naturalsize(total_size, gnu=True)) if section_name != current_sec: if pbar.start_time: pbar.finish() current_sec = section_name print("downloading section [%s] (%s)" % ( section_name, humanize.naturalsize(section_size, gnu=True))) pbar = ProgressBar(widgets=[Percentage(), Bar()], maxval=section_size).start() if section_sent: pbar.update(section_sent) res = gdbmi.get_gdb_response(timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) def check_flash(gdbmi): res = gdbmi.write('compare-sections', timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) while True: for msg in res: if msg['type'] == 'result': assert msg['message'] == 'done', "checking failed: %s" % str(msg) print("checking successful") return elif msg['type'] == 'console': assert 'matched' in msg['payload'] and 'MIS-MATCHED' not in msg['payload'], \ "checking failed: %s" % str(msg) res = gdbmi.get_gdb_response(timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) def choose_bmp_port(gdb_ports): print("found following Black Magic GDB servers:") for i, s in enumerate(gdb_ports): print("\t[%s]" % s.device, end=' ') if len(s.serial_number) > 1: print("Serial:", s.serial_number, end=' ') if i == 0: print("<- default", end=' ') print('') port = gdb_ports[0].device if args.port: port = args.port elif args.serial: port = search_serial(args.serial, gdb_ports) assert port, "no BMP with this serial found" print('connecting to [%s]...' % port) return port # terminal mode, opens TTY program def term_mode(uart_ports): port = uart_ports[0].device if args.port: port = args.port elif args.serial: port = search_serial(args.serial, uart_ports) assert port, "no BMP with this serial found" os.system(args.term_cmd % port) sys.exit(0) # debug mode, opens GDB shell with options def debug_mode(port): gdb_args = ['-ex \'target extended-remote %s\'' % port] if args.tpwr: gdb_args.append('-ex \'monitor tpwr enable\'') if args.connect_srst: gdb_args.append('-ex \'monitor connect_srst enable\'') if args.jtag: gdb_args.append('-ex \'monitor jtag_scan\'') else: gdb_args.append('-ex \'monitor swdp_scan\'') gdb_args.append('-ex \'attach %s\'' % args.attach) os.system(" ".join(['\"' + args.gdb_path + '\"'] + gdb_args + [args.file])) def connect_to_target(port): # open GDB in machine interface mode try: # try old API first gdbmi = GdbController(gdb_path=args.gdb_path, gdb_args=["--nx", "--quiet", "--interpreter=mi2", args.file]) except TypeError: # and then new API gdbmi = GdbController(command=[args.gdb_path, "--nx", "--quiet", "--interpreter=mi2", args.file]) assert gdb_write_and_wait_for_result(gdbmi, '-target-select extended-remote %s' % port, 'connecting', expected_result='connected') # set options if args.connect_srst: gdbmi.write('monitor connect_srst enable', timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) if args.tpwr: gdbmi.write('monitor tpwr enable', timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) # scan for targets if not args.jtag: print("scanning using SWD...") res = gdbmi.write('monitor swdp_scan', timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) else: print("scanning using JTAG...") res = gdbmi.write('monitor jtag_scan', timeout_sec=TIMEOUT) targets = detect_targets(gdbmi, res) assert len(targets) > 0, "no targets found" print("found following targets:") for t in targets: print("\t%s" % t) print("") return gdbmi if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() assert not (args.swd and args.jtag), "you may only choose one protocol" assert not (args.serial and args.port), "you may only specify the probe by port or by serial" g, u = detect_probes() assert len(g) > 0, "no Black Magic Probes found 😔" if args.action == 'term': term_mode(u) else: port = choose_bmp_port(g) args.file = args.file if args.file else '' args.gdb_path = find_suitable_gdb(args.gdb_path) if args.action == 'debug': debug_mode(port) sys.exit(0) gdbmi = connect_to_target(port) if args.action == 'list': sys.exit(0) assert gdb_write_and_wait_for_result(gdbmi, '-target-attach %s' % args.attach, 'attaching to target') # reset mode: reset device using reset pin if args.action == 'reset': assert gdb_write_and_wait_for_result(gdbmi, 'monitor hard_srst', 'resetting target') sys.exit(0) # erase mode elif args.action == 'erase': print('erasing...') assert gdb_write_and_wait_for_result(gdbmi, '-target-flash-erase', 'erasing target') sys.exit(0) # flashloader mode: flash, check and restart elif args.action == 'flash': download_to_flash(gdbmi) check_flash(gdbmi) # kill and reset assert gdb_write_and_wait_for_result(gdbmi, 'kill', 'killing')