/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Engineering-Spirit * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup examples * @{ * * @file * @brief Demonstrating the sending and receiving of data via the TFTP client * * @author Nick van IJzendoorn * * @} */ #include #include #include #include "kernel.h" #include "net/gnrc/tftp.h" static const char *_tftp_default_host = "::1"; /* default server text which can be received */ static const char _tftp_client_hello[] = "Hello,\n" "\n" "Client text would also need to exist to be able to put data.\n" "\n" "Enjoy the RIOT-OS\n"; static tftp_action_t _tftp_action; /** * @brief called at every transaction start */ static bool _tftp_client_start_cb(tftp_action_t action, tftp_mode_t mode, const char *file_name, size_t *len) { /* translate the mode */ const char *str_mode = "ascii"; if (mode == TTM_OCTET) { str_mode = "bin"; } else if (mode == TTM_MAIL) { str_mode = "mail"; } /* translate the action */ const char *str_action = "read"; if (action == TFTP_WRITE) { str_action = "write"; } /* display the action being performed */ printf("tftp_client: %s %s %s:%u\n", str_mode, str_action, file_name, *len); /* return the length of the text, if this is an read action */ if (action == TFTP_READ) { *len = sizeof(_tftp_client_hello); } /* remember the action of the current transfer */ _tftp_action = action; /* we accept the transfer to take place so we return true */ return true; } /** * @brief called to get or put data, depending on the mode received by `_tftp_start_cb(action, ...)` */ static int _tftp_client_data_cb(uint32_t offset, void *data, size_t data_len) { char *c = (char *) data; /* if we are reading return the part of the data that is being requested */ if (_tftp_action == TFTP_WRITE) { /* calculate the length of the data block to transfer */ if (offset + data_len > sizeof(_tftp_client_hello)) { data_len -= (offset + data_len) - sizeof(_tftp_client_hello); } /* copy the block to the output buffer */ memcpy(data, _tftp_client_hello + offset, data_len); } else { /* we received a data block which we output to the console */ printf("\n -- CLIENT DATA --\n%.*s\n -- CLIENT DATA --\n", data_len, c); } /* return the length of the data block */ return data_len; } /** * @brief the transfer has stopped, see the event argument to determined if it was successful * or not. */ static void _tftp_client_stop_cb(tftp_event_t event, const char *msg) { /* decode the stop event received */ const char *cause = "UNKOWN"; if (event == TFTP_SUCCESS) { cause = "SUCCESS"; } else if (event == TFTP_PEER_ERROR) { cause = "ERROR From Client"; } else if (event == TFTP_INTERN_ERROR) { cause = "ERROR Internal Server Error"; } /* print the transfer result to the console */ printf("tftp_client: %s: %s\n", cause, msg); } static int _tftp_client_cmd(int argc, char * *argv) { ipv6_addr_t ip; const char *file_name = argv[2]; tftp_mode_t mode = TTM_OCTET; bool use_options = true; ipv6_addr_from_str(&ip, _tftp_default_host); if (argc >= 3 && argc <= 6) { /* decode the action */ if (strcmp(argv[1], "get") == 0) { _tftp_action = TFTP_READ; } else if (strcmp(argv[1], "put") == 0) { _tftp_action = TFTP_WRITE; } else { return -1; } /* get the transfer mode */ if (argc >= 4) { if (strcmp(argv[3], "octet") == 0) { mode = TTM_OCTET; } else if (strcmp(argv[3], "ascii") == 0) { mode = TTM_ASCII; } else if (strcmp(argv[3], "mail") == 0) { mode = TTM_MAIL; } else { puts("tftp: couldn't parse the TFTP transfer mode"); return -1; } } /* decode if we must use the TFTP option extension or not */ if (argc >= 5) { if (strcmp(argv[4], "0") == 0) { use_options = false; } else if (strcmp(argv[4], "1") == 0) { use_options = true; } else { puts("tftp: invalid options choose 0 or 1"); return -1; } } /* decode the address */ if (argc >= 6) { if (!ipv6_addr_from_str(&ip, argv[5])) { puts("tftp: invalid IP address"); return -1; } } } else { return -1; } if (_tftp_action == TFTP_READ) { puts("tftp: starting read request"); gnrc_tftp_client_read(&ip, file_name, mode, _tftp_client_data_cb, _tftp_client_start_cb, _tftp_client_stop_cb, use_options); } else if (_tftp_action == TFTP_WRITE) { puts("tftp: starting write request"); gnrc_tftp_client_write(&ip, file_name, mode, _tftp_client_data_cb, sizeof(_tftp_client_hello), _tftp_client_stop_cb, use_options); } return 0; } /** * @brief start the TFTP server by creating a thread */ int tftp_client_cmd(int argc, char * *argv) { if (_tftp_client_cmd(argc, argv) < 0) { printf("usage: %s \n" "\t \n", argv[0]); } return 0; }