/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Freie Universität Berlin. * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "testing.h" #include "flowcontrol.h" struct timeval timers[256]; struct test_stats *stats = NULL; int run_counter; FILE *stats_file = NULL; void init_file(const char *skeleton_file_name, int runs_per_test, float interval) { FILE *skeleton_file = NULL; char line[1024]; skeleton_file = fopen(skeleton_file_name, "r"); while (fgets(line, 1024, skeleton_file) != NULL) { if (strncmp(line, "# sending window size=%d\n", 1024) == 0) { fprintf(stats_file, line, BORDER_SWS); } else if (strncmp(line, "# count=%ld (-c)\n", 1024) == 0) { fprintf(stats_file, line, runs_per_test); } else if (strncmp(line, "# interval=%f (-i)\n", 1024) == 0) { fprintf(stats_file, line, interval); } else { fprintf(stats_file, "%s", line); } } fclose(skeleton_file); } int testing_init(const char *stats_file_name, const char *skeleton_file_name, int runs_per_test, float interval) { if (stats_file != NULL) { return -1; } stats = (struct test_stats *)calloc(runs_per_test, sizeof(struct test_stats)); run_counter = 0; stats_file = fopen(stats_file_name, "w"); if (stats_file == NULL) { return -1; } init_file(skeleton_file_name, runs_per_test, interval); return 0; } int testing_destroy() { int res, i; for (i = 0; i < run_counter; i++) { fprintf(stats_file, "%7d\t%3d\t%7ld\n", i, stats[i].seq_num, stats[i].time_diff ); } free(stats); stats = NULL; res = fclose(stats_file); stats_file = NULL; return res; } void testing_start(uint8_t seq_num) { if (stats_file == NULL) { return; } gettimeofday(&(timers[seq_num]), NULL); } void testing_stop(uint8_t seq_num) { if (stats_file == NULL) { return; } struct timeval start = timers[seq_num], end; gettimeofday(&end, NULL); stats[run_counter].seq_num = seq_num; stats[run_counter].time_diff = (end.tv_sec - start.tv_sec) * 1000; stats[run_counter].time_diff += (end.tv_usec - start.tv_usec) / 1000; run_counter++; } void generate_filename( char *filename, const char *results_dir_name, int runs_per_test, float interval) { time_t today; struct tm *tmp = NULL; char timestr[16]; FILE *test = NULL; int count = 1; today = time(NULL); tmp = localtime(&today); if (tmp == NULL) { perror("localtime"); return; } strftime(timestr, 16, "%Y.%m.%d", tmp); do { sprintf(filename, "%s/%s-Results-Ping6_%d_%d_%f-%d.txt", results_dir_name, timestr, BORDER_SWS, runs_per_test, interval, count++ ); } while ((test = fopen(filename, "r")) != NULL); if (test != NULL) { fclose(test); } } void start_test(const char *ping_addr, const char *results_dir_name, const char *skeleton_file, int runs_per_test, float interval) { printf("%d, %f\n", runs_per_test, interval); char command[50]; char filename[50]; generate_filename(filename, results_dir_name, runs_per_test, interval); sprintf(command, "ping6 -v -f -c %d -i %f -W 1 abcd::d", runs_per_test, interval ); testing_init(filename, skeleton_file, runs_per_test, interval); puts(command); system(command); testing_destroy(); }