Hello World! ============ This is a basic example how to use Rust to write your RIOT application. It prints out the famous text `Hello World!`. This example should foremost give you an overview how an application built completely in Rust is structured: * The Makefile resembles the regular application Makefile, see ../hello-world/ for more introduction to that. * The Cargo.toml file describes the Rust code, and declares its dependencies. Prominently, it contains a `[lib]` / `crate-type = ["staticlib"]` section, which is necessary for how RIOT later links together the C and Rust portions. * The file src/lib.rs (and any modules referenced by it) contain Rust code to be run. It uses the `riot_main!` macro provided by the riot-wrappers crate to declare the entry point of the program. The code itself looks like the usual Rust hello-world example.