/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Loci Controls Inc. * 2017 HAW Hamburg * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_cc2538 * @ingroup drivers_periph_i2c * @{ * * @file * @brief Low-level I2C driver implementation * * @author Ian Martin * @author Sebastian Meiling * @} */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "mutex.h" #include "cpu.h" #include "periph/gpio.h" #include "periph/i2c.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" /* short cuts macros */ #define SCL_PIN(x) (i2c_config[x].scl_pin) #define SDA_PIN(x) (i2c_config[x].sda_pin) #define SPEED(x) (i2c_config[x].speed) /* I2CM_CTRL Bits */ #define ACK (0x08) #define STOP (0x04) #define START (0x02) #define RUN (0x01) /* I2CM_STAT Bits */ #define BUSBSY (0x40) #define IDLE (0x20) #define ARBLST (0x10) #define DATACK (0x08) #define ADRACK (0x04) #define ERROR (0x02) #define BUSY (0x01) /* I2CM_CR Bits */ #define SFE (0x20) /**< I2C slave function enable */ #define MFE (0x10) /**< I2C master function enable */ #define LPBK (0x01) /**< I2C loopback */ #define SCL_LP (6U) /**< SCL Low Period (fixed at 6). */ #define SCL_HP (4U) /**< SCL High Period (fixed at 4). */ #define CMD_WAIT (16U) /**< small delay to wait for I2C command */ #define RST_WAIT (32U) /**< reset delay */ #define INVALID_SPEED_MASK (0x0f) static mutex_t lock = MUTEX_INIT; void isr_i2c(void) { /* Clear the interrupt flag */ I2CM_ICR = 0x1; I2CM_MIS = 0x1; cortexm_isr_end(); } static inline void _i2c_reset(void) { DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); /* Reset I2C peripheral */ SYS_CTRL_SRI2C |= 1; /* wait shortly for reset */ for (unsigned delay = 0; delay < RST_WAIT; ++delay) {} /* clear periph reset trigger */ SYS_CTRL_SRI2C &= ~1; } static inline void _i2c_clock_enable(bool enable) { DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (enable) { SYS_CTRL_RCGCI2C |= 1; SYS_CTRL_SCGCI2C |= 1; SYS_CTRL_DCGCI2C |= 1; } else { SYS_CTRL_RCGCI2C &= ~1; SYS_CTRL_SCGCI2C &= ~1; SYS_CTRL_DCGCI2C &= ~1; } } static inline void _i2c_master_enable(bool enable) { DEBUG("%s: %s\n", __FUNCTION__, (enable ? "yes" : "no")); if (enable) { /* enable I2C master function */ I2CM_CR |= MFE; /* Enable I2C master interrupts */ NVIC_SetPriority(I2C_IRQn, I2C_IRQ_PRIO); NVIC_EnableIRQ(I2C_IRQn); /* Enable I2C master interrupts */ I2CM_IMR = 1; } else { /* Disable I2C master interrupts */ I2CM_IMR = 0; NVIC_DisableIRQ(I2C_IRQn); /* disable master function */ I2CM_CR &= ~(MFE); } } static inline void _i2c_master_frequency(i2c_speed_t speed) { assert ((speed == I2C_SPEED_NORMAL) || (speed == I2C_SPEED_FAST)); DEBUG("%s (%" PRIu32 ")\n", __FUNCTION__, (uint32_t)speed); /* if selected speed is not applicable fall back to normal */ if (speed & INVALID_SPEED_MASK) { DEBUG("! invalid speed setting, fall back to normal !\n"); speed = I2C_SPEED_NORMAL; } /* Set the SCL clock speed */ uint32_t denom = 2 * (SCL_LP + SCL_HP) * (uint32_t)speed; uint32_t ps = (sys_clock_freq() + denom - 1) / denom; I2CM_TPR = (ps - 1); } static uint_fast8_t _i2c_master_stat_get(void) { return I2CM_STAT; } static bool _i2c_master_busy(void) { return ((I2CM_STAT & BUSY) ? true : false); } static bool _i2c_master_busbusy(void) { return ((I2CM_STAT & BUSBSY) ? true : false); } static void _i2c_master_slave_addr(uint16_t addr, bool receive) { DEBUG("%s (%" PRIx16 ", %d)\n", __FUNCTION__, addr, (int)receive); assert(!(addr & 0x80)); I2CM_SA = (addr << 1) | (receive ? 0x1 : 0x0); } static void _i2c_master_data_put(uint8_t data) { DEBUG("%s (0x%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, data); I2CM_DR = data; } static uint_fast8_t _i2c_master_data_get(void) { uint_fast8_t data = I2CM_DR; DEBUG("%s (0x%x)\n", __FUNCTION__, data); return data; } static inline void _i2c_master_ctrl(uint_fast8_t cmd) { DEBUG("%s (%" PRIx32 ")\n", __FUNCTION__, (uint32_t)cmd); I2CM_CTRL = cmd; } static inline int _i2c_master_status(void) { DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); uint_fast8_t stat = _i2c_master_stat_get(); DEBUG(" - I2C master status (0x%x): ", stat); if (stat & BUSY) { DEBUG("busy!\n"); return 0; } else if (stat & (ERROR | ARBLST)) { _i2c_master_ctrl(STOP | RUN); unsigned cw = CMD_WAIT; while (_i2c_master_busy() || (cw--)) {} if (stat & ADRACK) { DEBUG("addr ack lost!\n"); return -ENXIO; } if (stat & DATACK) { DEBUG("data ack lost!\n"); return -EIO; } if (stat & ARBLST) { DEBUG("lost bus arbitration!\n"); return -EAGAIN; } DEBUG("unknown!\n"); return -EAGAIN; } DEBUG("okay.\n"); return 0; } void i2c_init(i2c_t dev) { DEBUG("%s (%i)\n", __FUNCTION__, (int)dev); assert(dev < I2C_NUMOF); /* enable i2c clock */ _i2c_clock_enable(true); /* reset i2c periph */ _i2c_reset(); /* init pins */ gpio_init_mux(SCL_PIN(dev), OVERRIDE_PULLUP, I2C_SCL_OUT, I2C_SCL_IN); gpio_init_mux(SDA_PIN(dev), OVERRIDE_PULLUP, I2C_SDA_OUT, I2C_SDA_IN); /* enable master mode */ _i2c_master_enable(true); /* set bus frequency */ _i2c_master_frequency(SPEED(dev)); DEBUG(" - I2C master status (0x%x).\n", _i2c_master_stat_get()); } int i2c_acquire(i2c_t dev) { DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); if (dev < I2C_NUMOF) { mutex_lock(&lock); return 0; } return -1; } void i2c_release(i2c_t dev) { assert(dev < I2C_NUMOF); DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); mutex_unlock(&lock); } int i2c_read_bytes(i2c_t dev, uint16_t addr, void *data, size_t len, uint8_t flags) { DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); DEBUG(" - I2C master status (0x%x).\n", _i2c_master_stat_get()); if ((dev >= I2C_NUMOF) || (data == NULL) || (len == 0)) { return -EINVAL; } if (flags & (I2C_REG16 | I2C_ADDR10)) { return -EOPNOTSUPP; } if (_i2c_master_busy()) { DEBUG("i2c_read_bytes: device busy!\n"); return -EAGAIN; } if (!(_i2c_master_busbusy()) && (flags & I2C_NOSTART)) { DEBUG("i2c_read_bytes: bus not busy!\n"); return -EAGAIN; } /* set slave address for receive */ _i2c_master_slave_addr(addr, true); int rc = 0; uint8_t *buf = data; for (size_t n = 0; n < len; n++) { uint_fast8_t cmd = RUN; if ((n == 0) && !(flags & I2C_NOSTART)) { cmd |= START; } if (((len - n) == 1) && !(flags & I2C_NOSTOP)) { cmd |= STOP; } else { cmd |= ACK; } /* run command */ _i2c_master_ctrl(cmd); /* wait until master is done transferring */ DEBUG ("%s: wait for master...\n", __FUNCTION__); unsigned cw = CMD_WAIT; while (_i2c_master_busy() || (cw--)) {} /* check master status */ if ((rc = _i2c_master_status()) != 0) { break; } /* read data into buffer */ buf[n] = _i2c_master_data_get(); } return rc; } int i2c_write_bytes(i2c_t dev, uint16_t addr, const void *data, size_t len, uint8_t flags) { DEBUG("%s\n", __FUNCTION__); DEBUG(" - I2C master status (0x%x).\n", _i2c_master_stat_get()); if ((dev >= I2C_NUMOF) || (data == NULL) || (len == 0)) { return -EINVAL; } if (flags & (I2C_REG16 | I2C_ADDR10)) { return -EOPNOTSUPP; } if (_i2c_master_busy()) { DEBUG("i2c_write_bytes: device busy!\n"); return -EAGAIN; } if (!(_i2c_master_busbusy()) && (flags & I2C_NOSTART)) { DEBUG("i2c_read_bytes: bus not busy!\n"); return -EAGAIN; } /* set slave address for write */ _i2c_master_slave_addr(addr, false); int rc = 0; const uint8_t *buf = data; for (size_t n = 0; n < len; n++) { uint_fast8_t cmd = RUN; if ((n == 0) && !(flags & I2C_NOSTART)) { cmd |= START; } if (((len - n) == 1) && !(flags & I2C_NOSTOP)) { cmd |= STOP; } /* write byte to mem */ _i2c_master_data_put(buf[n]); /* run command */ _i2c_master_ctrl(cmd); /* wait until master is done transferring */ DEBUG ("%s: wait for master...\n", __FUNCTION__); unsigned cw = CMD_WAIT; while (_i2c_master_busy() || (cw--)) {} /* check master status */ if ((rc = _i2c_master_status()) != 0) { break; } } return rc; }