#include #include #include "vtimer.h" #include "thread.h" #include "msg.h" char timer_stack[KERNEL_CONF_STACKSIZE_PRINTF]; char timer_stack_local[KERNEL_CONF_STACKSIZE_PRINTF]; struct timer_msg { vtimer_t timer; timex_t interval; char* msg; }; timex_t now; struct timer_msg msg_a = { .timer = {0}, .interval = { .seconds = 2, .microseconds = 0}, .msg = "Hello World" }; struct timer_msg msg_b = { .timer = {0}, .interval = { .seconds = 5, .microseconds = 0}, .msg = "This is a Test" }; void timer_thread(void) { printf("This is thread %d\n", thread_getpid()); /* we need a queue if the second message arrives while the first is still processed */ /* without a queue, the message would get lost */ /* because of the way this timer works, there can be max 1 queued message */ msg_t msgq[1]; msg_init_queue(msgq, sizeof msgq); while (1) { msg_t m; msg_receive(&m); struct timer_msg* tmsg = (struct timer_msg*) m.content.ptr; vtimer_now(&now); printf("now=%" PRIu32 ":%" PRIu32 " -> every %u.%us: %s\n", now.seconds, now.microseconds, tmsg->interval.seconds, tmsg->interval.microseconds, tmsg->msg); if (vtimer_set_msg(&tmsg->timer, tmsg->interval, thread_getpid(), tmsg) != 0) { puts("something went wrong"); } else { puts("timer_thread: set timer successfully"); } } } void timer_thread_local(void) { printf("This is thread %d\n", thread_getpid()); while (1) { msg_t m; msg_receive(&m); struct tm t; vtimer_get_localtime(&t); printf("sec=%d min=%d hour=%d\n", t.tm_sec, t.tm_min, t.tm_hour); } } int main(void) { msg_t m; int pid = thread_create( timer_stack, sizeof timer_stack, PRIORITY_MAIN-1, CREATE_STACKTEST, timer_thread, "timer"); puts("sending 1st msg"); m.content.ptr = (char*) &msg_a; msg_send(&m, pid, false); puts("sending 2nd msg"); m.content.ptr = (char*) &msg_b; msg_send(&m, pid, false); int pid2 = thread_create( timer_stack_local, sizeof timer_stack_local, PRIORITY_MAIN-1, CREATE_STACKTEST, timer_thread_local, "timer local"); timex_t sleep = timex_set(1, 0); while (1) { vtimer_sleep(sleep); msg_send(&m, pid2, 0); } }