# Debug targets to evaluate dependency migrations # # The goal is to get the value of variables used for dependency resolution # and the impact of refactoring # Files output can be generated through the normal resolution with executing # 'dependency-debug' for each board # # BOARD=board_name make dependency-debug # # And the 'quick' version that is used by murdock with `info-boards-supported`. # This one currently uses only a subset of the files/values required for # dependency resolution. # # DEPENDENCY_DEBUG=1 make info-boards-supported # # # To compare in an aggregated file, you can run in an application directory: # # for board in $(make info-boards); do DEPENDENCY_DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR=bin/info BOARD=${board} make dependency-debug; done; cat bin/info/* > bin/deps_info # DEPENDENCY_DEBUG=1 DEPENDENCY_DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR=bin/info-global make info-boards-supported; cat bin/info-global/* > bin/deps_info-boards-supported # # And compare both files # diff -u bin/deps_info bin/deps_info-boards-supported # # And when comparing two revisions, include the revision in the file names .PHONY: dependency-debug # Only generate the dependencies when the board is not disabled # This will allow comparing with the output of `info-boards-supported` more easily dependency-debug: ifneq (,$(filter-out $(BOARD_BLACKLIST),$(filter $(if $(BOARD_WHITELIST),$(BOARD_WHITELIST), %),$(BOARD)))) $(call file_save_dependencies_variables,dependencies_info) @: else @echo Skipping $(BOARD) is not whitelisted or blacklisted endif DEPENDENCY_DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR ?= $(CURDIR) # Save variables that are used for parsing dependencies _DEPS_DEBUG_VARS += BOARD CPU CPU_MODEL CPU_FAM _DEPS_DEBUG_VARS += FEATURES_PROVIDED _FEATURES_PROVIDED_SORTED FEATURES_REQUIRED _FEATURES_REQUIRED_SORTED FEATURES_OPTIONAL FEATURES_USED FEATURES_MISSING FEATURES_CONFLICT FEATURES_CONFLICTING _DEPS_DEBUG_VARS += USEMODULE DEFAULT_MODULE DISABLE_MODULE DEPS_DEBUG_VARS ?= $(_DEPS_DEBUG_VARS) _FEATURES_PROVIDED_SORTED = $(sort $(FEATURES_PROVIDED)) _FEATURES_REQUIRED_SORTED = $(sort $(FEATURES_REQUIRED)) file_save_dependencies_variables = $(call file_save_variable,$(DEPENDENCY_DEBUG_OUTPUT_DIR)/$1_$(BOARD),$(DEPS_DEBUG_VARS)) # Remove file before to be sure appending is started with an empty file file_save_variable = $(shell mkdir -p $(dir $1); rm -f $1)$(foreach v,$2,$(file >>$1,$(call _print_var,$v))) # Remove spaces in case of empty value # Remove spaces around value as it happens _print_var = $(strip $1 = $(strip $($1)))