/* * Copyright (C) 2015 Kaspar Schleiser * 2015 FreshTemp, LLC. * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup cpu_saml21 * @ingroup drivers_periph_rtt * @{ * * @file rtt.c * @brief Low-level RTT driver implementation * * @author Kaspar Schleiser * * @} */ #include #include "periph/rtt.h" #include "board.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG 0 #include "debug.h" static rtt_cb_t _overflow_cb; static void* _overflow_arg; static rtt_cb_t _cmp0_cb; static void* _cmp0_arg; void rtt_init(void) { DEBUG("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); /* Turn on power manager for RTC */ MCLK->APBAMASK.reg |= MCLK_APBAMASK_RTC | MCLK_APBAMASK_OSC32KCTRL; rtt_poweron(); /* reset */ RTC->MODE0.CTRLA.bit.SWRST = 1; while(RTC->MODE0.CTRLA.bit.SWRST) {} /* set 32bit counting mode */ RTC->MODE0.CTRLA.bit.MODE = 0; /* set clock source */ OSC32KCTRL->RTCCTRL.reg = OSC32KCTRL_RTCCTRL_RTCSEL_ULP32K; /* enable */ RTC->MODE0.CTRLA.bit.ENABLE = 1; while(RTC->MODE0.SYNCBUSY.bit.ENABLE) {} /* initially clear flag */ RTC->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg |= RTC_MODE1_INTFLAG_CMP(1 << 0); /* enable RTT IRQ */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(RTC_IRQn); DEBUG("%s:%d %u\n", __func__, __LINE__, (unsigned)rtt_get_counter()); } void rtt_set_overflow_cb(rtt_cb_t cb, void *arg) { DEBUG("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); /* clear overflow cb to avoid race while assigning */ rtt_clear_overflow_cb(); /* set callback variables */ _overflow_cb = cb; _overflow_arg = arg; /* enable overflow interrupt */ RTC->MODE0.INTENSET.bit.OVF = 1; } void rtt_clear_overflow_cb(void) { DEBUG("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); /* disable overflow interrupt */ RTC->MODE0.INTENCLR.bit.OVF = 1; } uint32_t rtt_get_counter(void) { DEBUG("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); while (RTC->MODE0.SYNCBUSY.bit.COUNT) {} return RTC->MODE0.COUNT.reg; } void rtt_set_alarm(uint32_t alarm, rtt_cb_t cb, void *arg) { DEBUG("%s:%d alarm=%u\n", __func__, __LINE__, (unsigned)alarm); /* disable interrupt to avoid race */ rtt_clear_alarm(); /* set COM register */ while (RTC->MODE0.SYNCBUSY.bit.COMP0) {} RTC->MODE0.COMP[0].reg = alarm; /* setup callback */ _cmp0_cb = cb; _cmp0_arg = arg; /* enable compare interrupt */ RTC->MODE0.INTENSET.bit.CMP0 = 1; } void rtt_clear_alarm(void) { DEBUG("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); /* clear compare interrupt */ RTC->MODE0.INTENCLR.bit.CMP0 = 1; } void rtt_poweron(void) { DEBUG("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); MCLK->APBAMASK.reg |= MCLK_APBAMASK_RTC; } void rtt_poweroff(void) { DEBUG("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__); MCLK->APBAMASK.reg &= ~MCLK_APBAMASK_RTC; } void isr_rtc(void) { if (RTC->MODE0.INTFLAG.bit.OVF) { RTC->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg |= RTC_MODE0_INTFLAG_OVF; if (_overflow_cb) { _overflow_cb(_overflow_arg); } } if (RTC->MODE0.INTFLAG.bit.CMP0) { /* clear flag */ RTC->MODE0.INTFLAG.reg |= RTC_MODE1_INTFLAG_CMP(1 << 0); /* disable interrupt */ RTC->MODE0.INTENCLR.bit.CMP0 = 1; if (_cmp0_cb) { _cmp0_cb(_cmp0_arg); } } cortexm_isr_end(); }