/* * Copyright (C) 2016-2018 OTA keys S.A. * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser General * Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level directory for more * details. */ /** * @ingroup sys_can_dll * @{ * @file * @brief CAN Data Link Layer module * * This module contains the DLL interfaces for upper layer (raw_can_*) * and devices (can_dll_*). * It manages the connection between an device number and its candev thread. * * * @author Toon Stegen * @author Vincent Dupont * @author Aurelien Gonce * @} */ #include #include #include "thread.h" #include "can/dll.h" #include "can/raw.h" #include "can/device.h" #include "can/pkt.h" #include "can/common.h" #include "can/router.h" #include "utlist.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" static candev_dev_t *candev_list[CAN_DLL_NUMOF]; static int candev_nb = 0; static can_reg_entry_t *tx_list[CAN_DLL_NUMOF]; static mutex_t tx_lock = MUTEX_INIT; static int _get_ifnum(kernel_pid_t pid) { for (int i = 0; i < candev_nb; i++) { if (candev_list[i]->pid == pid) { return i; } } return -ENODEV; } int _send_pkt(can_pkt_t *pkt) { assert(pkt); msg_t msg; int handle = pkt->handle; mutex_lock(&tx_lock); LL_APPEND(tx_list[pkt->entry.ifnum], &pkt->entry); mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); msg.type = CAN_MSG_SEND_FRAME; msg.content.ptr = (void*) pkt; if (msg_send(&msg, candev_list[pkt->entry.ifnum]->pid) <= 0) { mutex_lock(&tx_lock); LL_DELETE(tx_list[pkt->entry.ifnum], &pkt->entry); mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return -EOVERFLOW; } return handle; } int raw_can_send(int ifnum, const struct can_frame *frame, kernel_pid_t pid) { can_pkt_t *pkt; assert(frame); assert(ifnum < candev_nb); pkt = can_pkt_alloc_tx(ifnum, frame, pid); if (!pkt) { return -ENOMEM; } DEBUG("raw_can_send: ifnum=%d, id=0x%" PRIx32 " from pid=%" PRIkernel_pid ", handle=%d\n", ifnum, frame->can_id, pid, pkt->handle); int ret = _send_pkt(pkt); if (ret < 0) { can_pkt_free(pkt); } return ret; } #ifdef MODULE_CAN_MBOX int raw_can_send_mbox(int ifnum, const struct can_frame *frame, mbox_t *mbox) { can_pkt_t *pkt; assert(frame); assert(ifnum < candev_nb); pkt = can_pkt_alloc_mbox_tx(ifnum, frame, mbox); if (!pkt) { return -ENOMEM; } DEBUG("raw_can_send: ifnum=%d, id=0x%" PRIx32 ", handle=%d\n", ifnum, frame->can_id, pkt->handle); int ret = _send_pkt(pkt); if (ret < 0) { can_pkt_free(pkt); } return ret; } #endif int raw_can_abort(int ifnum, int handle) { msg_t msg, reply; can_pkt_t *pkt = NULL; can_reg_entry_t *entry = NULL; can_reg_entry_t *prev = tx_list[ifnum]; assert(ifnum < candev_nb); DEBUG("raw_can_abort: ifnum=%u, handle=%d\n", ifnum, handle); mutex_lock(&tx_lock); LL_FOREACH(tx_list[ifnum], entry) { pkt = container_of(entry, can_pkt_t, entry); if (pkt->handle == handle) { if (prev == tx_list[ifnum]) { tx_list[ifnum] = entry->next; } else { prev->next = entry->next; } break; } prev = entry; } mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); if (pkt == NULL) { DEBUG("raw_can_abort: no pkt\n"); return -ENODEV; } msg.type = CAN_MSG_ABORT_FRAME; msg.content.ptr = pkt; msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, candev_list[ifnum]->pid); can_pkt_free(pkt); return 0; } static int register_filter_entry(can_reg_entry_t *entry, struct can_filter *filter, void *param) { msg_t msg, reply; int ret; DEBUG("register_filter_entry: ifnum=%d, filter=0x%" PRIx32 ", mask=0x%" PRIx32 ", param=%p\n", entry->ifnum, filter->can_id, filter->can_mask, param); ret = can_router_register(entry, filter->can_id, filter->can_mask, param); if (ret < 0) { return -ENOMEM; } else if (ret == 1) { DEBUG("raw_can_subscribe_rx: filter=0x%" PRIx32 " already in use\n", filter->can_id); return 0; } msg.type = CAN_MSG_SET_FILTER; msg.content.ptr = filter; msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, candev_list[entry->ifnum]->pid); if ((int) reply.content.value < 0) { can_router_unregister(entry, filter->can_id, filter->can_mask, param); return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } static int unregister_filter_entry(can_reg_entry_t *entry, struct can_filter *filter, void *param) { msg_t msg, reply; int ret; DEBUG("unregister_filter_entry: ifnum=%d, filter=0x%" PRIx32 ", mask=0x%" PRIx32 ", param=%p\n", entry->ifnum, filter->can_id, filter->can_mask, param); ret = can_router_unregister(entry, filter->can_id, filter->can_mask, param); if (ret < 0) { return -ENOMEM; } else if (ret == 1) { DEBUG("raw_can_unsubscribe_rx: filter=0x%" PRIx32 " still in use\n", filter->can_id); return 0; } msg.type = CAN_MSG_REMOVE_FILTER; msg.content.ptr = filter; msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, candev_list[entry->ifnum]->pid); if ((int) reply.content.value < 0) { return -ENOMEM; } return 0; } int raw_can_subscribe_rx(int ifnum, struct can_filter *filter, kernel_pid_t pid, void *param) { assert(ifnum < candev_nb); assert(filter); can_reg_entry_t entry; entry.ifnum = ifnum; entry.target.pid = pid; #ifdef MODULE_CAN_MBOX entry.type = CAN_TYPE_DEFAULT; #endif return register_filter_entry(&entry, filter, param); } #ifdef MODULE_CAN_MBOX int raw_can_subscribe_rx_mbox(int ifnum, struct can_filter *filter, mbox_t *mbox, void *param) { assert(ifnum < candev_nb); assert(filter); can_reg_entry_t entry; entry.ifnum = ifnum; entry.target.mbox = mbox; entry.type = CAN_TYPE_MBOX; return register_filter_entry(&entry, filter, param); } #endif int raw_can_unsubscribe_rx(int ifnum, struct can_filter *filter, kernel_pid_t pid, void *param) { assert(ifnum < candev_nb); assert(filter); can_reg_entry_t entry; entry.ifnum = ifnum; entry.target.pid = pid; #ifdef MODULE_CAN_MBOX entry.type = CAN_TYPE_DEFAULT; #endif return unregister_filter_entry(&entry, filter, param); } #ifdef MODULE_CAN_MBOX int raw_can_unsubscribe_rx_mbox(int ifnum, struct can_filter *filter, mbox_t *mbox, void *param) { assert(ifnum < candev_nb); assert(filter); can_reg_entry_t entry; entry.ifnum = ifnum; entry.target.mbox = mbox; entry.type = CAN_TYPE_MBOX; return unregister_filter_entry(&entry, filter, param); } #endif int raw_can_free_frame(can_rx_data_t *frame) { if (!frame) { return 0; } int ret = can_router_free_frame((struct can_frame *)frame->data.iov_base); can_pkt_free_rx_data(frame); return ret; } int raw_can_get_can_opt(int ifnum, can_opt_t *opt) { msg_t msg, reply; assert(ifnum < CAN_DLL_NUMOF); if (!opt) { return -ENOMEM; } opt->context = (uint16_t)candev_list[ifnum]->pid; msg.type = CAN_MSG_GET; msg.content.ptr = (void *)opt; if (msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, opt->context) != 1) { return -EBUSY; } return (int) reply.content.value; } int raw_can_set_can_opt(int ifnum, can_opt_t *opt) { msg_t msg, reply; assert(ifnum < CAN_DLL_NUMOF); if (!opt) { return -ENOMEM; } opt->context = (uint16_t)candev_list[ifnum]->pid; msg.type = CAN_MSG_SET; msg.content.ptr = (void *)opt; if (msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, opt->context) != 1) { return -EBUSY; } return (int) reply.content.value; } int can_dll_register_candev(candev_dev_t *candev) { if (candev_nb >= CAN_DLL_NUMOF) { return -ENODEV; } DEBUG("can_dll_register_candev: candev=%p, ifnum=%d, pid=%" PRIkernel_pid "\n", (void *)candev, candev_nb, candev->pid); candev_list[candev_nb] = candev; return candev_nb++; } int can_dll_dispatch_rx_frame(struct can_frame *frame, kernel_pid_t pid) { can_pkt_t *pkt = can_pkt_alloc_rx(_get_ifnum(pid), frame); return can_router_dispatch_rx_indic(pkt); } static int _remove_entry_from_list(can_reg_entry_t **list, can_reg_entry_t *entry) { assert(list); int res = -1; can_reg_entry_t *_tmp; if (*list == entry) { res = 0; *list = (*list)->next; } else if (*list != NULL) { _tmp = *list; while (_tmp->next && (_tmp->next != entry)) { _tmp = _tmp->next; } if (_tmp->next) { _tmp->next = entry->next; res = 0; } } return res; } int can_dll_dispatch_tx_conf(can_pkt_t *pkt) { DEBUG("can_dll_dispatch_tx_conf: pkt=%p\n", (void*)pkt); mutex_lock(&tx_lock); int res = _remove_entry_from_list(&tx_list[pkt->entry.ifnum], &pkt->entry); mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); if (res == 0) { can_router_dispatch_tx_conf(pkt); can_pkt_free(pkt); } return 0; } int can_dll_dispatch_tx_error(can_pkt_t *pkt) { DEBUG("can_dll_dispatch_tx_error: pkt=%p\n", (void*)pkt); mutex_lock(&tx_lock); int res = _remove_entry_from_list(&tx_list[pkt->entry.ifnum], &pkt->entry); mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); if (res == 0) { can_router_dispatch_tx_error(pkt); can_pkt_free(pkt); } return 0; } int can_dll_dispatch_bus_off(kernel_pid_t pid) { int ifnum = _get_ifnum(pid); can_reg_entry_t *entry = tx_list[ifnum]; DEBUG("can_dll_dispatch_bus_off: ifnum=%d, pid=%" PRIkernel_pid "\n", ifnum, pid); mutex_lock(&tx_lock); while (entry) { can_pkt_t *pkt = container_of(entry, can_pkt_t, entry); can_router_dispatch_tx_error(pkt); can_pkt_free(pkt); LL_DELETE(tx_list[ifnum], entry); entry = tx_list[ifnum]; } mutex_unlock(&tx_lock); return 0; } int can_dll_init(void) { can_pkt_init(); can_router_init(); return 0; } int raw_can_power_down(int ifnum) { msg_t msg, reply; assert(ifnum < candev_nb); msg.type = CAN_MSG_POWER_DOWN; if (msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, candev_list[ifnum]->pid) != 1) { return -EBUSY; } return (int) reply.content.value; } int raw_can_power_up(int ifnum) { msg_t msg, reply; assert(ifnum < candev_nb); msg.type = CAN_MSG_POWER_UP; if (msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, candev_list[ifnum]->pid) != 1) { return -EBUSY; } return (int) reply.content.value; } int raw_can_set_bitrate(int ifnum, uint32_t bitrate, uint32_t sample_point) { if (ifnum < 0 || ifnum >= candev_nb) { return -1; } int res = 0; int ret; uint32_t clock; struct can_bittiming_const btc; struct can_bittiming bittiming; bittiming.bitrate = bitrate; bittiming.sample_point = sample_point; can_opt_t opt; opt.opt = CANOPT_CLOCK; opt.data = &clock; opt.data_len = sizeof(clock); ret = raw_can_get_can_opt(ifnum, &opt); if (ret < 0) { DEBUG("raw_can_set_bitrate: error when getting clock (%d)\n", ret); return -1; } DEBUG("raw_can_set_bitrate: clock=%" PRIu32 " Hz\n", clock); opt.opt = CANOPT_BITTIMING_CONST; opt.data = &btc; opt.data_len = sizeof(btc); ret = raw_can_get_can_opt(ifnum, &opt); if (ret < 0) { DEBUG("raw_can_set_bitrate: error when getting const (%d)\n", ret); return -1; } ret = can_device_calc_bittiming(clock, &btc, &bittiming); if (ret < 0) { DEBUG("raw_can_set_bitrate: bittiming might be wrong, ret=%d\n", ret); res = 1; } opt.data = &bittiming; opt.data_len = sizeof(bittiming); opt.opt = CANOPT_BITTIMING; ret = raw_can_set_can_opt(ifnum, &opt); if (ret < 0) { DEBUG("raw_can_set_bitrate: error when setting bitrate (%d)\n", ret); return -1; } DEBUG("raw_can_set_bitrate: success bitrate=%" PRIu32 ", spt=%" PRIu32 "\n", bittiming.bitrate, bittiming.sample_point); return res; } #ifdef MODULE_CAN_TRX int raw_can_set_trx(int ifnum, can_trx_t *trx) { msg_t msg, reply; assert(ifnum < candev_nb); msg.type = CAN_MSG_SET_TRX; msg.content.ptr = trx; if (msg_send_receive(&msg, &reply, candev_list[ifnum]->pid) != 1) { return -EBUSY; } return (int) reply.content.value; } #endif int raw_can_get_ifnum_by_name(const char *name) { for (int i = 0; i < candev_nb; i++) { if ((strcmp(name, candev_list[i]->name) == 0) && (strlen(name) == strlen(candev_list[i]->name))) { return i; } } return RAW_CAN_DEV_UNDEF; } const char *raw_can_get_name_by_ifnum(int ifnum) { assert(ifnum >= 0); if (ifnum >= candev_nb) { return NULL; } return candev_list[ifnum]->name; } candev_dev_t *raw_can_get_dev_by_ifnum(int ifnum) { assert(ifnum >= 0); if (ifnum >= candev_nb) { return NULL; } return candev_list[ifnum]; }