@defgroup    boards_mbed_lpc1768 mbed LPC1768 development kit
@ingroup     boards
@brief       Support for the mbed LPC1768 board

## Overview

mbed LPC1768 is a small development board by ARM. A LPC1768, an Ethernet PHY
transceiver (DP83848J), a 2MB flash device (AT45DB161D) and a MBED-IF01
(LPC2148) are present on the board.
This board aims to make it very easy to flash a new firmware. There is no
need for an external programmer. The sole purpose of the MBED-IF01 is to
appear as a USB flash drive when the board is connected over USB to a
computer. The most recent binary file stored on the USB drive is flashed on
the next reset.

See [here](https://os.mbed.com/platforms/mbed-LPC1768/) for more information
about the board.

## Hardware

### MCU

| MCU             | LPC1768FDB100   |
|:--------------- |:--------------- |
| Family          | ARM Cortex-M3   |
| Vendor          | NXP             |
| RAM             | 64KiB SRAM      |
| Flash           | 512KiB          |
| Frequency       | up to 100MHz    |
| Timers          | 4               |
| UARTs           | 4               |
| SPIs            | 2               |
| I2Cs            | 3               |
| CAN             | 2               |
| PWM             | 6               |
| USB Host/Device | 1               |
| Ethernet        | 1               |
| RTC             | 1               |
| ADC             | 8 (all 12-bit)  |
| Vcc             | 2.4V - 3.6V     |
| Datasheet       | [Datasheet](http://www.nxp.com/documents/data_sheet/LPC1769_68_67_66_65_64_63.pdf) |
| User Manual     | [User Manual](http://www.nxp.com/documents/user_manual/UM10360.pdf)|

### User Interface

1 Button:

| NAME   |  SW1  |
|:-----  |:----- |
| Pin    | RESET |

5 LEDs:

| NAME  | LED1  | LED2  | LED3  | LED4  | STATUS |
| ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ----- | ------ |
| Color | blue  | blue  | blue  | blue  | blue   |
| Pin   | P1.18 | P1.20 | P1.21 | P1.23 | N/A    |

Status LED is not controlled by the LPC1768.

## Implementation Status

| Device           | ID              | Supported | Comments               |
|:---------------- |:--------------- |:--------- |:---------------------- |
| MCU              | lpc1768         | yes       |                        |
| Low-level driver | GPIO            | yes       |                        |
|                  | ADC             | no        |                        |
|                  | PWM             | no        |                        |
|                  | UART            | yes       |                        |
|                  | I2C             | no        |                        |
|                  | SPI             | no        |                        |
|                  | USB             | no        |                        |
|                  | Ethernet        | no        |                        |
|                  | RTT             | no        |                        |
|                  | RTC             | no        |                        |
|                  | Timer           | yes       |                        |

## Using UART

This board opens a serial interface through the USB automatically.

## Supported Toolchains

For using the mbed LPC1768 board we strongly recommend the usage of the
[GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors](https://launchpad.net/gcc-arm-embedded)

## Flashing the device

The easiest way to flash the device is to connect to the board via USB. The
board appears as a 2MB usb drive. `make flash` will copy your binary file to
the root directory but you need to manually reset your board by pressing the
reset button.
While the LPC1768 is flashed by the MBED-IF01 with the new firmware, the
status LED blinks fast.

## Known Issues
* Does not compile with the mentor graphics toolchain (compare