/* * Copyright (C) 2017 INRIA * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @ingroup net_gnrc_gomach * @{ * * @file * @brief Implementation of GoMacH * * @author Shuguo Zhuo * @} */ #include #include #include #include #include #include "random.h" #include "timex.h" #include "periph/rtt.h" #include "net/gnrc/netif.h" #include "net/gnrc/netif/internal.h" #include "net/gnrc/netif/ieee802154.h" #include "net/netdev/ieee802154.h" #include "net/gnrc.h" #include "net/gnrc/nettype.h" #include "net/netdev.h" #include "net/gnrc/mac/internal.h" #include "net/gnrc/gomach/gomach.h" #include "net/gnrc/gomach/timeout.h" #include "include/gomach_internal.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" #ifndef LOG_LEVEL /** * @brief Default log level define */ #define LOG_LEVEL LOG_WARNING #endif #include "log.h" /** * @brief GoMacH thread's PID */ static kernel_pid_t gomach_pid; static void _gomach_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif); static int _send(gnrc_netif_t *netif, gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt); static gnrc_pktsnip_t *_recv(gnrc_netif_t *netif); static void _gomach_msg_handler(gnrc_netif_t *netif, msg_t *msg); static void _gomach_event_cb(netdev_t *dev, netdev_event_t event); static const gnrc_netif_ops_t gomach_ops = { .init = _gomach_init, .send = _send, .recv = _recv, .get = gnrc_netif_get_from_netdev, .set = gnrc_netif_set_from_netdev, .msg_handler = _gomach_msg_handler, }; int gnrc_netif_gomach_create(gnrc_netif_t *netif, char *stack, int stacksize, char priority, char *name, netdev_t *dev) { return gnrc_netif_create(netif, stack, stacksize, priority, name, dev, &gomach_ops); } static gnrc_pktsnip_t *_recv(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { netdev_t *dev = netif->dev; netdev_ieee802154_rx_info_t rx_info; netdev_ieee802154_t *state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt = NULL; int bytes_expected = dev->driver->recv(dev, NULL, 0, NULL); if (bytes_expected > 0) { int nread; pkt = gnrc_pktbuf_add(NULL, NULL, bytes_expected, GNRC_NETTYPE_UNDEF); if (pkt == NULL) { DEBUG("_recv_ieee802154: cannot allocate pktsnip.\n"); return NULL; } nread = dev->driver->recv(dev, pkt->data, bytes_expected, &rx_info); if (nread <= 0) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return NULL; } if (!(state->flags & NETDEV_IEEE802154_RAW)) { gnrc_pktsnip_t *ieee802154_hdr; size_t mhr_len = ieee802154_get_frame_hdr_len(pkt->data); if (mhr_len == 0) { DEBUG("_recv_ieee802154: illegally formatted frame received\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return NULL; } nread -= mhr_len; /* mark IEEE 802.15.4 header */ ieee802154_hdr = gnrc_pktbuf_mark(pkt, mhr_len, GNRC_NETTYPE_UNDEF); if (ieee802154_hdr == NULL) { DEBUG("_recv_ieee802154: no space left in packet buffer\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); return NULL; } netif->mac.prot.gomach.rx_pkt_lqi = rx_info.lqi; netif->mac.prot.gomach.rx_pkt_rssi = rx_info.rssi; } DEBUG("_recv_ieee802154: reallocating.\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_realloc_data(pkt, nread); } return pkt; } static void gomach_reinit_radio(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Initialize low-level driver. */ netif->dev->driver->init(netif->dev); /* Set MAC address length. */ uint16_t src_len = netif->l2addr_len; netif->dev->driver->set(netif->dev, NETOPT_SRC_LEN, &src_len, sizeof(src_len)); /* Set the MAC address of the device. */ if (netif->l2addr_len == IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN) { netif->dev->driver->set(netif->dev, NETOPT_ADDRESS_LONG, netif->l2addr, sizeof(netif->l2addr)); } else { netif->dev->driver->set(netif->dev, NETOPT_ADDR_LEN, netif->l2addr, sizeof(netif->l2addr)); } /* Enable RX-start and TX-started and TX-END interrupts. */ netopt_enable_t enable = NETOPT_ENABLE; netif->dev->driver->set(netif->dev, NETOPT_RX_START_IRQ, &enable, sizeof(enable)); netif->dev->driver->set(netif->dev, NETOPT_RX_END_IRQ, &enable, sizeof(enable)); netif->dev->driver->set(netif->dev, NETOPT_TX_END_IRQ, &enable, sizeof(enable)); } static void _gomach_rtt_cb(void *arg) { msg_t msg; (void)arg; msg.content.value = GNRC_GOMACH_EVENT_RTT_NEW_CYCLE; msg.type = GNRC_GOMACH_EVENT_RTT_TYPE; msg_send(&msg, gomach_pid); if (sched_context_switch_request) { thread_yield(); } } static void _gomach_rtt_handler(uint32_t event, gnrc_netif_t *netif) { switch (event & 0xffff) { case GNRC_GOMACH_EVENT_RTT_NEW_CYCLE: { /* Start duty-cycle scheme. */ if (!gnrc_gomach_get_duty_cycle_start(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_duty_cycle_start(netif, true); rtt_clear_alarm(); /* Record the new cycle's starting time. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.last_wakeup = rtt_get_counter(); } else { /* The duty-cycle scheme has already started, * record the new cycle's starting time. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.last_wakeup = rtt_get_alarm(); gnrc_gomach_set_enter_new_cycle(netif, true); } netif->mac.prot.gomach.last_wakeup_phase_us = xtimer_now_usec64(); /* Set next cycle's starting time. */ uint32_t alarm = netif->mac.prot.gomach.last_wakeup + RTT_US_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US); rtt_set_alarm(alarm, _gomach_rtt_cb, NULL); /* Update neighbors' public channel phases. */ gnrc_gomach_update_neighbor_pubchan(netif); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } break; default: { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] error RTT message type\n"); break; } } } static void gomach_bcast_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Disable auto-ACK when sending broadcast packets, thus not to receive packet. */ gnrc_gomach_set_autoack(netif, NETOPT_DISABLE); /* Firstly turn the radio to public channel 1. */ gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_1); gnrc_gomach_set_on_pubchan_1(netif, true); netif->mac.tx.broadcast_seq++; /* Assemble the broadcast packet. */ gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt = netif->mac.tx.packet; gnrc_pktsnip_t *payload = netif->mac.tx.packet->next; gnrc_gomach_frame_broadcast_t gomach_broadcast_hdr; gomach_broadcast_hdr.header.type = GNRC_GOMACH_FRAME_BROADCAST; gomach_broadcast_hdr.seq_nr = netif->mac.tx.broadcast_seq; pkt->next = gnrc_pktbuf_add(pkt->next, &gomach_broadcast_hdr, sizeof(gomach_broadcast_hdr), GNRC_NETTYPE_GOMACH); if (pkt->next == NULL) { /* Make append payload after netif header again */ netif->mac.tx.packet->next = payload; gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] bcast: no memory to assemble bcast packet, drop packet.\n"); LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] bcast failed, go to listen mode.\n"); netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_FINISH, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US); gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_SEND; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static bool _gomach_send_bcast_busy_handle(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Quit sending broadcast packet if we found ongoing transmissions, * for collision avoidance. */ if ((gnrc_gomach_get_netdev_state(netif) == NETOPT_STATE_RX) || (gnrc_netif_get_rx_started(netif) == true)) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] bcast: found ongoing transmission, quit broadcast.\n"); /* Queue the broadcast packet back to the queue. */ gnrc_pktsnip_t *payload = netif->mac.tx.packet->next->next; /* remove gomach header */ netif->mac.tx.packet->next->next = NULL; gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet->next); /* make append payload after netif header again */ netif->mac.tx.packet->next = payload; if (!gnrc_mac_queue_tx_packet(&netif->mac.tx, 0, netif->mac.tx.packet)) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] bcast: TX queue full, release packet.\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); } netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return false; } return true; } static void gomach_send_bcast_packet(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Quit sending broadcast packet if we found ongoing transmissions, * for collision avoidance. */ if (!_gomach_send_bcast_busy_handle(netif)) { return; } gnrc_pktbuf_hold(netif->mac.tx.packet, 1); /* Start sending the broadcast packet. */ gnrc_gomach_send(netif, netif->mac.tx.packet, NETOPT_DISABLE); netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_WAIT_TX_FINISH; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void gomach_wait_bcast_tx_finish(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_get_tx_finish(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_INTERVAL, GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_INTERVAL_US); netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_WAIT_NEXT_TX; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } /* This is to handle no-TX-complete issue. In case there is no no-TX-complete event, * we will quit broadcasting, i.e., not getting stuck here. */ if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_FINISH)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_INTERVAL); netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_wait_bcast_wait_next_tx(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Quit sending broadcast packet if we found ongoing transmissions, * for collision avoidance. */ if (!_gomach_send_bcast_busy_handle(netif)) { return; } /* If the whole broadcast duration timeouts, release the packet and go to t2u end. */ if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_FINISH)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_INTERVAL); gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } /* Toggle the radio channel and go to send the next broadcast packet. */ if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_INTERVAL)) { if (gnrc_gomach_get_on_pubchan_1(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_2); gnrc_gomach_set_on_pubchan_1(netif, false); } else { gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_1); gnrc_gomach_set_on_pubchan_1(netif, true); } netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_SEND; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_bcast_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_INTERVAL); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_BCAST_FINISH); if (netif->mac.tx.packet) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; } netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor = NULL; /* Reset the t2u state. */ netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_INIT; /* Switch to the listen mode. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN; netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP; gnrc_gomach_set_enter_new_cycle(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_bcast_update(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* State machine of GoMacH's broadcast procedure. */ switch (netif->mac.tx.bcast_state) { case GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_INIT: { gomach_bcast_init(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_SEND: { gomach_send_bcast_packet(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_WAIT_TX_FINISH: { gomach_wait_bcast_tx_finish(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_WAIT_NEXT_TX: { gomach_wait_bcast_wait_next_tx(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_END: { gomach_bcast_end(netif); break; } default: break; } } static void gomach_init_prepare(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { rtt_clear_alarm(); /* Random delay for avoiding the same wake-up phase among devices. */ uint32_t random_backoff = random_uint32_range(0, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US); xtimer_usleep(random_backoff); gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, false); netif->mac.prot.gomach.subchannel_occu_flags = 0; gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); /* Since devices don't broadcast beacons on default, so no need to collect beacons. * Go to announce its chosen sub-channel sequence. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.init_state = GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_ANNC_SUBCHAN; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_init_announce_subchannel(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Choose a sub-channel for the device. */ gnrc_gomach_init_choose_subchannel(netif); /* Announce the device's chosen sub-channel sequence to its neighbors. */ gnrc_gomach_bcast_subchann_seq(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); netif->mac.prot.gomach.init_state = GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_WAIT_FEEDBACK; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void gomach_init_wait_announce_feedback(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_get_tx_finish(netif)) { gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); netif->mac.prot.gomach.init_state = GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_init_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Reset initialization state. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.init_state = GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_PREPARE; /* Switch to duty-cycle listen mode. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN; netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_INIT; /* Start duty-cycle scheme. */ gnrc_gomach_set_duty_cycle_start(netif, false); _gomach_rtt_handler(GNRC_GOMACH_EVENT_RTT_NEW_CYCLE, netif); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_t2k_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Turn off radio to conserve power */ gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP); gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, false); /* Set waiting timer for the targeted device! */ long int wait_phase_duration = netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase - gnrc_gomach_phase_now(netif); if (wait_phase_duration < 0) { wait_phase_duration += CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US; } /* Upon several times of t2k failure, we now doubt that the phase-lock may fail due to drift. * Here is the phase-lock auto-adjust scheme, trying to catch the neighbot's phase in case of * phase-lock failure due to timer drift. * Firstly, put the calculated phase ahead, check whether the neighbor's phase has gone ahead * of the recorded one */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter == (GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD - 2)) { if ((uint32_t)wait_phase_duration < CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US) { wait_phase_duration = (wait_phase_duration + CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US) - CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US; } else { wait_phase_duration = wait_phase_duration - CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US; } } /* If this is the last t2k trial, the phase-lock auto-adjust scheme delays the estimated phase * a little bit, to see if the real phase is behind the original calculated one. */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter == (GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD - 1)) { wait_phase_duration = wait_phase_duration + CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US; if ((uint32_t)wait_phase_duration > CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US) { wait_phase_duration = wait_phase_duration - CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US; } } if ((uint32_t)wait_phase_duration > CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US) { wait_phase_duration = wait_phase_duration % CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US; } gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_CP, (uint32_t)wait_phase_duration); /* Flush the rx-queue. */ gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); netif->mac.tx.tx_busy_count = 0; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_CP; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void gomach_t2k_wait_cp(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_CP)) { gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_IDLE); /* Turn radio onto the neighbor's public channel, which will not change in this cycle. */ gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->pub_chanseq); /* Disable auto-ack, don't try to receive packet! */ gnrc_gomach_set_autoack(netif, NETOPT_DISABLE); /* Require ACK for the packet waiting to be sent! */ gnrc_gomach_set_ack_req(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); /* Enable csma for sending the packet! */ netopt_enable_t csma_enable = NETOPT_ENABLE; netif->dev->driver->set(netif->dev, NETOPT_CSMA, &csma_enable, sizeof(netopt_enable_t)); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_TRANS_IN_CP; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_t2k_trans_in_cp(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* To-do: should we add a rx-start security check and quit t2k when found * ongoing transmissions? */ /* If we are retransmitting the packet, use the same sequence number for the * packet to avoid duplicate packet reception at the receiver side. */ if ((netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter > 0) || (netif->mac.tx.tx_busy_count > 0)) { netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; device_state->seq = netif->mac.tx.tx_seq; } /* Send the data packet here. */ int res = gnrc_gomach_send_data(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); if (res < 0) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2k transmission fail: %d, drop packet.\n", res); netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; /* If res is < 0, the data packet will not be released in send(). * so need to release the data here. */ if (netif->mac.tx.packet != NULL) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; } netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor = NULL; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_NO_TX_ISR_US); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_CPTX_FEEDBACK; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void _cp_tx_success(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Since the packet will not be released by the sending function, * so, here, if TX success, we first release the packet. */ gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; /* Here is the phase-lock auto-adjust scheme. Use the new adjusted * phase upon success. Here the new phase will be put ahead to the * original phase. */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter == (GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD - 2)) { if (netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase >= CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US) { netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase -= CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US; } else { netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase += CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US; netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase -= CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US; } } /* Here is the phase-lock auto-adjust scheme. Use the new adjusted * phase upon success. Here the new phase will be put behind the original * phase. */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter == (GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD - 1)) { netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase += (CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US + 20 * US_PER_MS); if (netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase >= CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US) { netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->cp_phase -= CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US; } } netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; netif->mac.tx.t2u_fail_count = 0; /* If has pending packets, join the vTDMA period, first wait for receiver's beacon. */ if (gnrc_priority_pktqueue_length(&netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->queue) > 0) { netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_num = 0; gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_BEACON, GNRC_GOMACH_WAIT_BEACON_TIME_US); gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_BEACON; } else { netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static bool _cp_tx_busy(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If the channel busy counter is below threshold, retry CSMA immediately, * by knowing that the CP will be automatically extended. */ if (netif->mac.tx.tx_busy_count < GNRC_GOMACH_TX_BUSY_THRESHOLD) { netif->mac.tx.tx_busy_count++; /* Store the TX sequence number for this packet. Always use the same * sequence number for sending the same packet, to avoid duplicated * packet reception at the receiver. */ netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; netif->mac.tx.tx_seq = device_state->seq - 1; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_TRANS_IN_CP; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return false; } return true; } static void _cp_tx_default(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter++; LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2k %d times No-ACK.\n", netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter); /* This packet will be retried. Store the TX sequence number for this packet. * Always use the same sequence number for sending the same packet. */ netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; netif->mac.tx.tx_seq = device_state->seq - 1; /* If no_ack_counter reaches the threshold, regarded as phase-lock failed. So * retry to send the packet in t2u, i.e., try to phase-lock with the receiver * again. */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter >= GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2k failed, go to t2u.\n"); /* Here, we don't queue the packet again, but keep it in tx.packet. */ netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->mac_type = GNRC_GOMACH_TYPE_UNKNOWN; netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter = 0; } netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_t2k_wait_cp_txfeedback(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR)) { /* No TX-ISR, go to sleep. */ netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter++; netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; netif->mac.tx.tx_seq = device_state->seq - 1; /* Here, we don't queue the packet again, but keep it in tx.packet. */ netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); return; } if (gnrc_gomach_get_tx_finish(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); switch (gnrc_netif_get_tx_feedback(netif)) { case TX_FEEDBACK_SUCCESS: { _cp_tx_success(netif); break; } case TX_FEEDBACK_BUSY: if (!_cp_tx_busy(netif)) { return; } /* Intentionally falls through */ case TX_FEEDBACK_NOACK: default: { _cp_tx_default(netif); break; } } } } static void gomach_t2k_wait_beacon(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Process the beacon if we receive it. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_pkt_received(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_packet_process_in_wait_beacon(netif); } /* If we need to quit t2k, don't release the current neighbor pointer. In the * next cycle, we will try to send to the same receiver. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_quit_cycle(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_BEACON); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } if (netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_num > 0) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_BEACON); /* If the sender gets allocated slots, go to attend the receiver's vTDMA for * burst sending all the pending packets to the receiver. */ if (netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_num > 0) { /* Switch the radio to the sub-channel of the receiver. */ gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.sub_channel_seq); /* If the allocated slots period is not right behind the beacon, i.e., not the first * one, turn off the radio and wait for its own slots period. */ if (netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_position > 0) { gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP); uint32_t wait_slots_duration = netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_position * GNRC_GOMACH_VTDMA_SLOT_SIZE_US; gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_SLOTS, wait_slots_duration); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_SLOTS; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } else { /* If the allocated slots period is the first one in vTDMA, * start sending packets. */ gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt = gnrc_priority_pktqueue_pop(&(netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->queue)); if (pkt != NULL) { netif->mac.tx.packet = pkt; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_VTDMA_TRANS; } else { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2k vTDMA: null packet.\n"); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } else { /* No slots get allocated, go to t2k end. */ netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } return; } /* If no beacon during waiting period, go to t2k end. * Or, if we have received beacon, but find no allocated slots, * go to t2k as well. */ if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_BEACON) || !gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_running(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_BEACON)) { gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2k: no beacon.\n"); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_t2k_wait_own_slots(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_SLOTS)) { /* The node is now in its scheduled slots period, start burst sending packets. */ gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_IDLE); gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt = gnrc_priority_pktqueue_pop(&(netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->queue)); if (pkt != NULL) { netif->mac.tx.packet = pkt; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_VTDMA_TRANS; } else { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2k vTDMA: null packet.\n"); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_t2k_trans_in_slots(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If this packet is being retransmitted, use the same recorded MAC sequence number. */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter > 0) { netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; device_state->seq = netif->mac.tx.tx_seq; } /* Send data packet in its allocated slots (scheduled slots period). */ int res = gnrc_gomach_send_data(netif, NETOPT_DISABLE); if (res < 0) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2k vTDMA transmission fail: %d, drop packet.\n", res); /* If res is < 0, the data packet will not be released in send(). * so need to release the data here. */ if (netif->mac.tx.packet != NULL) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; } netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor = NULL; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_NO_TX_ISR_US); netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_num--; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_VTDMA_FEEDBACK; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void _t2k_wait_vtdma_tx_success(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* First release the packet. */ gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; /* If the sender has pending packets and scheduled slots, * continue vTDMA transmission. */ if ((netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_num > 0) && (gnrc_priority_pktqueue_length(&netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->queue) > 0)) { gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt = gnrc_priority_pktqueue_pop(&netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->queue); if (pkt != NULL) { netif->mac.tx.packet = pkt; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_VTDMA_TRANS; } else { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2k vTDMA: null packet.\n"); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; } } else { /* If no scheduled slots or pending packets, go to t2k end. */ netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void _t2k_wait_vtdma_tx_default(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* In case of transmission failure in vTDMA, retransmit the packet in the next * scheduled slot, or the next cycle's t2k procedure. */ /* Firstly, mark the current TX packet as not ACKed and record the MAC sequence * number, such that the MAC will use the same MAC sequence to send it. * Also, by marking no_ack_counter as non-zero, the neighbor and packet pointers * will then not be released in t2k-end. Then, the packet can be retried right in * the following cycle. */ netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 1; netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; netif->mac.tx.tx_seq = device_state->seq - 1; /* Do not release the packet here, continue sending the same packet. ***/ if (netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_num > 0) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] no ACK in vTDMA, retry in next slot.\n"); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_VTDMA_TRANS; } else { /* If no slots for sending, retry in next cycle's t2r, without releasing * tx.packet pointer. */ LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] no ACK in vTDMA, retry in next cycle.\n"); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_t2k_wait_vtdma_transfeedback(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR)) { /* No TX-ISR, go to sleep. */ netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter++; netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; netif->mac.tx.tx_seq = device_state->seq - 1; /* Here, we don't queue the packet again, but keep it in tx.packet. */ netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); return; } if (gnrc_gomach_get_tx_finish(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); switch (gnrc_netif_get_tx_feedback(netif)) { case TX_FEEDBACK_SUCCESS: { _t2k_wait_vtdma_tx_success(netif); break; } case TX_FEEDBACK_BUSY: case TX_FEEDBACK_NOACK: default: { _t2k_wait_vtdma_tx_default(netif); break; } } } } static void gomach_t2k_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP); /* In GoMacH, normally, in case of transmission failure, no packet will be released * in t2k. Failed packet will only be released in t2u. In case of continuous t2k * failures, the MAC will goto t2u to retry the packet without releasing it here. */ if ((netif->mac.tx.packet != NULL) && (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter == 0)) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2k: releasing unexpected packet!\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; } /* In case no_ack_counter is not 0 here, it means we will retry to send the packet * in t2k or t2u, then, don't release the neighbor pointer. */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter == 0) { netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor = NULL; } /* Clear all timeouts. */ gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_CP); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_BEACON); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_SLOTS); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); /* Reset t2k_state to the initial state. */ netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_INIT; netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN; netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP; gnrc_gomach_set_enter_new_cycle(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_t2k_update(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* State machine of GoMacH's t2k (transmit to phase-known device) procedure. */ switch (netif->mac.tx.t2k_state) { case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_INIT: { gomach_t2k_init(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_CP: { gomach_t2k_wait_cp(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_TRANS_IN_CP: { gomach_t2k_trans_in_cp(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_CPTX_FEEDBACK: { gomach_t2k_wait_cp_txfeedback(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_BEACON: { gomach_t2k_wait_beacon(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_SLOTS: { gomach_t2k_wait_own_slots(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_VTDMA_TRANS: { gomach_t2k_trans_in_slots(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_VTDMA_FEEDBACK: { gomach_t2k_wait_vtdma_transfeedback(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_END: { gomach_t2k_end(netif); break; } default: break; } } static void gomach_t2u_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* since t2u is right following CP period (wake-up period), the radio is still on, * so we don't need to turn on it again. */ LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2u initialization.\n"); gnrc_netif_set_rx_started(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); netif->mac.tx.preamble_sent = 0; gnrc_gomach_set_got_preamble_ack(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_buffer_full(netif, false); /* Start sending the preamble firstly on public channel 1. */ gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_1); /* Disable auto-ACK here! Don't try to reply ACK to any node. */ gnrc_gomach_set_autoack(netif, NETOPT_DISABLE); gnrc_gomach_set_on_pubchan_1(netif, true); gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_PREAMBLE_PREPARE; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_t2u_send_preamble_prepare(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); if (netif->mac.tx.preamble_sent != 0) { /* Toggle the radio channel after each preamble transmission. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_on_pubchan_1(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_2); gnrc_gomach_set_on_pubchan_1(netif, false); } else { gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_1); gnrc_gomach_set_on_pubchan_1(netif, true); } gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL_US); } else { /* Here, for the first preamble, we set the pream_max_interval timeout to * 5*MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL due to the fact that the first preamble is * using csma for sending, and csma costs some time before actually sending * the packet. */ gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL, (5 * CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL_US)); } gnrc_gomach_set_max_pream_interv(netif, false); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_SEND_PREAMBLE; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_t2u_send_preamble(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Now, start sending preamble. */ int res; /* The first preamble is sent with csma for collision avoidance. */ if (netif->mac.tx.preamble_sent == 0) { res = gnrc_gomach_send_preamble(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAM_DURATION, GNRC_GOMACH_PREAMBLE_DURATION_US); } else { res = gnrc_gomach_send_preamble(netif, NETOPT_DISABLE); } if (res < 0) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2u send preamble failed: %d\n", res); } /* In case that packet-buffer is full, quit t2u and release packet. */ if (res == -ENOBUFS) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2u: no pkt-buffer for sending preamble.\n"); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAM_DURATION); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } gnrc_netif_set_rx_started(netif, false); netif->mac.tx.preamble_sent++; netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_WAIT_PREAMBLE_TX; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void gomach_t2u_wait_preamble_tx(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_get_tx_finish(netif)) { /* Set preamble interval timeout. This is a very short timeout (1ms), * just to catch the rx-start event of receiving possible preamble-ACK. */ gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE, GNRC_GOMACH_PREAMBLE_INTERVAL_US); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_WAIT_PREAMBLE_ACK; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); return; } /* This is mainly to handle no-TX-complete error. Once the max preamble interval * timeout expired here (i.e., no-TX-complete error), we will quit waiting here * and go to send the next preamble, thus the MAC will not get stuck here. */ if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL)) { gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_PREAMBLE_PREPARE; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } } static bool _handle_in_t2u_send_preamble(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If packet buffer is full, release one packet to release memory, * and reload the next packet. * In t2u, we need at least some minimum memory to build the preamble packet. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_buffer_full(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_buffer_full(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); /* To-do: should we release all the buffered packets in the queue to * release memory in such a critical situation? */ LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2u: pkt-buffer full, release one pkt.\n"); if (netif->mac.tx.packet != NULL) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; } /* Reload the next packet in the neighbor's queue. */ gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt = gnrc_priority_pktqueue_pop(&netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->queue); if (pkt != NULL) { netif->mac.tx.packet = pkt; } else { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2u: null packet, quit t2u.\n"); netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor = NULL; netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; return false; } } if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL)) { gnrc_gomach_set_max_pream_interv(netif, true); return true; } /* if we are receiving packet, wait until RX is completed. */ if ((!gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_running(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END)) && gnrc_netif_get_rx_started(netif) && (!gnrc_gomach_get_max_pream_interv(netif))) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); /* Set a timeout to wait for the complete of reception. */ gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_WAIT_RX_END_US); return false; } if (gnrc_gomach_get_pkt_received(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_process_pkt_in_wait_preamble_ack(netif); } /* Quit t2u if we have to, e.g., the device found ongoing bcast of other devices. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_quit_cycle(netif)) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] quit t2u.\n"); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAM_DURATION); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return false; } if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END)) { gnrc_gomach_set_max_pream_interv(netif, true); } return true; } static void gomach_t2u_wait_preamble_ack(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (!_handle_in_t2u_send_preamble(netif)) { return; } if (gnrc_gomach_get_got_preamble_ack(netif)) { /* Require ACK for the packet waiting to be sent! */ gnrc_gomach_set_ack_req(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAM_DURATION); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_SEND_DATA; netif->mac.tx.t2u_fail_count = 0; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAM_DURATION)) { netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter++; /* If we reach the maximum t2u retry limit, release the data packet. */ if (netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter >= GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_RETYR_THRESHOLD) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2u failed: no preamble-ACK.\n"); netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter = 0; netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); netif->mac.tx.t2u_fail_count++; } else { /* If we haven't reach the maximum t2u limit, try again. Set quit_current_cycle * flag to true such that we will release the current neighbor pointer. */ gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, true); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } /* If we didn't catch the RX-start event, go to send the next preamble. */ if ((gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE)) || gnrc_gomach_get_max_pream_interv(netif)) { netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_PREAMBLE_PREPARE; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); } } static void gomach_t2u_send_data(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If we are retrying to send the data, reload its original MAC sequence. */ if (netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter > 0) { netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; device_state->seq = netif->mac.tx.tx_seq; } /* Here, we send the data to the receiver. */ int res = gnrc_gomach_send_data(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); if (res < 0) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] t2u data sending error: %d.\n", res); /* If res is < 0, the data packet will not be released in send(). * so need to release the data here. */ if (netif->mac.tx.packet != NULL) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; } netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_NO_TX_ISR_US); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_WAIT_DATA_TX; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void _t2u_data_tx_success(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If transmission succeeded, release the data. */ gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter = 0; /* Attend the vTDMA procedure if the sender has pending packets for the receiver. */ if (gnrc_priority_pktqueue_length(&netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->queue) > 0) { netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_INIT; gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAM_DURATION); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); /* Switch to t2k procedure and wait for the beacon of the receiver. */ netif->mac.tx.vtdma_para.slots_num = 0; gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_BEACON, GNRC_GOMACH_WAIT_BEACON_TIME_US); gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_WAIT_BEACON; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_KNOWN; } else { netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; } } static void _t2u_data_tx_fail(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter++; /* If we meet t2u retry limit, release the packet. */ if (netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter >= GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_RETYR_THRESHOLD) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2u send data failed on channel %d," " drop packet.\n", netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->pub_chanseq); gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor = NULL; netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter = 0; netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; } else { /* Record the MAC sequence of the data, retry t2u in next cycle. */ netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD; netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; netif->mac.tx.tx_seq = device_state->seq - 1; LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] t2u send data failed on channel %d.\n", netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->pub_chanseq); /* Set quit_current_cycle to true, thus not to release current_neighbour pointer * in t2u-end */ gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, true); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; } } static void gomach_t2u_wait_tx_feedback(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR)) { /* No TX-ISR, go to sleep. */ netif->mac.tx.t2u_retry_counter++; netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = GNRC_GOMACH_REPHASELOCK_THRESHOLD; netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; netif->mac.tx.tx_seq = device_state->seq - 1; gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, true); netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END; gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } if (gnrc_gomach_get_tx_finish(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); if (gnrc_netif_get_tx_feedback(netif) == TX_FEEDBACK_SUCCESS) { _t2u_data_tx_success(netif); } else { _t2u_data_tx_fail(netif); } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_t2u_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAMBLE); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_PREAM_DURATION); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_MAX_PREAM_INTERVAL); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); /* In case quit_current_cycle is true, don't release neighbor pointer, * will retry t2u immediately in next cycle.*/ if (!gnrc_gomach_get_quit_cycle(netif)) { if (netif->mac.tx.packet != NULL) { gnrc_pktbuf_release(netif->mac.tx.packet); netif->mac.tx.packet = NULL; netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; LOG_WARNING("WARNING: [GOMACH] t2u: drop packet.\n"); } netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor = NULL; } /* Reset t2u state. */ netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_INIT; /* Resume to listen state and go to sleep. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN; netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP; gnrc_gomach_set_enter_new_cycle(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_t2u_update(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* State machine of GoMacH's t2u (transmit to phase-unknown device) procedure. */ switch (netif->mac.tx.t2u_state) { case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_INIT: { gomach_t2u_init(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_PREAMBLE_PREPARE: { gomach_t2u_send_preamble_prepare(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_SEND_PREAMBLE: { gomach_t2u_send_preamble(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_WAIT_PREAMBLE_TX: { gomach_t2u_wait_preamble_tx(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_WAIT_PREAMBLE_ACK: { gomach_t2u_wait_preamble_ack(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_SEND_DATA: { gomach_t2u_send_data(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_WAIT_DATA_TX: { gomach_t2u_wait_tx_feedback(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_END: { gomach_t2u_end(netif); break; } default: break; } } static void _gomach_phase_backoff(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Execute phase backoff for avoiding CP (wake-up period) overlap. */ rtt_clear_alarm(); xtimer_usleep(netif->mac.prot.gomach.backoff_phase_us); rtt_set_counter(0); netif->mac.prot.gomach.last_wakeup = rtt_get_counter(); uint32_t alarm = netif->mac.prot.gomach.last_wakeup + RTT_US_TO_TICKS(CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_SUPERFRAME_DURATION_US); rtt_set_alarm(alarm, _gomach_rtt_cb, NULL); gnrc_gomach_update_neighbor_phase(netif); LOG_INFO("INFO: [GOMACH] phase backoffed: %lu us.\n", (unsigned long)netif->mac.prot.gomach.backoff_phase_us); } static void gomach_listen_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Reset last_seq_info, for avoiding receiving duplicate packets. * To-do: remove this in the future? */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < GNRC_GOMACH_DUPCHK_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { if (netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].node_addr.len != 0) { netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].life_cycle++; if (netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].life_cycle >= GNRC_GOMACH_RX_DUPCHK_UNIT_LIFE) { netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].node_addr.len = 0; netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].node_addr.addr[0] = 0; netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].node_addr.addr[1] = 0; netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].seq = 0; netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].life_cycle = 0; } } } if (netif->mac.tx.t2u_fail_count >= GNRC_GOMACH_MAX_T2U_RETYR_THRESHOLD) { netif->mac.tx.t2u_fail_count = 0; LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH]: Re-initialize radio."); gomach_reinit_radio(netif); } gnrc_gomach_set_enter_new_cycle(netif, false); /* Set listen period timeout. */ uint32_t listen_period = random_uint32_range(0, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_RANDOM_END_US) + CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US; gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END, listen_period); gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_MAX, GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_MAX_US); gnrc_netif_set_rx_started(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); netif->mac.prot.gomach.cp_extend_count = 0; gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_unintd_preamble(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_beacon_fail(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_cp_end(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_got_preamble(netif, false); /* Flush RX queue and turn on radio. */ gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_IDLE); /* Turn to current public channel. */ gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.cur_pub_channel); /* Enable Auto-ACK for data packet reception. */ gnrc_gomach_set_autoack(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_LISTEN; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void _cp_listen_get_pkt(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { gnrc_gomach_cp_packet_process(netif); /* If the device has replied a preamble-ACK, it must waits for the data. * Here, we extend the CP. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_got_preamble(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_got_preamble(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_cp_end(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END); gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US); } else if ((!gnrc_gomach_get_unintd_preamble(netif)) && (!gnrc_gomach_get_quit_cycle(netif))) { gnrc_gomach_set_got_preamble(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_cp_end(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END); gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_CP_DURATION_US); } } static void _cp_listen_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If we found ongoing reception, wait for reception complete. */ if ((gnrc_gomach_get_netdev_state(netif) == NETOPT_STATE_RX) && (netif->mac.prot.gomach.cp_extend_count < GNRC_GOMACH_CP_EXTEND_THRESHOLD)) { netif->mac.prot.gomach.cp_extend_count++; gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_WAIT_RX_END_US); } else { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_MAX); netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_listen_cp_listen(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if (gnrc_gomach_get_pkt_received(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); _cp_listen_get_pkt(netif); } /* If we have reached the maximum CP duration, quit CP. */ if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_MAX)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_MAX); netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); return; } if ((gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END))) { gnrc_gomach_set_cp_end(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_CP_END); } /* If CP duration timeouted or we must quit CP, go to CP end. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_cp_end(netif) || gnrc_gomach_get_quit_cycle(netif)) { _cp_listen_end(netif); } } static void gomach_listen_cp_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); gnrc_mac_dispatch(&netif->mac.rx); /* If we need to quit communications in this cycle, go to sleep. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_quit_cycle(netif)) { netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; } else { netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SEND_BEACON; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_listen_send_beacon(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* First check if there are slots needed to be allocated. */ uint8_t slot_num = 0; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < GNRC_GOMACH_SLOSCH_UNIT_COUNT; i++) { if (netif->mac.rx.slosch_list[i].queue_indicator > 0) { slot_num += netif->mac.rx.slosch_list[i].queue_indicator; break; } } if (slot_num > 0) { /* Disable auto-ACK. Thus not to receive packet (attempt to reply ACK) anymore. */ gnrc_gomach_set_autoack(netif, NETOPT_DISABLE); /* Assemble and send the beacon. */ int res = gnrc_gomach_send_beacon(netif); if (res < 0) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] send beacon error: %d.\n", res); gnrc_gomach_set_beacon_fail(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } else { gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } } else { /* No need to send beacon, go to next state. */ gnrc_gomach_set_beacon_fail(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_WAIT_BEACON_TX; } static void _no_vtdma_after_cp(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If the device hasn't allocated transmission slots, check whether it has packets * to transmit to neighbor. */ if (gnrc_gomach_find_next_tx_neighbor(netif)) { /* Now, we have packet to send. */ if (netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor == &netif->mac.tx.neighbors[0]) { /* The packet is for broadcasting. */ /* If we didn't find ongoing preamble stream, go to send broadcast packet. */ if (!gnrc_gomach_get_unintd_preamble(netif)) { netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANSMIT; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BROADCAST; } else { /* If we find ongoing preamble stream, go to sleep. */ netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; } } else { /* The packet waiting to be sent is for unicast. */ switch (netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->mac_type) { case GNRC_GOMACH_TYPE_UNKNOWN: { /* The neighbor's phase is unknown yet, try to run t2u (transmission * to unknown device) procedure to phase-lock the neighbor. */ /* If we didn't find ongoing preamble stream, go to t2u procedure. */ if (!gnrc_gomach_get_unintd_preamble(netif)) { netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANSMIT; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_UNKNOWN; } else { netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; } break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_TYPE_KNOWN: { /* If the neighbor's phase is known, go to t2k (transmission * to known device) procedure. Here, we don't worry that the t2k * unicast transmission will interrupt with possible ongoing * preamble transmissions of other devices. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANSMIT; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_KNOWN; break; } default: { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] vTDMA: unknown MAC type of " "the neighbor.\n"); break; } } } } else { /* No packet to send, go to sleep. */ netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_listen_wait_beacon_tx(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { if ((gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR))) { /* No TX-ISR, go to sleep. */ LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH]: no TX-finish ISR."); netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); return; } if (gnrc_gomach_get_tx_finish(netif) || gnrc_gomach_get_beacon_fail(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_NO_TX_ISR); if ((netif->mac.rx.vtdma_manag.total_slots_num > 0) && (!gnrc_gomach_get_beacon_fail(netif))) { /* If the device has allocated transmission slots to other nodes, * switch to vTDMA period to receive packets. */ netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_VTDMA_INIT; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } else { _no_vtdma_after_cp(netif); } } } static void gomach_vtdma_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Switch the radio to the device's sub-channel. */ gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.sub_channel_seq); /* Enable Auto ACK again for data reception */ gnrc_gomach_set_autoack(netif, NETOPT_ENABLE); /* Set the vTDMA period timeout. */ uint32_t vtdma_duration = netif->mac.rx.vtdma_manag.total_slots_num * GNRC_GOMACH_VTDMA_SLOT_SIZE_US; gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_VTDMA, vtdma_duration); gnrc_gomach_set_vTDMA_end(netif, false); netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_VTDMA; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); } static void gomach_vtdma(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Process received packet here. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_pkt_received(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_packet_process_in_vtdma(netif); } if (gnrc_gomach_timeout_is_expired(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_VTDMA)) { gnrc_gomach_set_vTDMA_end(netif, true); } /* Go to vTDMA end after vTDMA timeout expires. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_vTDMA_end(netif)) { /* Wait for reception complete if found ongoing transmission. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_netdev_state(netif) == NETOPT_STATE_RX) { gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); gnrc_gomach_set_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END, CONFIG_GNRC_GOMACH_WAIT_RX_END_US); return; } gnrc_gomach_clear_timeout(netif, GNRC_GOMACH_TIMEOUT_WAIT_RX_END); netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_VTDMA_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_vtdma_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { gnrc_priority_pktqueue_flush(&netif->mac.rx.queue); gnrc_mac_dispatch(&netif->mac.rx); /* Switch the radio to the public-channel. */ gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.cur_pub_channel); /* Check if there is packet to send. */ if (gnrc_gomach_find_next_tx_neighbor(netif)) { if (netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor == &netif->mac.tx.neighbors[0]) { /* The packet is for broadcasting. */ if (!gnrc_gomach_get_unintd_preamble(netif)) { netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANSMIT; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BROADCAST; } else { netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; } } else { switch (netif->mac.tx.current_neighbor->mac_type) { /* The packet waiting to be sent is for unicast. */ case GNRC_GOMACH_TYPE_UNKNOWN: { /* The neighbor's phase is unknown yet, try to run t2u (transmission * to unknown device) procedure to phase-lock the neighbor. */ if (!gnrc_gomach_get_unintd_preamble(netif)) { netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANSMIT; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_UNKNOWN; } else { netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; } } break; case GNRC_GOMACH_TYPE_KNOWN: { /* If the neighbor's phase is known, go to t2k (transmission * to known device) procedure. Here, we don't worry that the t2k * unicast transmission will interrupt with possible ongoing * preamble transmissions of other devices. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANSMIT; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_KNOWN; } break; default: { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] vTDMA: unknown MAC type of the neighbor.\n"); break; } } } } else { /* No packet to send, go to sleep. */ netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT; } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_sleep_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Turn off the radio during sleep period to conserve power. */ gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP); netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_sleep(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* If we are entering a new cycle, quit sleeping. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_enter_new_cycle(netif)) { netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_END; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } } static void gomach_sleep_end(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { /* Run phase-backoff if needed, select a new wake-up phase. */ if (gnrc_gomach_get_phase_backoff(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_phase_backoff(netif, false); _gomach_phase_backoff(netif); } /* Go to CP (start of the new cycle), start listening on the public-channel. */ netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_INIT; gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); } static void gomach_update(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { switch (netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state) { case GNRC_GOMACH_INIT: { /* State machine of GoMacH's initialization procedure. */ switch (netif->mac.prot.gomach.init_state) { case GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_PREPARE: { gomach_init_prepare(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_ANNC_SUBCHAN: { gomach_init_announce_subchannel(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_WAIT_FEEDBACK: { gomach_init_wait_announce_feedback(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_END: { gomach_init_end(netif); break; } default: break; } break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN: { /* State machine of GoMacH's duty-cycled listen procedure. */ switch (netif->mac.rx.listen_state) { case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_INIT: { gomach_listen_init(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_LISTEN: { gomach_listen_cp_listen(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_END: { gomach_listen_cp_end(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SEND_BEACON: { gomach_listen_send_beacon(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_WAIT_BEACON_TX: { gomach_listen_wait_beacon_tx(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_VTDMA_INIT: { gomach_vtdma_init(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_VTDMA: { gomach_vtdma(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_VTDMA_END: { gomach_vtdma_end(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_INIT: { gomach_sleep_init(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP: { gomach_sleep(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_SLEEP_END: { gomach_sleep_end(netif); break; } default: break; } break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_TRANSMIT: { /* State machine of GoMacH's basic transmission scheme. */ switch (netif->mac.tx.transmit_state) { case GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_UNKNOWN: { gomach_t2u_update(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_KNOWN: { gomach_t2k_update(netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_BROADCAST: { gomach_bcast_update(netif); break; } default: break; } break; } default: break; } } static int _send(gnrc_netif_t *netif, gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt) { if (!gnrc_mac_queue_tx_packet(&netif->mac.tx, 0, pkt)) { /* TX packet queue full, release the packet. */ DEBUG("[GOMACH] TX queue full, drop packet.\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); } gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); while (gnrc_gomach_get_update(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); gomach_update(netif); } return 0; } static void _gomach_msg_handler(gnrc_netif_t *netif, msg_t *msg) { switch (msg->type) { case GNRC_GOMACH_EVENT_RTT_TYPE: { _gomach_rtt_handler(msg->content.value, netif); break; } case GNRC_GOMACH_EVENT_TIMEOUT_TYPE: { /* GoMacH timeout expires. */ gnrc_gomach_timeout_make_expire((gnrc_gomach_timeout_t *) msg->content.ptr); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); break; } #if (GNRC_MAC_ENABLE_DUTYCYCLE_RECORD == 1) case GNRC_MAC_TYPE_GET_DUTYCYCLE: { /* Output GoMacH's current radio duty-cycle. */ uint64_t duty; duty = xtimer_now_usec64(); duty = (netif->mac.prot.gomach.awake_duration_sum_ticks) * 100 / (duty - netif->mac.prot.gomach.system_start_time_ticks); printf("[GoMacH]: achieved radio duty-cycle: %lu %% \n", (unsigned long)duty); break; } #endif default: { DEBUG("[GoMacH]: Unknown command %" PRIu16 "\n", msg->type); break; } } while (gnrc_gomach_get_update(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); gomach_update(netif); } } /** * @brief Function called by the device driver on device events * * @param[in] event type of event */ static void _gomach_event_cb(netdev_t *dev, netdev_event_t event) { gnrc_netif_t *netif = (gnrc_netif_t *) dev->context; if (event == NETDEV_EVENT_ISR) { msg_t msg; msg.type = NETDEV_MSG_TYPE_EVENT; msg.content.ptr = (void *) netif; if (msg_send(&msg, netif->pid) <= 0) { DEBUG("[GOMACH] gnrc_netdev: possibly lost interrupt.\n"); } } else { DEBUG("gnrc_netdev: event triggered -> %i\n", event); switch (event) { case NETDEV_EVENT_RX_STARTED: { gnrc_netif_set_rx_started(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); break; } case NETDEV_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE: { gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); gnrc_pktsnip_t *pkt = netif->ops->recv(netif); if (pkt == NULL) { gnrc_gomach_set_buffer_full(netif, true); LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] gnrc_netdev: packet is NULL, memory full?\n"); gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); gnrc_netif_set_rx_started(netif, false); break; } if (!gnrc_netif_get_rx_started(netif)) { LOG_DEBUG("[GOMACH] gnrc_netdev: maybe sending kicked in " "and frame buffer is now corrupted?\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); gnrc_netif_set_rx_started(netif, false); break; } gnrc_netif_set_rx_started(netif, false); if (!gnrc_mac_queue_rx_packet(&netif->mac.rx, 0, pkt)) { LOG_ERROR("ERROR: [GOMACH] gnrc_netdev: can't push RX packet, queue full?\n"); gnrc_pktbuf_release(pkt); gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); break; } else { gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, true); } break; } case NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE: { gnrc_netif_set_tx_feedback(netif, TX_FEEDBACK_SUCCESS); gnrc_gomach_set_tx_finish(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_IDLE); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); break; } case NETDEV_EVENT_TX_NOACK: { gnrc_netif_set_tx_feedback(netif, TX_FEEDBACK_NOACK); gnrc_gomach_set_tx_finish(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_IDLE); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); break; } case NETDEV_EVENT_TX_MEDIUM_BUSY: { gnrc_netif_set_tx_feedback(netif, TX_FEEDBACK_BUSY); gnrc_gomach_set_tx_finish(netif, true); gnrc_gomach_set_netdev_state(netif, NETOPT_STATE_IDLE); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); break; } default: { DEBUG("WARNING [GoMacH]: unhandled event %u.\n", event); } } } while (gnrc_gomach_get_update(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); gomach_update(netif); } } static void _gomach_init(gnrc_netif_t *netif) { netdev_t *dev; gnrc_netif_default_init(netif); dev = netif->dev; dev->event_callback = _gomach_event_cb; /* Initialize RTT. */ rtt_init(); /* Store pid globally, so that IRQ can use it to send message. */ gomach_pid = netif->pid; /* Set MAC address length. */ uint16_t src_len = IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN; dev->driver->set(dev, NETOPT_SRC_LEN, &src_len, sizeof(src_len)); /* Get the MAC address of the device. */ netif->l2addr_len = dev->driver->get(dev, NETOPT_ADDRESS_LONG, netif->l2addr, sizeof(netif->l2addr)); /* Initialize GoMacH's state machines. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.basic_state = GNRC_GOMACH_INIT; netif->mac.prot.gomach.init_state = GNRC_GOMACH_INIT_PREPARE; netif->mac.rx.listen_state = GNRC_GOMACH_LISTEN_CP_INIT; netif->mac.tx.transmit_state = GNRC_GOMACH_TRANS_TO_UNKNOWN; netif->mac.tx.bcast_state = GNRC_GOMACH_BCAST_INIT; netif->mac.tx.t2k_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2K_INIT; netif->mac.tx.t2u_state = GNRC_GOMACH_T2U_INIT; /* Initialize GoMacH's channels. */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.sub_channel_seq = 13; netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_1 = 26; netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_2 = 11; netif->mac.prot.gomach.cur_pub_channel = netif->mac.prot.gomach.pub_channel_1; gnrc_gomach_turn_channel(netif, netif->mac.prot.gomach.cur_pub_channel); /* Enable RX-start and TX-started and TX-END interrupts. */ netopt_enable_t enable = NETOPT_ENABLE; dev->driver->set(dev, NETOPT_RX_START_IRQ, &enable, sizeof(enable)); dev->driver->set(dev, NETOPT_TX_END_IRQ, &enable, sizeof(enable)); /* Initialize broadcast sequence number. This at least differs from board * to board. */ netif->mac.tx.broadcast_seq = netif->l2addr[netif->l2addr_len - 1]; /* Reset all timeouts just to be sure. */ gnrc_gomach_reset_timeouts(netif); /* Initialize GoMacH's other key parameters. */ netif->mac.tx.no_ack_counter = 0; gnrc_gomach_set_enter_new_cycle(netif, false); netif->mac.rx.vtdma_manag.sub_channel_seq = 26; netif->mac.prot.gomach.subchannel_occu_flags = 0; gnrc_gomach_set_pkt_received(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_duty_cycle_start(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_quit_cycle(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_beacon_fail(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_buffer_full(netif, false); gnrc_gomach_set_phase_backoff(netif, false); netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.queue_head = 0; netif->mac.tx.last_tx_neighbor_id = 0; netdev_ieee802154_t *device_state = (netdev_ieee802154_t *)netif->dev; device_state->seq = netif->l2addr[netif->l2addr_len - 1]; /* Initialize GoMacH's duplicate-check scheme. */ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < GNRC_GOMACH_DUPCHK_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) { netif->mac.rx.check_dup_pkt.last_nodes[i].node_addr.len = 0; } /* Set the random seed. */ uint32_t seed = 0; seed = netif->l2addr[netif->l2addr_len - 2]; seed = seed << 8; seed |= netif->l2addr[netif->l2addr_len - 1]; random_init(seed); netif->mac.tx.t2u_fail_count = 0; #if (GNRC_MAC_ENABLE_DUTYCYCLE_RECORD == 1) /* Start duty cycle recording */ netif->mac.prot.gomach.system_start_time_ticks = xtimer_now_usec64(); netif->mac.prot.gomach.last_radio_on_time_ticks = netif->mac.prot.gomach.system_start_time_ticks; netif->mac.prot.gomach.awake_duration_sum_ticks = 0; netif->mac.prot.gomach.gomach_info |= GNRC_GOMACH_INTERNAL_INFO_RADIO_IS_ON; #endif gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, true); while (gnrc_gomach_get_update(netif)) { gnrc_gomach_set_update(netif, false); gomach_update(netif); } }