/* * Copyright (C) 2017 Fundacion Inria Chile * * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Lesser * General Public License v2.1. See the file LICENSE in the top level * directory for more details. */ /** * @{ * @ingroup net * @file * @brief Implementation of OpenThread radio platform abstraction * * @author Jose Ignacio Alamos * @} */ #include #include #include #include "byteorder.h" #include "errno.h" #include "net/ethernet/hdr.h" #include "net/ethertype.h" #include "net/ieee802154.h" #include "net/l2util.h" #include "net/netdev/ieee802154.h" #include "openthread/config.h" #include "openthread/openthread.h" #include "openthread/platform/diag.h" #include "openthread/platform/radio.h" #include "ot.h" #define ENABLE_DEBUG (0) #include "debug.h" #define RADIO_IEEE802154_FCS_LEN (2U) static otRadioFrame sTransmitFrame; static otRadioFrame sReceiveFrame; static int8_t Rssi; static netdev_t *_dev; /* set 15.4 channel */ static int _set_channel(uint16_t channel) { return _dev->driver->set(_dev, NETOPT_CHANNEL, &channel, sizeof(uint16_t)); } /* set transmission power */ static int _set_power(int16_t power) { return _dev->driver->set(_dev, NETOPT_TX_POWER, &power, sizeof(int16_t)); } static int _get_power(void) { int16_t power; _dev->driver->get(_dev, NETOPT_TX_POWER, &power, sizeof(int16_t)); return power; } /* set IEEE802.15.4 PAN ID */ static int _set_panid(uint16_t panid) { return _dev->driver->set(_dev, NETOPT_NID, &panid, sizeof(uint16_t)); } /* set extended HW address */ static int _set_long_addr(uint8_t *ext_addr) { return _dev->driver->set(_dev, NETOPT_ADDRESS_LONG, ext_addr, IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN); } /* set short address */ static int _set_addr(uint16_t addr) { return _dev->driver->set(_dev, NETOPT_ADDRESS, &addr, sizeof(uint16_t)); } /* check the state of promiscuous mode */ static netopt_enable_t _is_promiscuous(void) { netopt_enable_t en; _dev->driver->get(_dev, NETOPT_PROMISCUOUSMODE, &en, sizeof(en)); return en == NETOPT_ENABLE ? true : false;; } /* set the state of promiscuous mode */ static int _set_promiscuous(netopt_enable_t enable) { return _dev->driver->set(_dev, NETOPT_PROMISCUOUSMODE, &enable, sizeof(enable)); } /* wrapper for setting device state */ static void _set_state(netopt_state_t state) { _dev->driver->set(_dev, NETOPT_STATE, &state, sizeof(netopt_state_t)); } /* wrapper for getting device state */ static netopt_state_t _get_state(void) { netopt_state_t state; _dev->driver->get(_dev, NETOPT_STATE, &state, sizeof(netopt_state_t)); return state; } static void _set_off(void) { _set_state(NETOPT_STATE_OFF); } /* sets device state to SLEEP */ static void _set_sleep(void) { _set_state(NETOPT_STATE_SLEEP); } /* set device state to IDLE */ static void _set_idle(void) { _set_state(NETOPT_STATE_IDLE); } /* init framebuffers and initial state */ void openthread_radio_init(netdev_t *dev, uint8_t *tb, uint8_t *rb) { sTransmitFrame.mPsdu = tb; sTransmitFrame.mLength = 0; sReceiveFrame.mPsdu = rb; sReceiveFrame.mLength = 0; _dev = dev; } /* Called upon NETDEV_EVENT_RX_COMPLETE event */ void recv_pkt(otInstance *aInstance, netdev_t *dev) { DEBUG("Openthread: Received pkt\n"); netdev_ieee802154_rx_info_t rx_info; /* Read frame length from driver */ int len = dev->driver->recv(dev, NULL, 0, NULL); /* very unlikely */ if ((len < 0) || ((uint32_t)len > UINT16_MAX)) { DEBUG("Invalid len: %d\n", len); otPlatRadioReceiveDone(aInstance, NULL, OT_ERROR_ABORT); return; } /* Fill OpenThread receive frame */ /* Openthread needs a packet length with FCS included, * OpenThread do not use the data so we don't need to calculate FCS */ sReceiveFrame.mLength = len + RADIO_IEEE802154_FCS_LEN; /* Read received frame */ int res = dev->driver->recv(dev, (char *) sReceiveFrame.mPsdu, len, &rx_info); /* Get RSSI from a radio driver. RSSI should be in [dBm] */ Rssi = (int8_t)rx_info.rssi; if (ENABLE_DEBUG) { DEBUG("Received message: len %d\n", (int) sReceiveFrame.mLength); for (int i = 0; i < sReceiveFrame.mLength; ++i) { DEBUG("%x ", sReceiveFrame.mPsdu[i]); } DEBUG("\n"); } /* Tell OpenThread that receive has finished */ otPlatRadioReceiveDone(aInstance, res > 0 ? &sReceiveFrame : NULL, res > 0 ? OT_ERROR_NONE : OT_ERROR_ABORT); } /* Called upon TX event */ void send_pkt(otInstance *aInstance, netdev_t *dev, netdev_event_t event) { (void)dev; /* Tell OpenThread transmission is done depending on the NETDEV event */ switch (event) { case NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE: DEBUG("openthread: NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE\n"); otPlatRadioTxDone(aInstance, &sTransmitFrame, NULL, OT_ERROR_NONE); break; case NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE_DATA_PENDING: DEBUG("openthread: NETDEV_EVENT_TX_COMPLETE_DATA_PENDING\n"); otPlatRadioTxDone(aInstance, &sTransmitFrame, NULL, OT_ERROR_NONE); break; case NETDEV_EVENT_TX_NOACK: DEBUG("openthread: NETDEV_EVENT_TX_NOACK\n"); otPlatRadioTxDone(aInstance, &sTransmitFrame, NULL, OT_ERROR_NO_ACK); break; case NETDEV_EVENT_TX_MEDIUM_BUSY: DEBUG("openthread: NETDEV_EVENT_TX_MEDIUM_BUSY\n"); otPlatRadioTxDone(aInstance, &sTransmitFrame, NULL, OT_ERROR_CHANNEL_ACCESS_FAILURE); break; default: break; } } /* OpenThread will call this for setting PAN ID */ void otPlatRadioSetPanId(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t panid) { (void)aInstance; DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioSetPanId: setting PAN ID to %04x\n", panid); _set_panid(panid); } /* OpenThread will call this for setting extended address */ void otPlatRadioSetExtendedAddress(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t *aExtendedAddress) { (void)aInstance; DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioSetExtendedAddress\n"); char reversed_addr[IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN]; for (unsigned i = 0; i < IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN; i++) { reversed_addr[i] = (uint8_t) ((uint8_t *)aExtendedAddress)[IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN - 1 - i]; } if (ENABLE_DEBUG) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN; ++i) { DEBUG("%x ", (uint8_t) ((uint8_t *)reversed_addr)[i]); } DEBUG("\n"); } _set_long_addr((uint8_t*) reversed_addr); } /* OpenThread will call this for setting short address */ void otPlatRadioSetShortAddress(otInstance *aInstance, uint16_t aShortAddress) { (void)aInstance; DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioSetShortAddress: setting address to %04x\n", aShortAddress); _set_addr(((aShortAddress & 0xff) << 8) | ((aShortAddress >> 8) & 0xff)); } /* OpenThread will call this for enabling the radio */ otError otPlatRadioEnable(otInstance *aInstance) { DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioEnable\n"); (void)aInstance; if (!otPlatRadioIsEnabled(aInstance)) { _set_sleep(); } return OT_ERROR_NONE; } /* OpenThread will call this for disabling the radio */ otError otPlatRadioDisable(otInstance *aInstance) { DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioDisable\n"); (void)aInstance; if (otPlatRadioIsEnabled(aInstance)) { _set_off(); } return OT_ERROR_NONE; } bool otPlatRadioIsEnabled(otInstance *aInstance) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioIsEnabled\n"); (void)aInstance; netopt_state_t state = _get_state(); if (state == NETOPT_STATE_OFF) { return false; } else { return true; } } /* OpenThread will call this for setting device state to SLEEP */ otError otPlatRadioSleep(otInstance *aInstance) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioSleep\n"); (void)aInstance; _set_sleep(); return OT_ERROR_NONE; } /*OpenThread will call this for waiting the reception of a packet */ otError otPlatRadioReceive(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aChannel) { DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioReceive. Channel: %i\n", aChannel); (void)aInstance; _set_idle(); _set_channel(aChannel); sReceiveFrame.mChannel = aChannel; return OT_ERROR_NONE; } /* OpenThread will call this function to get the transmit buffer */ otRadioFrame *otPlatRadioGetTransmitBuffer(otInstance *aInstance) { (void)aInstance; DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioGetTransmitBuffer\n"); return &sTransmitFrame; } /* OpenThread will call this function to set the transmit power */ void otPlatRadioSetDefaultTxPower(otInstance *aInstance, int8_t aPower) { (void)aInstance; _set_power(aPower); } otError otPlatRadioGetTransmitPower(otInstance *aInstance, int8_t *aPower) { (void)aInstance; if (aPower == NULL) { return OT_ERROR_INVALID_ARGS; } *aPower = _get_power(); return OT_ERROR_NONE; } otError otPlatRadioSetTransmitPower(otInstance *aInstance, int8_t aPower) { (void)aInstance; _set_power(aPower); return OT_ERROR_NONE; } /* OpenThread will call this for transmitting a packet*/ otError otPlatRadioTransmit(otInstance *aInstance, otRadioFrame *aPacket) { (void) aInstance; /* Populate iolist with transmit data * Unlike RIOT, OpenThread includes two bytes FCS (0x00 0x00) so * these bytes are removed */ iolist_t iolist = { .iol_base = aPacket->mPsdu, .iol_len = (aPacket->mLength - RADIO_IEEE802154_FCS_LEN) }; /*Set channel and power based on transmit frame */ if (ENABLE_DEBUG) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioTransmit->channel: %i, length %d\n", (int) aPacket->mChannel, (int)aPacket->mLength); for (size_t i = 0; i < aPacket->mLength; ++i) { DEBUG("%x ", aPacket->mPsdu[i]); } DEBUG("\n"); } _set_channel(aPacket->mChannel); /* send packet though netdev */ _dev->driver->send(_dev, &iolist); otPlatRadioTxStarted(aInstance, aPacket); return OT_ERROR_NONE; } /* OpenThread will call this for getting the radio caps */ otRadioCaps otPlatRadioGetCaps(otInstance *aInstance) { (void)aInstance; DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioGetCaps\n"); /* all drivers should handle ACK, including call of NETDEV_EVENT_TX_NOACK */ return OT_RADIO_CAPS_TRANSMIT_RETRIES | OT_RADIO_CAPS_ACK_TIMEOUT; } /* OpenThread will call this for getting the state of promiscuous mode */ bool otPlatRadioGetPromiscuous(otInstance *aInstance) { (void)aInstance; DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioGetPromiscuous\n"); return _is_promiscuous(); } /* OpenThread will call this for setting the state of promiscuous mode */ void otPlatRadioSetPromiscuous(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnable) { (void)aInstance; DEBUG("openthread: otPlatRadioSetPromiscuous\n"); _set_promiscuous((aEnable) ? NETOPT_ENABLE : NETOPT_DISABLE); } int8_t otPlatRadioGetRssi(otInstance *aInstance) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioGetRssi\n"); (void)aInstance; return Rssi; } void otPlatRadioEnableSrcMatch(otInstance *aInstance, bool aEnable) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioEnableSrcMatch\n"); (void)aInstance; (void)aEnable; } otError otPlatRadioAddSrcMatchShortEntry(otInstance *aInstance, const uint16_t aShortAddress) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioAddSrcMatchShortEntry\n"); (void)aInstance; (void)aShortAddress; return OT_ERROR_NONE; } otError otPlatRadioAddSrcMatchExtEntry(otInstance *aInstance, const uint8_t *aExtAddress) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioAddSrcMatchExtEntry\n"); (void)aInstance; (void)aExtAddress; return OT_ERROR_NONE; } otError otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchShortEntry(otInstance *aInstance, const uint16_t aShortAddress) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchShortEntry\n"); (void)aInstance; (void)aShortAddress; return OT_ERROR_NONE; } otError otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchExtEntry(otInstance *aInstance, const uint8_t *aExtAddress) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchExtEntry\n"); (void)aInstance; (void)aExtAddress; return OT_ERROR_NONE; } void otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchShortEntries(otInstance *aInstance) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchShortEntries\n"); (void)aInstance; } void otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchExtEntries(otInstance *aInstance) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioClearSrcMatchExtEntries\n"); (void)aInstance; } otError otPlatRadioEnergyScan(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t aScanChannel, uint16_t aScanDuration) { DEBUG("otPlatRadioEnergyScan\n"); (void)aInstance; (void)aScanChannel; (void)aScanDuration; return OT_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } void otPlatRadioGetIeeeEui64(otInstance *aInstance, uint8_t *aIeee64Eui64) { uint8_t addr[IEEE802154_LONG_ADDRESS_LEN]; (void)aInstance; _dev->driver->get(_dev, NETOPT_ADDRESS_LONG, addr, sizeof(addr)); l2util_ipv6_iid_from_addr(NETDEV_TYPE_IEEE802154, addr, sizeof(eui64_t), (eui64_t *)aIeee64Eui64); } int8_t otPlatRadioGetReceiveSensitivity(otInstance *aInstance) { (void) aInstance; return -100; }