include ../Makefile.tests_common USEMODULE += grove_ledbar # disable native GPIOs for automatic test ifeq (native,$(BOARD)) USEMODULE += periph_gpio_mock # the same for Kconfig ifeq (1,$(TEST_KCONFIG)) KCONFIG_ADD_CONFIG += $(APPDIR)/app.config.test.native endif endif # set default device parameters in case they are undefined # the following params are for board pba-d-01-kw2x and pins PA01 and PA02 TEST_GROVE_LEDBAR_CLK ?= GPIO_PIN\(0,1\) TEST_GROVE_LEDBAR_DAT ?= GPIO_PIN\(0,2\) TEST_GROVE_LEDBAR_DIR ?= GROVE_LEDBAR_G2R # export parameters CFLAGS += -DGROVE_LEDBAR_CLK=$(TEST_GROVE_LEDBAR_CLK) CFLAGS += -DGROVE_LEDBAR_DAT=$(TEST_GROVE_LEDBAR_DAT) CFLAGS += -DGROVE_LEDBAR_DIR=$(TEST_GROVE_LEDBAR_DIR) include $(RIOTBASE)/Makefile.include