# define the cpu used by the arduino mega2560 board
export CPU = atmega2560

USEMODULE += boards_common_arduino-atmega

# configure the terminal program
PORT_LINUX  ?= /dev/ttyACM0
PORT_DARWIN ?= $(firstword $(sort $(wildcard /dev/tty.usbmodem*)))
BAUD        ?= 9600

# PROGRAMMER defaults to stk500v2 which is the internal flasher via USB
# using avrdude. Can be overridden for debugging (which requires changes
# that require to use an ISP)
PROGRAMMER ?= stk500v2
# set mcu model for avrdude
FFLAGS += -p m2560
# configure programmer speed in baud
FFLAGS_EXTRA += -b 115200


include $(RIOTBOARD)/common/arduino-atmega/Makefile.include